module ScheduleHelper def get_schedule_data schedule = workshop_errors = workshop_warnings = all_events = (@workshops + @events) conflicts = 0 errors = 0 (0...all_events.count).each do |i| w = all_events[i] if w.start_time.present? && w.end_time.present? && w.event_location_id.present? type = w.is_a?(Workshop) ? :workshop : :event hour = w.start_time.strftime('%H').to_i hour += 0.5 if w.start_time.strftime('%M').to_i > 15 end_hour = w.end_time.strftime('%H').to_i end_hour += 0.5 if w.end_time.strftime('%M').to_i > 15 day = w.conference_day schedule[day] ||= schedule[day][:locations] ||= schedule[day][:locations][w.event_location_id] ||= conflict = nil (hour...end_hour).step(0.5).each do |h| h = h.to_i if h == h.to_i if !conflict && schedule[day][:locations][w.event_location_id][h].present? conflict = schedule[day][:locations][w.event_location_id][h] end end if conflict.present? w_conflict = get_workshop(conflict, @workshops, @events) workshop_errors[(w_conflict.is_a?(Workshop) ? 'w' : 'e') +] = "Time conflict with “#{w.title}”".html_safe workshop_errors[(w.is_a?(Workshop) ? 'w' : 'e') +] = "Time conflict with “#{w_conflict.title}”".html_safe errors += 1 if workshop_errors[(w_conflict.is_a?(Workshop) ? 'w' : 'e') +].nil? else schedule[day][:start_time] = hour if schedule[day][:start_time].nil? || hour < schedule[day][:start_time] schedule[day][:end_time] = end_hour if schedule[day][:end_time].nil? || end_hour > schedule[day][:end_time] schedule[day][:locations][w.event_location_id][hour] = { :span => w.duration / 60.0, :type => w.is_a?(Event) ? w.event_type : :workshop } schedule[day][:locations][w.event_location_id][hour][:workshop] = i if type == :workshop schedule[day][:locations][w.event_location_id][hour][:event] = (i - @workshops.count) if type == :event end else workshop_warnings["w#{}"] ||= workshop_warnings["w#{}"] << (w.is_a?(Workshop) ? "This workshop is not scheduled" : "This event is not scheduled") end end schedule.each do |day, day_data| day_data[:locations].each do |location1, location_data1| location_data1.each do |time1, data1| day_data[:locations].each do |location2, location_data2| location_data2.each do |time2, data2| if data1[:workshop].present? if data2[:workshop].present? unless location1 == location2 && time1 == time2 if workshop_errors[data1[:workshop]].nil? w1 = @workshops[data1[:workshop]] w2 = @workshops[data2[:workshop]] if time1 == time2 w1.workshop_facilitators.each do |f| u = User.find(f.user_id) if w2.active_facilitator?(u) errors += 1 if workshop_errors[(w2.is_a?(Workshop) ? 'w' : 'e') +].nil? workshop_errors["w#{}"] = "This workshop shares facilitators with “#{w2.title}”".html_safe end end connection ||= ActiveRecord::Base.connection common_interest_count = connection.select_value("SELECT COUNT(w1.user_id) FROM workshop_interests AS w1 JOIN workshop_interests AS w2 ON w2.user_id=w1.user_id WHERE w1.workshop_id=#{} AND w2.workshop_id=#{}") common_interest_count = common_interest_count ? common_interest_count.to_i : 0 if common_interest_count > 0 conflicts += common_interest_count workshop_warnings["w#{}"] ||= workshop_warnings["w#{}"] << "#{common_interest_count} people are also interested in “#{w2.title}”".html_safe end end end end end end end end end end end { :schedule => schedule.sort, :errors => workshop_errors, :warnings => workshop_warnings, :conflict_score => conflicts, :error_count => errors } end def get_workshop(workshop, workshops, events) workshop[:workshop] ? workshops[workshop[:workshop]] : (events[workshop[:event]] || :event) end def workshop_classes(workshop, show_interest) classes = [workshop.is_a?(Workshop) ? :workshop : workshop.event_type] if show_interest && workshop.is_a?(Workshop) && current_user && WorkshopInterest.where(:user_id => if workshop.interested?(current_user) || workshop.facilitator?(current_user) classes << 'interested' else classes << 'not-interested' end end return classes end def schedule_start_and_end_times(day_part, day_parts, day_schedule) start_time = [day_parts[day_parts.keys[day_part]], day_schedule[:start_time]].max end_time = [day_parts[day_parts.keys[day_part + 1]] || 24, day_schedule[:end_time]].min min_time = nil max_time = nil day_schedule[:locations].each do |location, location_schedule| location_schedule.each do |hour, workshop| t_start = hour t_end = hour + workshop[:span] if t_start >= start_time && t_end <= end_time min_time = [min_time || 24, t_start].min max_time = [max_time || 0, t_end].max end end end return nil unless min_time.present? && max_time.present? [min_time || 0, max_time || 24] end end