Feature: Conferences
  Scenario: Multiple conferences can be displayed on the list page
    Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife'
    And a past conference in 'New Orleans'
    And I am on the conferences page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    And see 'Yellowknife'
    And see 'New Orleans'

  Scenario: Only public conferences are displayed on the conference list page
    Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife'
    And a past conference in 'New Orleans'
    But it is not public
    And I am on the conferences page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    And see 'Yellowknife'
    But I should not see 'New Orleans'

  Scenario: Non-public conferences can be seen by hosts
    Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife'
    And a past conference in 'New Orleans'
    And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    But the conference is not public
    And the conference is not featured
    And I am logged in
    And I am a conference host
    And I am on the conferences page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    And see 'Yellowknife'
    And see 'New Orleans'

  Scenario: Site administrators should be able to create and edit conferences
    Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife'
    And a past conference in 'New Orleans'
    And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And I am logged in
    And I am an admin

    But the conference is not public
    And the conference is not featured
    And I am on the conferences page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    And see 'Yellowknife'
    And see 'New Orleans'
    And see a 'Create' link
    And see an 'Edit' link

  Scenario: Conference info page shows conference details
    Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife'
    And a past conference in 'New Orleans'
    And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And the conference has payment message copy
    And the conference has group ride info copy
    And the conference has housing info copy
    And the conference has workshop info copy
    And the conference has schedule info copy
    And the conference has travel info copy
    And the conference has city info copy
    And the conference has what to bring copy
    And the conference has volunteering info copy
    And the conference has additional details copy
    And I am on the conference page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    But I should not see 'Yellowknife'
    And not see 'New Orleans'
    And not see 'Details'
    And not see a 'Register' link
    And I should not see an 'Administrate' link
    And I should not see an 'Edit' link

  Scenario: Conference info page shows a register link
    Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife'
    And a past conference in 'New Orleans'
    And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And registration is open
    And I am on the conference page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    But I should not see 'Yellowknife'
    And not see 'New Orleans'
    And not see 'Details'
    But I should see a 'Register' link
    And I should not see an 'Administrate' link
    And I should not see an 'Edit' link

  Scenario: Conferences that are not public cannot be viewed
    Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    But it is not public
    And I am logged in
    And I am on the conference page

    Then I should not see 'Brooklyn'
    But I should see 'Access Denied'
    And I should not see an 'Edit' link

  Scenario: Conferences that are not public can be viewed by hosts
    Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And I am logged in
    And I am a conference host
    And I am on the conference page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    But I should not see 'Access Denied'
    And I see an 'Administrate' link
    And I should not see an 'Edit' link

  Scenario: Site administrators should be able to view and edit conferences
    Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY'
    And I am logged in
    And I am an admin
    And I am on the conference page

    Then I should see 'Brooklyn'
    But I should not see 'Access Denied'
    And I see an 'Administrate' link
    And I should not see an 'Edit' link