--- en: languages: aa: Afar ab: Abkhazian ace: Achinese ach: Acoli ada: Adangme ady: Adyghe ae: Avestan aeb: Tunisian Arabic af: Afrikaans afh: Afrihili agq: Aghem ain: Ainu ak: Akan akk: Akkadian akz: Alabama ale: Aleut aln: Gheg Albanian alt: Southern Altai am: Amharic an: Aragonese ang: Old English anp: Angika ar: Arabic ar-001: Modern Standard Arabic arc: Aramaic arn: Mapuche aro: Araona arp: Arapaho arq: Algerian Arabic ars: Najdi Arabic arw: Arawak ary: Moroccan Arabic arz: Egyptian Arabic as: Assamese asa: Asu ase: American Sign Language ast: Asturian av: Avaric avk: Kotava awa: Awadhi ay: Aymara az: Azerbaijani az-alt-short: Azeri ba: Bashkir bal: Baluchi ban: Balinese bar: Bavarian bas: Basaa bax: Bamun bbc: Batak Toba bbj: Ghomala be: Belarusian bej: Beja bem: Bemba bew: Betawi bez: Bena bfd: Bafut bfq: Badaga bg: Bulgarian bgn: Western Balochi bho: Bhojpuri bi: Bislama bik: Bikol bin: Bini bjn: Banjar bkm: Kom bla: Siksika bm: Bambara bn: Bangla bo: Tibetan bpy: Bishnupriya bqi: Bakhtiari br: Breton bra: Braj brh: Brahui brx: Bodo bs: Bosnian bss: Akoose bua: Buriat bug: Buginese bum: Bulu byn: Blin byv: Medumba ca: Catalan cad: Caddo car: Carib cay: Cayuga cch: Atsam ce: Chechen ceb: Cebuano cgg: Chiga ch: Chamorro chb: Chibcha chg: Chagatai chk: Chuukese chm: Mari chn: Chinook Jargon cho: Choctaw chp: Chipewyan chr: Cherokee chy: Cheyenne ckb: Central Kurdish co: Corsican cop: Coptic cps: Capiznon cr: Cree crh: Crimean Turkish crs: Seselwa Creole French cs: Czech csb: Kashubian cu: Church Slavic cv: Chuvash cy: Welsh da: Danish dak: Dakota dar: Dargwa dav: Taita de: German de-AT: Austrian German de-CH: Swiss High German del: Delaware den: Slave dgr: Dogrib din: Dinka dje: Zarma doi: Dogri dsb: Lower Sorbian dtp: Central Dusun dua: Duala dum: Middle Dutch dv: Divehi dyo: Jola-Fonyi dyu: Dyula dz: Dzongkha dzg: Dazaga ebu: Embu ee: Ewe efi: Efik egl: Emilian egy: Ancient Egyptian eka: Ekajuk el: Greek elx: Elamite en: English en-AU: Australian English en-CA: Canadian English en-GB: British English en-GB-alt-short: UK English en-US: American English en-US-alt-short: US English enm: Middle English eo: Esperanto es: Spanish es-419: Latin American Spanish es-ES: European Spanish es-MX: Mexican Spanish esu: Central Yupik et: Estonian eu: Basque ewo: Ewondo ext: Extremaduran fa: Persian fa-AF: Dari fan: Fang fat: Fanti ff: Fulah fi: Finnish fil: Filipino fit: Tornedalen Finnish fj: Fijian fo: Faroese fon: Fon fr: French fr-CA: Canadian French fr-CH: Swiss French frc: Cajun French frm: Middle French fro: Old French frp: Arpitan frr: Northern Frisian frs: Eastern Frisian fur: Friulian fy: Western Frisian ga: Irish gaa: Ga gag: Gagauz gan: Gan Chinese gay: Gayo gba: Gbaya gbz: Zoroastrian Dari gd: Scottish Gaelic gez: Geez gil: Gilbertese gl: Galician glk: Gilaki gmh: Middle High German gn: Guarani goh: Old High German gom: Goan Konkani gon: Gondi gor: Gorontalo got: Gothic grb: Grebo grc: Ancient Greek gsw: Swiss German gu: Gujarati guc: Wayuu gur: Frafra guz: Gusii gv: Manx gwi: Gwichʼin ha: Hausa hai: Haida hak: Hakka Chinese haw: Hawaiian he: Hebrew hi: Hindi hif: Fiji Hindi hil: Hiligaynon hit: Hittite hmn: Hmong ho: Hiri Motu hr: Croatian hsb: Upper Sorbian hsn: Xiang Chinese ht: Haitian Creole hu: Hungarian hup: Hupa hy: Armenian hz: Herero ia: Interlingua iba: Iban ibb: Ibibio id: Indonesian ie: Interlingue ig: Igbo ii: Sichuan Yi ik: Inupiaq ilo: Iloko inh: Ingush io: Ido is: Icelandic it: Italian iu: Inuktitut izh: Ingrian ja: Japanese jam: Jamaican Creole English jbo: Lojban jgo: Ngomba jmc: Machame jpr: Judeo-Persian jrb: Judeo-Arabic jut: Jutish jv: Javanese ka: Georgian kaa: Kara-Kalpak kab: Kabyle kac: Kachin kaj: Jju kam: Kamba kaw: Kawi kbd: Kabardian kbl: Kanembu kcg: Tyap kde: Makonde kea: Kabuverdianu ken: Kenyang kfo: Koro kg: Kongo kgp: Kaingang kha: Khasi kho: Khotanese khq: Koyra Chiini khw: Khowar ki: Kikuyu kiu: Kirmanjki kj: Kuanyama kk: Kazakh kkj: Kako kl: Kalaallisut kln: Kalenjin km: Khmer kmb: Kimbundu kn: Kannada ko: Korean koi: Komi-Permyak kok: Konkani kos: Kosraean kpe: Kpelle kr: Kanuri krc: Karachay-Balkar kri: Krio krj: Kinaray-a krl: Karelian kru: Kurukh ks: Kashmiri ksb: Shambala ksf: Bafia ksh: Colognian ku: Kurdish kum: Kumyk kut: Kutenai kv: Komi kw: Cornish ky: Kyrgyz ky-alt-variant: Kirghiz la: Latin lad: Ladino lag: Langi lah: Lahnda lam: Lamba lb: Luxembourgish lez: Lezghian lfn: Lingua Franca Nova lg: Ganda li: Limburgish lij: Ligurian liv: Livonian lkt: Lakota lmo: Lombard ln: Lingala lo: Lao lol: Mongo loz: Lozi lrc: Northern Luri lt: Lithuanian ltg: Latgalian lu: Luba-Katanga lua: Luba-Lulua lui: Luiseno lun: Lunda luo: Luo lus: Mizo luy: Luyia lv: Latvian lzh: Literary Chinese lzz: Laz mad: Madurese maf: Mafa mag: Magahi mai: Maithili mak: Makasar man: Mandingo mas: Masai mde: Maba mdf: Moksha mdr: Mandar men: Mende mer: Meru mfe: Morisyen mg: Malagasy mga: Middle Irish mgh: Makhuwa-Meetto mgo: Metaʼ mh: Marshallese mi: Maori mic: Mi'kmaq min: Minangkabau mk: Macedonian ml: Malayalam mn: Mongolian mnc: Manchu mni: Manipuri moh: Mohawk mos: Mossi mr: Marathi mrj: Western Mari ms: Malay mt: Maltese mua: Mundang mul: Multiple languages mus: Creek mwl: Mirandese mwr: Marwari mwv: Mentawai my: Burmese my-alt-variant: Myanmar Language mye: Myene myv: Erzya mzn: Mazanderani na: Nauru nan: Min Nan Chinese nap: Neapolitan naq: Nama nb: Norwegian Bokmål nd: North Ndebele nds: Low German nds-NL: Low Saxon ne: Nepali new: Newari ng: Ndonga nia: Nias niu: Niuean njo: Ao Naga nl: Dutch nl-BE: Flemish nmg: Kwasio nn: Norwegian Nynorsk nnh: Ngiemboon 'no': Norwegian nog: Nogai non: Old Norse nov: Novial nqo: N’Ko nr: South Ndebele nso: Northern Sotho nus: Nuer nv: Navajo nwc: Classical Newari ny: Nyanja nym: Nyamwezi nyn: Nyankole nyo: Nyoro nzi: Nzima oc: Occitan oj: Ojibwa om: Oromo or: Odia os: Ossetic osa: Osage ota: Ottoman Turkish pa: Punjabi pag: Pangasinan pal: Pahlavi pam: Pampanga pap: Papiamento pau: Palauan pcd: Picard pcm: Nigerian Pidgin pdc: Pennsylvania German pdt: Plautdietsch peo: Old Persian pfl: Palatine German phn: Phoenician pi: Pali pl: Polish pms: Piedmontese pnt: Pontic pon: Pohnpeian prg: Prussian pro: Old Provençal ps: Pashto ps-alt-variant: Pushto pt: Portuguese pt-BR: Brazilian Portuguese pt-PT: European Portuguese qu: Quechua quc: Kʼicheʼ qug: Chimborazo Highland Quichua raj: Rajasthani rap: Rapanui rar: Rarotongan rgn: Romagnol rif: Riffian rm: Romansh rn: Rundi ro: Romanian ro-MD: Moldavian rof: Rombo rom: Romany root: Root rtm: Rotuman ru: Russian rue: Rusyn rug: Roviana rup: Aromanian rw: Kinyarwanda rwk: Rwa sa: Sanskrit sad: Sandawe sah: Sakha sam: Samaritan Aramaic saq: Samburu sas: Sasak sat: Santali saz: Saurashtra sba: Ngambay sbp: Sangu sc: Sardinian scn: Sicilian sco: Scots sd: Sindhi sdc: Sassarese Sardinian sdh: Southern Kurdish se: Northern Sami see: Seneca seh: Sena sei: Seri sel: Selkup ses: Koyraboro Senni sg: Sango sga: Old Irish sgs: Samogitian sh: Serbo-Croatian shi: Tachelhit shn: Shan shu: Chadian Arabic si: Sinhala sid: Sidamo sk: Slovak sl: Slovenian sli: Lower Silesian sly: Selayar sm: Samoan sma: Southern Sami smj: Lule Sami smn: Inari Sami sms: Skolt Sami sn: Shona snk: Soninke so: Somali sog: Sogdien sq: Albanian sr: Serbian srn: Sranan Tongo srr: Serer ss: Swati ssy: Saho st: Southern Sotho stq: Saterland Frisian su: Sundanese suk: Sukuma sus: Susu sux: Sumerian sv: Swedish sw: Swahili sw-CD: Congo Swahili swb: Comorian syc: Classical Syriac syr: Syriac szl: Silesian ta: Tamil tcy: Tulu te: Telugu tem: Timne teo: Teso ter: Tereno tet: Tetum tg: Tajik th: Thai ti: Tigrinya tig: Tigre tiv: Tiv tk: Turkmen tkl: Tokelau tkr: Tsakhur tl: Tagalog tlh: Klingon tli: Tlingit tly: Talysh tmh: Tamashek tn: Tswana to: Tongan tog: Nyasa Tonga tpi: Tok Pisin tr: Turkish tru: Turoyo trv: Taroko ts: Tsonga tsd: Tsakonian tsi: Tsimshian tt: Tatar ttt: Muslim Tat tum: Tumbuka tvl: Tuvalu tw: Twi twq: Tasawaq ty: Tahitian tyv: Tuvinian tzm: Central Atlas Tamazight udm: Udmurt ug: Uyghur ug-alt-variant: Uighur uga: Ugaritic uk: Ukrainian umb: Umbundu und: Unknown language ur: Urdu uz: Uzbek vai: Vai ve: Venda vec: Venetian vep: Veps vi: Vietnamese vls: West Flemish vmf: Main-Franconian vo: Volapük vot: Votic vro: Võro vun: Vunjo wa: Walloon wae: Walser wal: Wolaytta war: Waray was: Washo wbp: Warlpiri wo: Wolof wuu: Wu Chinese xal: Kalmyk xh: Xhosa xmf: Mingrelian xog: Soga yao: Yao yap: Yapese yav: Yangben ybb: Yemba yi: Yiddish yo: Yoruba yrl: Nheengatu yue: Cantonese za: Zhuang zap: Zapotec zbl: Blissymbols zea: Zeelandic zen: Zenaga zgh: Standard Moroccan Tamazight zh: Chinese zh-alt-long: Mandarin Chinese zh-Hans: Simplified Chinese zh-Hant: Traditional Chinese zu: Zulu zun: Zuni zxx: No linguistic content zza: Zaza geography: countries: AD: Andorra AE: United Arab Emirates AF: Afghanistan AG: Antigua and Barbuda AI: Anguilla AL: Albania AM: Armenia AO: Angola AQ: Antarctica AR: Argentina AS: American Samoa AT: Austria AU: Australia AW: Aruba AX: "Åland" AZ: Azerbaijan BA: Bosnia and Herzegovina BB: Barbados BD: Bangladesh BE: Belgium BF: Burkina Faso BG: Bulgaria BH: Bahrain BI: Burundi BJ: Benin BL: Saint Barthélemy BM: Bermuda BN: Brunei BO: Bolivia BQ: Bonaire BR: Brazil BS: Bahamas BT: Bhutan BV: Bouvet Island BW: Botswana BY: Belarus BZ: Belize CA: Canada CC: Cocos [Keeling] Islands CD: Democratic Republic of the Congo CF: Central African Republic CG: Republic of the Congo CH: Switzerland CI: Ivory Coast CK: Cook Islands CL: Chile CM: Cameroon CN: China CO: Colombia CR: Costa Rica CU: Cuba CV: Cape Verde CW: Curacao CX: Christmas Island CY: Cyprus CZ: Czechia DE: Germany DJ: Djibouti DK: Denmark DM: Dominica DO: Dominican Republic DZ: Algeria EC: Ecuador EE: Estonia EG: Egypt EH: Western Sahara ER: Eritrea ES: Spain ET: Ethiopia FI: Finland FJ: Fiji FK: Falkland Islands FM: Micronesia FO: Faroe Islands FR: France GA: Gabon GB: United Kingdom GD: Grenada GE: Georgia GF: French Guiana GG: Guernsey GH: Ghana GI: Gibraltar GL: Greenland GM: Gambia GN: Guinea GP: Guadeloupe GQ: Equatorial Guinea GR: Greece GS: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GT: Guatemala GU: Guam GW: Guinea-Bissau GY: Guyana HK: Hong Kong HM: Heard Island and McDonald Islands HN: Honduras HR: Croatia HT: Haiti HU: Hungary ID: Indonesia IE: Ireland IL: Israel IM: Isle of Man IN: India IO: British Indian Ocean Territory IQ: Iraq IR: Iran IS: Iceland IT: Italy JE: Jersey JM: Jamaica JO: Jordan JP: Japan KE: Kenya KG: Kyrgyzstan KH: Cambodia KI: Kiribati KM: Comoros KN: Saint Kitts and Nevis KP: North Korea KR: South Korea KW: Kuwait KY: Cayman Islands KZ: Kazakhstan LA: Laos LB: Lebanon LC: Saint Lucia LI: Liechtenstein LK: Sri Lanka LR: Liberia LS: Lesotho LT: Lithuania LU: Luxembourg LV: Latvia LY: Libya MA: Morocco MC: Monaco MD: Moldova ME: Montenegro MF: Saint Martin MG: Madagascar MH: Marshall Islands MK: Macedonia ML: Mali MM: Myanmar [Burma] MN: Mongolia MO: Macao MP: Northern Mariana Islands MQ: Martinique MR: Mauritania MS: Montserrat MT: Malta MU: Mauritius MV: Maldives MW: Malawi MX: Mexico MY: Malaysia MZ: Mozambique NA: Namibia NC: New Caledonia NE: Niger NF: Norfolk Island NG: Nigeria NI: Nicaragua NL: Netherlands 'NO': Norway NP: Nepal NR: Nauru NU: Niue NZ: New Zealand OM: Oman PA: Panama PE: Peru PF: French Polynesia PG: Papua New Guinea PH: Philippines PK: Pakistan PL: Poland PM: Saint Pierre and Miquelon PN: Pitcairn Islands PR: Puerto Rico PS: Palestine PT: Portugal PW: Palau PY: Paraguay QA: Qatar RE: Réunion RO: Romania RS: Serbia RU: Russia RW: Rwanda SA: Saudi Arabia SB: Solomon Islands SC: Seychelles SD: Sudan SE: Sweden SG: Singapore SH: Saint Helena SI: Slovenia SJ: Svalbard and Jan Mayen SK: Slovakia SL: Sierra Leone SM: San Marino SN: Senegal SO: Somalia SR: Suriname SS: South Sudan ST: São Tomé and Príncipe SV: El Salvador SX: Sint Maarten SY: Syria SZ: Swaziland TC: Turks and Caicos Islands TD: Chad TF: French Southern Territories TG: Togo TH: Thailand TJ: Tajikistan TK: Tokelau TL: East Timor TM: Turkmenistan TN: Tunisia TO: Tonga TR: Turkey TT: Trinidad and Tobago TV: Tuvalu TW: Taiwan TZ: Tanzania UA: Ukraine UG: Uganda UM: U.S. Minor Outlying Islands US: United States UY: Uruguay UZ: Uzbekistan VA: Vatican City VC: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VE: Venezuela VG: British Virgin Islands VI: U.S. Virgin Islands VN: Vietnam VU: Vanuatu WF: Wallis and Futuna WS: Samoa XK: Kosovo YE: Yemen YT: Mayotte ZA: South Africa ZM: Zambia ZW: Zimbabwe subregions: AR: BA: Buenos Aires CF: Buenos Aires F.D. CT: Catamarca CC: Chaco CH: Chubut CD: Cordoba CR: Corrientes ER: Entre Rios FO: Formosa JY: Jujuy LP: La Pampa LR: La Rioja MZ: Mendoza MN: Misiones NQ: Neuquen RN: Rio Negro SA: Salta SJ: San Juan SL: San Luis SC: Santa Cruz SF: Santa Fe SE: Santiago del Estero TF: Tierra del Fuego TM: Tucuman AT: Bgld: Burgenland AU: ACT: ACT NSW: New South Wales NT: Northern Territory QLD: Queensland SA: South Australia TAS: Tasmania VIC: Victoria WA: Western Australia BR: AC: Acre AL: Alagoas AP: Amapá AM: Amazonas BA: Bahia CE: Ceará ES: Espírito Santo DF: Federal District GO: Goiás MA: Maranhão MT: Mato Grosso MS: Mato Grosso do Sul MG: Minas Gerais PR: Paraná PB: Paraíba PA: Pará PE: Pernambuco PI: Piauí RN: Rio Grande do Norte RS: Rio Grande do Sul RJ: Rio de Janeiro RO: Rondônia RR: Roraima SC: Santa Catarina SE: Sergipe SP: São Paulo TO: Tocantins CA: AB: Alberta BC: British Columbia MB: Manitoba NB: New Brunswick NL: Newfoundland and Labrador NT: Northwest Territories NS: Nova Scotia NU: Nunavut 'ON': Ontario PE: Prince Edward Island QC: Quebec SK: Saskatchewan YT: Yukon CH: TG: Thurgau VD: Vaud ZH: Zurich DE: HH: Hamburg NRW: North Rhine-Westphalia ET: SNNPR: SNNPR FR: ACAL: Grand-Est IT: FVG: Friuli Venezia Giulia MX: Ags: Aguascalientes BCS: Baja California Sur Camps: Campeche CHP: Chiapas CH: Chihuahua COA: Coahuila COL: Colima Dgo: Durango BCN: Estado de Baja California MEX: Estado de México GUA: Guanajuato GRO: Guerrero Hgo: Hidalgo JAL: Jalisco MIC: Michoacán MOR: Morelos NAY: Nayarit NL: Nuevo León OAX: Oaxaca PUE: Puebla QUE: Querétaro ROO: Quintana Roo SLP: San Luis Potosí SIN: Sinaloa SON: Sonora TAB: Tabasco Tamps: Tamaulipas TLA: Tlaxcala VER: Veracruz YUC: Yucatán ZAC: Zacatecas CAM: Campeche DUR: Durango Gto: Guanajuato NLE: Nuevo León Qro: Querétaro QRoo: Quintana Roo TAM: Tamaulipas Tlax: Tlaxcala MY: JHR: Johor KDH: Kedah KTN: Kelantan KUL: Kuala Lumpur LBN: Labuan MLK: Melaka NSN: Negeri Sembilan PHG: Pahang PNG: Penang PRK: Perak PLS: Perlis PJY: Putrajaya SBH: Sabah SRW: Sarawak SGR: Selangor TRG: Terengganu NG: FCTA: FCT NI: RAAN: North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) NL: fr: Friesland gr: Groningen lb: Limburg nb: North Brabant nh: North Holland dr: Provincie Drenthe fl: Provincie Flevoland gd: Provincie Gelderland ov: Provincie Overijssel ut: Provincie Utrecht zl: Provincie Zeeland zh: South Holland PH: ARMM: ARMM PK: FATA: FATA RU: MO: Moscow Oblast US: AL: Alabama AK: Alaska AZ: Arizona AR: Arkansas CA: California CO: Colorado CT: Connecticut DE: Delaware FL: Florida GA: Georgia HI: Hawaii ID: Idaho IL: Illinois IN: Indiana IA: Iowa KS: Kansas KY: Kentucky LA: Louisiana ME: Maine MD: Maryland MA: Massachusetts MI: Michigan MN: Minnesota MS: Mississippi MO: Missouri MT: Montana NE: Nebraska NV: Nevada NH: New Hampshire NJ: New Jersey NM: New Mexico NY: New York NC: North Carolina ND: North Dakota OH: Ohio OK: Oklahoma OR: Oregon PA: Pennsylvania RI: Rhode Island SC: South Carolina SD: South Dakota TN: Tennessee TX: Texas UT: Utah VT: Vermont VA: Virginia WA: Washington DC: Washington, D.C. WV: West Virginia WI: Wisconsin WY: Wyoming Calif: California formats: city_region_country: "%{city}, %{region}, %{country}" city_country: "%{city}, %{country}" city_region: "%{city}, %{region}" region_country: "%{region}, %{country}" date: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%d" long: "%B %e, %Y" short: "%b %d" weekday: "%A" span_same_month_date_1: "%B %e" span_same_month_date_2: "%e, %Y" span_same_year_date_1: "%B %e" span_same_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" span_different_year_date_1: "%B %e, %Y" span_different_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" date_span: "%{date_1} – %{date_2}" time: am: am formats: default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M" long: "%l%P, %B %e, %Y" short: "%l %M %P" pm: pm datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour other: about %{count} hours about_x_months: one: about 1 month other: about %{count} months about_x_years: one: about 1 year other: about %{count} years almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year other: almost %{count} years half_a_minute: half a minute less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute other: less than %{count} minutes less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second other: less than %{count} seconds over_x_years: one: over 1 year other: over %{count} years x_days: one: 1 day other: "%{count} days" x_hours: one: 1 hour other: "%{count} hours" x_minutes: one: 1 minute other: "%{count} minutes" x_months: one: 1 month other: "%{count} months" x_seconds: one: 1 second other: "%{count} seconds" x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}" time_ago: "%{time} ago" string_formats: data_with_supplementary_value: "%{value} (%{supplementary_value})" errors: format: "%{attribute} %{message}" messages: accepted: must be accepted blank: can't be blank present: must be blank confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute} empty: can't be empty equal_to: must be equal to %{count} even: must be even exclusion: is reserved greater_than: must be greater than %{count} greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count} inclusion: is not included in the list invalid: is invalid less_than: must be less than %{count} less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count} not_a_number: is not a number not_an_integer: must be an integer odd: must be odd record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}' restrict_dependent_destroy: one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist taken: has already been taken too_long: one: is too long (maximum is 1 character) other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters) too_short: one: is too short (minimum is 1 character) other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters) wrong_length: one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character) other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters) other_than: must be other than %{count} carrierwave_processing_error: failed to be processed carrierwave_integrity_error: is not of an allowed file type carrierwave_download_error: could not be downloaded extension_white_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}' extension_black_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}' rmagick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: %{e}' mime_types_processing_error: 'Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe not valid content-type? Original Error: %{e}' mini_magick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: %{e}' fields: payment: incomplete: Your payment was not completed. location: empty: Please enter your location unknown: Please include your city or town, we could not find a locality from "%{value}" name: empty: Please enter a valid name address: empty: Please enter an address space: empty: Please select a space email: exists: An account with this email address already exists start_date: start_date_after_end_date: Start date must be before end date error: Error setting start date end_date: error: Error setting end date housing: space: companions: This host wishes to be housed with %{name} admin: administrators: Error updating organizations dates: Error updating dates description: Error saving your conference description group_ride: Error saving your group ride info housing_info: Error saving Housing info workshop_info: Error saving Workshop info schedule_info: Error saving Schedule info travel_info: Error saving Travel info city_info: Error saving City info what_to_bring: Error saving What to Bring volunteering_info: Error saving Volunteering info additional_details: Error saving Additional details poster: An error occurred uploading your conference poster payment_message: An error occurred saving your the payment message suggested_amounts: An error occurred saving your payment amounts paypal: An error occurred saving your paypal details registration_status: An error occurred updating your conference registration status registrations: Error updaing registration broadcast: Error sending your message providers: Error saving housing provider housing: Error locations: Error saving your location meals: Error saving your meal events: Error saving your event workshop_times: Error saving your workshop time schedule: Error publish_schedule: An error occurred while publishing your schedule error_adding_org_member: Error adding user to organization error_removing_org_member: Error removing user from organization error_adding_administrator: Error adding administrator error_removing_administrator: Error removing administrator template: body: 'There were problems with the following fields:' header: one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" warnings: messages: location_corrected: Your location was corrected from "%{original}" to "%{corrected}". If this doesn't reflect your intended location, you can change this again in the contact info step. housing: space: overbooked: This space is overbooked companions: This guest wishes to be housed with %{name} space: This guest wishes to be housed in a %{expected} dates: This guest's arrival or departure dates conflict with the host's availability dates success: messages: admin: administrators: Organizations updated dates: Conference dates updated successfully description: Conference description updated successfully poster: Conference poster uploaded group_ride: Group ride info saved housing_info: Housing info saved workshop_info: Workshop info saved schedule_info: Schedule info saved travel_info: Travel info saved city_info: City info saved what_to_bring: What to Bring saved volunteering_info: Volunteering info saved additional_details: Additional details saved payment_message: Your payment message has been updated suggested_amounts: Your suggested payment amounts have been updated paypal: Your paypal information has been updated registration_status: Your conference registration status has been updated stats: '' registrations: Registration updated broadcast: Message sent providers: Provider updated housing: Housing updated locations: Location saved meals: Meal saved events: Event saved workshop_times: Workshop times saved schedule: Schedule updated schedule_published: Your schedule has been published schedule_unpublished: Your schedule has been un-published org_member_added: User added to organization org_member_removed: User removed from organization administrator_added: Administrator added to conference administrator_removed: Administrator removed from conference distance_saved: Provider options updated conference: actions: Register: Register modals: confirm: Please Confirm yes_button: 'Yes' no_button: 'No' done_button: Close info: More Info workshops: facilitators: confirm_remove: Are you sure you would like to remove %{user_name} as a facilitator of this workshop? confirm_remove_self: Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator of this workshop? confirm_cancel_request: Are you sure you would like to cancel your request to become a facilitator of this workshop? confirm_transfer_ownership: By transferring ownership, you will lose administrative capabilities such as deletion and approving new facilitators. Are you sure you want to transfer ownership to %{user_name}? admin: broadcast: confirm: You are about to send this email to %{number} people. Are you sure you want to continue? generic: delete: confirm: You are about to delete ‘%{title}’. Are you sure you want to continue? articles: conferences: headings: workshop_info: Workshops and Discussions housing_info: Housing Accommodations group_ride_info: Group Ride payment_message: Registration schedule_info: Schedule travel_info: Getting To %{city} city_info: Weather and Crime in %{city} what_to_bring: What to Bring volunteering_info: Volunteering conferences: National and Regional Conferences Conference_List: Conferences edit: Edit Conference new: New Conference edit_conference: Edit %{title} new_conference: Create a new conference types: future: Upcoming conferences passed: Passed conferences paragraphs: conferences: Bike!Bike! conferences are held nationally once a year in a different city in North America; regional conferences can be held anywhere, anytime. admin: headings: back: Back to Administration paragraphs: administration: From this dashboard you can configure your conference details, open registration, view statistics, compile your workshop schedule, and more. stats: description: On this page you can view a breakdown of the registration process so far as well as download more detailed data in spreadsheets. headings: bikes: Bikes past_stats: Statistics from Previous Bike!Bike!s donation_count: Number of donations donation_total: Total donated food: meat: Omnivores vegetarian: Vegetarians vegan: Vegans registrations: Number of registrations completed_registrations: Number of registrations incomplete_registrations: Incomplete registrations Registrations: Registrations meals: description: On this page you can schedule the meals that you will be serving. no_locations_warning: Before you can add meals, you must first add locations. heading: Meals events: description: On this page you can schedule events. Events are any type of event that isn't a meal or a workshop. You can schedule group meetings, parties, or group ride for example. no_locations_warning: Before you can add events, you must first add locations. heading: Events headings: locations: Locations meals: Meals events: Events descriptions: locations: Create the list of locations that you will be using for events, meals, and workshops. meals: List the meals that you will be providing, the meals will be added to your schedule events: Create event details. These events should be any type of event other than meals and workshops such as meeting, rides, and parties. The events will be added to your schedule. schedule: description: On this page you can schedule workshops and publish your schedule to the front page. no_locations_warning: Before you can schedule workshops, you must first add locations. heading: Schedule headings: workshop_times: Workshop Times schedule: Schedule Workshops publish_schedule: Publish Your Schedule descriptions: workshop_times: Set up blocks of time each day when workshops will be held. schedule: Set a time and location for all proposed workshops. publish_schedule: Once you have finalized your schedule, make it public here. housing: description: Arrange housing for registrants visiting your city. Pair each registrant who has asked for housing with a registrant that has volunteered to house guests base on their individual needs and wants. heading: Housing headings: hosts: Hosts guests: Guests email: Email housing: Arrange Housing arrival_departure: In City providers: Housing Providers provider_distance: Distance from host city descriptions: providers: Although most housing providers should be encouraged to supply their own details through the registration process, you can add and edit housing provider details manually here. provider_distance: Any registrant who enters their location in the same city as the conference will get a housing provider form during registration instead of a guest form. If you want to consider surrounding cities as well, enter the distance from %{city} that you wish to be included as providers. Cities are measured from center to center. housing: Pair each housing provider with a list of guests. Try to match guests with hosts and other guests who are good matches and respect their requests, but also keep in mind that we cannot always respect all requests and part of the Bike!Bike! experience is getting to know new people. locations: heading: Locations description: Locations are used to schedule workshops, events, and meals. Once your schedule is published, users will be able to see the name and address and be given a link to a map so that they can find their way. headings: add_event: Add Event add_location: Add Location add_meal: Add a Meal amenities: Amenities edit_event: Edit Event edit_location: Edit Location paragraphs: title: Give your location a title, for example "The Bike Kitchen" or "Smith Park" meal_title: Give your meal a title, for example "Breakfast" meal_info: Describe your meal. This will only be visible to conference hosts. address: Enter the street address (without the city) of the location space: The space type will help you to schedule workshops. If workshops will occur in this space, select "Meeting Room", "Repair Space", or "Outdoor Space" as you feel this space best matches. Otherwise select event space. amenities: Amenities match up to workshop needs. Selecting the amenities will help you match up a workshop with this location when a facilitator has requested a specific amenity. edit: description: Edit basic info about your conference. Here you can open or close registration, edit what shows up on the front page, set up your payment details, and add members to your organization so that they can access these pages too. headings: host_organizations: Host Organizations members: Organization Members paypal_info: PayPal Info paragraphs: paypal_info: PayPal info is used for donations and fee payments. You must enter all fields to enable online fee payments, see the PayPal API credential guide for more information. info: heading: Basic Info headings: dates: Conference Dates administrators: Administrators and Organizations poster: Poster Host_Organizations: Host Organizations External_Administrators: Conference Administrators description: These are the basic details about your conference that you will likely want to configure before enabling your conference. One ready, contact the site administrator to make the conference public. descriptions: dates: Set your conference start and end dates poster: Upload your conference poster administrators: Set the conference host organizations and other members who have access to these administration tools Host_Organizations: Select all organizations from known organizations in %{city_name}. Members of your organizations do not immediately have access to the administration tools on this site You will also need to add them to to the "Conference Administrators" list above. If an organization is not listed here, please contact a site administrator. External_Administrators: Users from witin or outside of the host organizations that have administration privileges on this site. copy: heading: Site Copy description: Copy that is displayed in the front page, the details page, emails, and throughout registration. headings: description: Description group_ride: Group Ride payment_message: Payment Message housing_info: Housing Info workshop_info: Workshop Info schedule_info: Schedule Details city_info: City Details travel_info: Travel Info what_to_bring: What to bring volunteering_info: Volunteering info additional_details: Additional Details descriptions: description: Modify the text that is displayed on the front page group_ride: Will you be having a group ride before or after the conference? Describe it here. payment_message: Set the message that is displayed on the registration fee housing_info: Let visitors know what to expect for housing workshop_info: Let attendees know how workshops will work this year schedule_info: Summarize your overall schedule of events, workshops, and rides travel_info: Let visitors know how to get to your city and what international visitors may need to be prepared for city_info: Describe your city, talk about things like safety, laws, weather, and culture what_to_bring: Let visitors know what to bring volunteering_info: Let potential volunteers know what they can do and how they can help out additional_details: Add any additional information not covered by other copy registration: heading: Registration headings: registration_status: Registration Status stats: Statistics registrations: Modify Registrations broadcast: Contact Users broadcast_sent: Message Sent description: Open or close registration, view registration statistics, modify information submitted by registratnts and contact users. descriptions: registration_status: Open or close registration to your conference. stats: View a breakdown of statistics, how many users have registered, how much money have been collected, etc. registrations: View and edit all data collected through the registration process. broadcast: Send emails to targeted subsets of users. broadcast_sent: Your message has been sent. broadcast: heading: Broadcast description: The broadcast tool is used to contact users through email. You can send messages en masse to select groups of users. broadcast_sent: description: Your message has been sent. workshop_times: heading: Workshop Times description: Before you schedule workshops, you must first create blocks of time when the workshops will be. payment: heading: Payment description: If you wish to collect donations and registration fees, you will need to configure your payment details headings: suggested_amounts: Suggested Payment Amounts paypal: PayPal Info descriptions: suggested_amounts: Enter up to five suggested payment amounts. Users will still be able to select any amount including none but these amounts will show up as easy to select buttons on the 'Donations' page. paypal: To enable PayPal payments, you will need to supply information on your organization's PayPal account contact: headings: contact: Send us a question or a comment reason: What are you contacting us about? sent: Thank you for contacting us paragraphs: sent: Thanks for reaching out. We will respond to you by email as soon we are able. policy: headings: The_Agreement: The Agreement How: How is it enforced? Why: Why have a Safer Space Agreement? paragraphs: How: The host city has the responsibility of mediating safer space issues. They will decide what constitutes a warning and what constitutes expulsion from the conference. Why: In order to set a common ground, we state our shared beliefs and desires for the space which is Bike!Bike!. We rally around these ideas for inspiration and to ensure that if there is behaviour which does not make us feel safe, we have something to point to. By agreeing to a commitment of mutual respect, we hope that if conflict does arise, we will remember what we have agreed to, and act accordingly. term: accessible: We commit to making spaces as accessible as possible; physically, socially, and personally. commitment: We enter with a commitment to mutual respect, mutual aid, anti-oppression advocacy, conflict resolution, anti-violence, and community building. empowerment: We support the empowerment of each person and group. hearing: We commit to hearing each other and creating opportunities for all voices to be heard. intent: We accept a shared responsibility to hold ourselves and one another accountable for these agreements’ intent. learning: We promote inclusive learning spaces and questions in the spirit of personal growth. respect: We respect everyone's names, gender pronouns, expressed identities and experiences. spaces: We respect each others bodies and spaces. open_minds: We encourage open minds and open hearts. peaceful: We are peaceful and honest. conference_registration: complete: payment_processed: Thank you for your payment! Your registration is now complete. companion_registered: Your companion has completed their registration. We will do our best to keep you together. registration_complete: Thank you, your registration is now complete error: generic: An unexpected error occurred payment_cancelled: Your payment was cancelled payment_error: An error occurred processing your payment arrival_date_required: Select a date departure_date_required: Select a date phone_required: A valid phone number is required bed_space_required: Enter the amount of bed or couch space you have to offer floor_space_required: Enter the amount of floor space you have to offer tent_space_required: Enter the amount of tent space you have to offer info_required: Provide your guests with information about you and your home policy_required: Read each statement carefully and check the box once to signify that you agree to uphold the agreement. name_required: Provide us with a name that you identify with language_required: Select at least one language that you can speak location_required: Enter a location city_not_found: We could not find a city or town that matches your query. org_name_required: Enter the name of your organization address_required: Enter an address email_required: An email address is required org_email_matches_personal_email: This email address matches your personal email address. We ask that you enter your organization's email address instead. mailing_address_required: Enter your organization's mailing address end_date_before_start: You have selected an end date that is before your start date departure_date_before_arrival: You have selected a departure date that is before your arrival companion_email_required: Enter an email address companion_already_has_companion: This person already has a companion. amount_required: Enter a positive amount payment_denied: Your payment was denied. Please check your account and try again. warning: payment_pending: Thank you! Your payment is currently pending. companion_unregistered: Your companion has not yet registered. Please ensure that they do to guarantee you are housed together. step_names: group_ride: Group ride? hosting_other: Other hosting_info: House Info hosting_end_date: End Date hosting_start_date: Start Date hosting_space_tent: Tent Space hosting_space_floor: Floor Space hosting_space_beds: Bed/Couch Space hosting_phone: Phone hosting_address: Address hosting_attending: Attending? hosting_check: Host? payment_form: Registration payment amount org_select: Organization payment_type: Registration fee method housing_other: Other housing_food: Eating habits housing_bike: Bike? housing_companion_email: Companion housing_type: Housing housing_departure_date: Departure Date housing_arrival_date: Arrival Date org_create_mailing_address: Organization Mailing Address org_create_email: Organization Email org_create_address: Organization Address org_create_name: Organization Name org_location_confirm: Confirm your location org_location: Location org_non_member_interest: Conference interest org_member: Organization Member policy: Policy other: Other name: Name languages: Languages spoken headings: pronoun: Pronoun (he/she/they) Back_to: 'Back to:' group_ride: Do you plan to attend the group ride? hosting_other: Information for organizers hosting_info: House Info and Rules hosting_end_date: Housing End Date hosting_start_date: Housing Start Date hosting_space_tent: Tent Space hosting_space_floor: Floor Space hosting_space_beds: Bed and Couch Space hosting_phone: What is your phone number? hosting_address: What is your address? hosting_attending: Are you attending the conference? hosting_check: Are you willing to be a housing provider? review: Review confirm_payment: Confirm Registration Payment payment_form: Registration Fee Amount org_select: Which organization are you a member of? payment_type: Registration Fee Method housing_other: Other considerations housing_allergies: Do you have any allergies? housing_food: What are your eating habits? housing_bike: Would you like to borrow a bike? housing_companion_email: Companion Email housing_companion_check: Housing Companion housing_type: Housing housing_departure_date: Departure Date housing_arrival_date: Arrival Date org_create_mailing_address: Organization Mailing Address org_create_email: Organization Email org_create_address: Organization Address org_create_name: Organization Name org_location_confirm: Confirm your location org_location: In which city or town is your organization based? your_location: In which city or town are you based? org_member: Do you participate in a community bicycle project? org_non_member_interest: Why are you interested in attending Bike!Bike!? Administration: Administration Conference_Administration: "%{title} Administration" administration: Administration Policy_Agreement: Safer Space Agreement policy: Policy arrival_and_departure: How long do you plan to stay in %{city}? other: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? email_confirm: Confirm Email Enter_Your_Email: Enter your email address Registration_Info: Registration Info Your_Registration: Your Registration Your_Conferences: Your Conferences Youre_Done: You're Done! allergies: Do you have any allergies? arrival: Arrival bike: Do you need a bike? departure: Departure food: What are your eating habits? housing: Do you need a place to stay? languages: Which languages do you speak? preferred_language: What is your preferred language? location: Where are you coming from? name: What is your name? Payment: Registration Fees payment: Donation Allergies: Allergies Stats: Stats Workshops: Workshops workshops: Workshops Your_Workshops: Your Workshops Workshops_that_you_would_like_to_attend: Workshops that you would like to_attend payment_confirm: Please confirm your payment Preview: Preview city: City date: Date email: Email fees_paid: Fees Paid Contact_Info: Contact Info contact_info: Contact Info hosting: Hosting Add_Workshop: Propose a Workshop Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Workshops Looking for Facilitators All_Workshops: All Other Workshops Workshops_You_Have_Requested: Workshops you have Requested to Facilitate Pre_Registration_Details: Pre-Registration is now open! Registration_Details: Registration is now open! Pre_Register: Pre-Register for %{title} Register: Register for %{title} Verify_Account: Verify your account Hosting: Hosting can_provide_housing: Can you provide housing to attendees visiting the city? questions: Your Visit basic_info: Your Visit host: considerations: Special Considerations space: Available Space availability: Availability address: Address notes: Notes admin: edit: info: Info group_ride: Group ride description housing_info: Housing info workshop_info: Workshop info schedule_info: Schedule summary travel_info: Travel info city_info: City info what_to_bring: What to bring volunteering_info: Volunteering info additional_details: Additional details companion: Companion paragraphs: pronoun: It is important that communications with you and about you are as respectful as possible. If you do not provide a pronoun organizers may assume he, she, or they based on your name or visual identity. pronoun_optional: Providing your pronoun is optional group_ride: There will be a group ride after or before the conference. Do you plan to join us for the ride? registration_cancelled: You have cancelled your registration. If you reconsider, please re-open your registration using the button below but keep in mind that you may lose out of your housing or bike if you wait too long. hosting_other: Please enter any information you would like organizers to consider when selecting guests for you. If you have restrictions on guests that you would like to stay at your home, or if you have pets or other factors that might cause guests to be uncomfortable or not able to stay at your home, please list them here. hosting_info: Please fill out your house rules, contact instructions, and any other pertinent information about your home or neighbourhood. Your summary will only be visible to conference organizers and your guests. hosting_end_date: What is the latest date that you are willing to have guests stay at you home? hosting_start_date: What is the earliest date that you are willing to have guests stay at you home? hosting_space_tent: Are you willing to have guests stay in tents in your yard? hosting_space_floor: Please let us know how many people you are willing to have sleep on your floor? hosting_space_beds: Please let us know how many people you can provide beds or couches? hosting_phone: Please provide a phone number where guests can contact you. You can provide details on how you expect guests to contact you in your house rules. hosting_address: We will need to share your address with guests so that they can find your home. International visitors may also need to provide border security with the address where they are staying. hosting_attending: Are you also planning to attend conference workshops and events? hosting_check: We are looking for volunteers in %{city} who can house guests between %{date_span} on beds, couches, or floors, or in a backyard tent space. We will ask you to provide your home location, phone number, and house rules for guests. We will do our best to match up guests with criteria that you give us. currency_details: When you arrive, please make your payment in %{currency}. confirm_payment: Thank you, please confirm your payment of %{amount} %{currency}. review: Your registration is complete, please review and modify your data as necessary. payment_form: Please select one of the predefined options below or enter a custom amount. org_select: Please select the organization that you participate in. This information will be used to help us contact and invite your organization next year and to populate the list of known organizations that will be displayed on bikecollectives.org. If you are involved with multiple organizations, please select one for now, you will be able to add more organizations at a later date. payment_type: If you can, please pay now via PayPal. We collect the registration fee as a donation. Your donation pays for spaces, food, equipment, and much more. Paying now enables us to prepare for the conference without paying out of our own pockets. Otherwise, please pledge to pay on arrival. Your pledge will help us make a rough plan for what we can and cannot afford. Thank you. housing_other: Do you have any special needs or considerations that we should know about for your stay such as allergies, disabilities, or a need for child care? Letting us know in advance will help us determine the best place for you to stay and make any necessary preparations for the conference itself. housing_allergies: Let us know if you have any allergies that we should be made aware of. housing_food: Please let us know your eating habits by selecting the option that best describes the type of food that you eat. We will use this to decide the best types of meals to prepare and how much food we will need. housing_bike: In order for us to get an idea of how many bikes we will need to prepare, please let us know if you would like to borrow a bike from us. housing_companion_email: What is your companion's email address? housing_companion_check: Are you coming with a significant other or someone who you absolutely must be housed with? Please note, your companion must also register if you want to be housed together. housing_type: Do you need a place to stay in %{city}? We will do our best to place you with a local host and other visitors that best match your needs. housing_departure_date: When will you be leaving %{city}? If you wish to stay in town longer and need housing or a bike after %{max_date}, please select this date on the calendar below and contact us after you complete your registration. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you but we will do our best. housing_arrival_date: When will you be arriving in %{city}? If you will be in town and need housing or a bike before %{min_date}, please select this date on the calendar below and contact us after you complete your registration. We cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you but we will do our best. org_create_mailing_address: Please provide the organization's mailing address so that we can send your organization a personal invite and poster for next year's Bike!Bike!. org_create_email: In order to contact your organization next year, please provide a general email address. We will not send you regular emails. We may email you if there is a conference in your area or to confirm that your organization is still in existence. Please do not provide a personal email address. org_create_address: Please enter the street address of your organization in %{city}, do not enter the state, province, or country. If your organization is not in %{city}, please go back and change your location. org_create_name: What is the name of your organization? org_location_confirm: Did you mean %{city}? languages: Knowing how many people speak each language will help us to plan translations better for workshops, events, and announcements. If you are bilingual, you will also be given access to tools to help translate content. We may ask for additional help if needed, but you are under no obligation to volunteer. name: How would you like to be addressed at the conference and on this site? org_non_member_interest: Everyone is welcome to attend Bike!Bike!. We would like to get a better understanding of what has attracted you to attend this year. org_member: Do you volunteer or work for an organization that puts bicycle education, access, or advocacy above profits? If so we would like to know a few details about it. provide_email: Bike!Bike! uses email to communicate between you and your conference hosts, however your Facebook account does not provide us an email address. Before proceeding, you must provide us an email address. policy: Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below. If you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time. Confirm_Agreement: By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you! Registration_Info: Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare for your arrival to %{city}. If you wish to ask questions or tell us information we did not ask, please fill in the preferences field at the bottom of the page or use the contact us link. Payment: Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike! Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival. To help us fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon as you can. Thank you. Payment_Made: You have made a payment of %{fees_paid}. Payment_Add: Thank you! You may add to this amount if you wish by making another payment below. currency: "(amounts are in USD)" email_confirm: Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on. Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems, please contact us. confirm_email_address: We ask that you first confirm your email address, once your email address is confirmed you will be able to complete registration, add workshops and pay your registration donation fee. If you have already registered, you can re-confirm you e-mail address to modify your your registration details. Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host you own workshop you can click on the "create workshop" button. Stats: Check Out who's coming and what they've paid so far. See at a glance how much accommodation is needed and what people prefer to eat. done: Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike! Email_Participants: This page is used to contact all participants. Text can be entered as [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics). Pressing 'test' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and use caution in general before pressing 'send' payment_confirm: You are about to confirm your payment of $%{amount} for registration. participants_emailed: Your email has been sent to all participants of %{conference_title}. workshops: You can now take a look at proposed workshops and even propose one yourself if you like. Contact_Info: Please let us know a little bit about you. Create_Workshop: At Bike!Bike! anyone can lead a workshop or just propose an idea that someone else can volunteer to lead. If, where, and when the workshop will be scheduled will ultimately be decided by the conference organizers. Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Would you like to lend a hand facilitating a workshop proposed by someone else? Below is a list of workshops that are actively looking for volunteers, if you are interested in helping out you can make a facilitation request. Your_Workshops: The following is a list of all the workshops that you are facilitating. Workshops_You_Have_Requested: The following is a list of all the workshops that you have requested to facilitate. Pre_Registration_Details: By completing the pre-registration process you are letting us know that you are interested in coming, it allows us to contact you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing who might be coming. Once registration is fully open, we will need to ask a few more questions and you can confirm whether or not you will actually be coming. Registration_Details: By completing the registration process, you are confirming with us that you are coming. It allows us to contact you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing how many people will be hosted. Once registered you will be given access to facilitate your own workshop and view details on existing workshops. If you are already registered or have pre-registered, you can use this form to sign in and access or update your details. Verify_Account: In order to confirm that you are a real person and that we will be able to contact you later, please verify your email address. We will send you an email that will allow you to continue with the registration process. facebook_sign_in: Alternatively you can sign in using your Facebook account and skip waiting for us to send you an email. can_provide_housing: Hosting visiting conference attendees is an important part of Bike!Bike!. It allows many people who cannot afford the cost of accommodations the opportunity to come to the conference, and lets attendees really get to know our city and its residents. You will need to grant access to your home to guests overnight keeping in mind that events can sometimes go late into the evening. If your home will not be accessible during the day, you should make sure to clearly communicate this with your guests. not_attending: If you are only providing housing and would not like to receive further updates about the conference, check this box. host: address: Your address and phone number will be shared with your guests and conference organizers. space: How much space do you have to share? availability: The most common arrival and departure dates for attendees are the first and last day of the conference but people often arrive earlier or later. When will your space be available? considerations: Organizers will do their best to match up hosts and guests. What considerations should organizers keep in mind when selecting guests to stay in your home? notes: Leave a message for organizers to take into consideration when selecting guests for your household. admin: edit: info: This is the copy that is displayed on the front page of the site. group_ride: Describe your group ride. This info may be used on the conference description, emails, or on the registration form. housing_info: Describe what visitors should expect for housing this year workshop_info: Describe how workshops will be run this year and what facilitators should expect schedule_info: Describe your schedule over the conference travel_info: Let visitors know what to expect travelling to your city city_info: Let visitors know about your city, its culture, climate, crime, and any other details that should know about what_to_bring: List what you expect visitors to bring. Common items include a bike helmet, lock, and eating utensils volunteering_info: Let interested volunteers know how they can volunteer and what they can do additional_details: Let visitors know any additional information about your conference schedule: published: Your schedule is currently published and viewable on the front-page. Un-publishing the schedule will remove it from the front-page and show a list of proposed workshops instead. un_published: Your schedule is not yet published. Publishing the schedule will replace the list of proposed workshops on the front-page with the schedule as it is shown below. broadcast: test: Please take a look at this preview to ensure that you want to send this email. Clicking ‘Test’ will send the email only to you. Only after that then the email will be set to %{send_to_count} people. preview: Clicking ‘Send’ will send this message to %{send_to_count} people. Please confirm that you have verified that the test email sent to you is what you want to be sent. events: info: Describe your event for anyone attending the conference. payment: message: This is the text that will be displayed on the 'Donation' page. companion: Is there someone who you would like us to ensure that you are housed with? arrival_and_departure: If you don't need housing, just tell us how long you plan to hang out with Bike!Bike! Policy_Agreement: Read each statement carefully and check the box once to signify that you aggree to uphold the agreement. host: considerations: vegan: Vegan or vegetarian only smoking: Smoking is permitted quiet: Quiet household pets: House has dogs or cats can_provide_housing: I can provide housing. not_attending: I will not be attending the conference questions: bike: large: Large medium: Medium none: None small: Small 'yes': 'Yes' 'no': 'No' food: meat: Omnivore vegan: Vegan vegetarian: Vegetarian housing: house: Indoor Location none: I'll take care of it tent: Tent Space bikes: medium: Medium none: "(none)" actions: View_Workshops: View Workshops notes: Test_Email_Sent: An email was sent to %{email_address} terms: Bikes: Bikes Donation_Count: Donation Count Food: Food Housing: Housing Languages: Languages Total_Donations: Total Donations Total_Registrations: Total Registrations Date: Registration Date registration_status: unregistered: Unregistered preregistered: Preregistered registered: Registered companion: Companion companion_email: Companion Email Preferred_Languages: Preferred Language is_attending: Attending? about_bikebike: paragraphs: bicycle_project_paragraph: Community bicycle projects do many different things. Some use bicycles to change society, the economy, or the environment. Some have community bike shops. Some promote bicycle use and making their communities into places where riding is easier, more inclusive, safer, and more fun. The list below uses the criteria found in the old Bicycle Organization Organization Project for what constitutes a community bike shop. The bike project need not meet all these criteria. Rather, it is a general list of qualities which are common among many bicycle projects. Who_is_Invited: You don’t have to be an expert or belong to a huge group, you just need to be willing to share what you know about organization, mechanics, social impact, addressing inequality, and increasing accessibility to cycling in your community. Types_of_Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees. They can be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host your own workshop, you can enter details after registering. What ends up in the final schedule and when they happen are decided on by the conference hosts. Amenities: Traditionally conference hosts arrange shared accommodations, one to two meals a day, and bicycles will be available for registered attendees. However you should check the conference details on the current conference. More information on how you can arrange your own accommodation and recommended places to visit should also be provided to you by the hosts on the conference page or upon arrival. Volunteer: Yes. Please! What_is_BikeBike: Bike!Bike! is an international, annual gathering organized by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. term: non_profit: Bike shops that are accessible to people without money recycle_parts: Non-profit bicycle organizations education: Shops that have an educational focus, teaching others how to fix bikes volunteer_run: 'Shops that are volunteer run ' export_bikes: Organizations that ship bikes to communities in other countries low_cost: Shops that provide free or low-cost services to the community no_money: Organizations that recycle bicycles and parts headings: bicycle_project: What is a community bicycle project? Who_is_Invited: Who is invited? Types_of_Workshops: What types of workshops will there be? Amenities: Where can I stay? What can I eat? How can I get around? Volunteer: Can I volunteer? What_is_BikeBike: What is Bike!Bike!? permission_denied: headings: confirmation_sent: Confirmation Sent confirm_email: Please confirm your email address login_required: Login Required paragraphs: translator_not_logged_in: You must be a translator and logged in to view this page. If you are already a translator please confirm your email address to proceed. If you would like to become a translator you can request to become one after logging in. workshops: headings: Proposed_Workshops: Proposed Workshops facilitators: Facilitators languages: Languages needs: Needs space: Space theme: Theme interested_count: Interested Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop notes: Notes Workshops: Workshops Your_Workshops: Your Workshops Workshops_that_you_would_like_to_attend: Workshops that you would like to attend facilitate: Request to Facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ add_facilitator: Add a facilitator needs_facilitators: Looking for help? Comments: Comments Schedule: Schedule paragraphs: Workshops_that_you_would_like_to_attend: Add workshops to your schedule by pressing the "+1" button beside a workshop. This will help you keep track of the wokshops that you would like to attend and help organizers to create a better schedule. Proposed_Workshops: Would you like to facilitate your own workshop? Simply register and visit the workshops page. If you have already registered you can access the page by restarting the registration process. info: Describe your workshop in detail. Select text to apply formatting. space: What kind of space do you need for your workshop?? theme: Which of the themes below best match your workshop? This will help hosts to avoid scheduling conflicts. Select other if none of the options match in any way. Delete_Workshop: Deleting a workshop cannot be undone, are you sure that you want to proceed? new_workshop: 'Workshops in the past have tended to fit into a few broad categories: structural/organizational (how to start a shop, how to register a non-profit, consensus decision making, etc,) mechanical (how to weld two tandems to a tall bike, building 3-speed hubs out of fishing tackle and old socks, etc,) anti-oppression (safe spaces, women’s workshops, etc,) and recreational (touring tips, yoga for cyclists, etc.) This year we would like to try a panel, a forum, or other types of settings that you think might facilitate learning – be inventive, let us know what you want to see!' Workshops: Do you have an exciting skill to share with us? Want to chat about creating safe community spaces? Want to make sure we fit a good bike ride into the weekend? Propose a workshop! Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, we want to hear about everyone’s experience within the many configurations of community shops we’re coming from. notes: Notes are only viewable by conference hosts and workshop facilitators facilitate_request: Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will be emailed, and they may ask more questions before approving or denying your request. Please note that this will reveal your email address to the facilitators. facilitate_request_sent: Your request has been sent. You will receive an email once your request is approved or denied or if the current facilitators have any questions. languages: What language will the workshop be presented in? Will there be translations or translators available? needs: If you need any of the following, the conference organizers will do their best to make sure you have them. If you have any other requests, you can include them in the notes section. needs_facilitators: Are you actively looking for help running this workshop? Anyone who is registered for the conference can request to facilitate at any time but checking this box will improve your chances of finding collaborators. info: interested_count: one: One person is interested in this workshop other: "%{count} people are interested in this workshop" zero: No one is interested in this workshop yet you_are_interested_count: one: You and one other are interested in this workshop other: You and %{count} others are interested in this workshop zero: You are interested in this workshop read_more: Details user_settings: headings: Your_Account: Account Settings email_subscribe: Notifications Your_Conferences: Your Conferences paragraphs: conference_registration: Looking to register or modify your current registration? email_subscribe: Would you like to be notified about upcoming conferences? If you have registered for a conference we will always send you notifications and announcements until the conference. email_subscribe: Subscribe to email announcements section_content: bikebike: about_bikebike: Bike!Bike! is an international annual gathering organized by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. images: conference: poster: "%{conference_title} poster" forms: labels: generic: pronoun: Pronoun territory: State/Province payment_type: paypal: Online on_arrival: In person none: None space: Available Space hosting_dates: When will you be in town? type: Type year: Year is_public: Public is_featured: Featured start_date: Start Date end_date: End Date search: Search payment_message: Payment Message other: Disabilities, housing preferences, etc. email: Email address allergies: Allergies arrival: Arrival date departure: Departure date location: City, State/Province, Country name: Name subject: Subject title: Title info: Description content: Content notes: Notes message: 'Your Message:' address: Street Address phone: Phone number bed_space: Bed/Couch Space floor_space: Floor Space tent_space: Tent Space first_day: From last_day: To body: Body day: Day event_location: Location other_notes: Other time: Time time_span: Length reasons: website: Something about the website conference: Something about the conference paypal_email_address: PayPal Email Address paypal_username: PayPal API Username paypal_password: PayPal API Password paypal_signature: PayPal Signature registration_statuses: closed: Closed open: Open pre: Pre-Registration registration_status: Registration Status companion: Email address block_number: Block days: Days length: Length workshop_block: Block send_to: Send To street_address: Street Address city: City organization: Organization subregion: State / Province country: Country postal_code: Postal Code status: Status bike: Bike food: Food housing: Housing no_file_selected: No file selected actions: generic: reopen_registration: Re-open my registration cancel_registration: Cancel my registration organization_none: None of the above payment_paypal: I can pay now with PayPal payment_on_arrival: I can pledge to pay on arrival payment_none: Not now food_meat: I eat meat and dairy food_vegetarian: I am vegetarian food_vegan: I am vegan housing_none: I don't need a place to stay housing_tent: I would like a place to tent housing_house: Yes, I would like to place to stay 'yes': 'Yes' 'no': 'No' maybe: Maybe review: Review back: Back upload: Upload select_file: Select a file administrate: Administrate login: Sign In Log_out: Sign out agree: I Agree custom_amount: Custom amount edit_registration: Edit my registration register: Register save: Save test: Test preview: Preview confirm_amount: Confirm cancel: Cancel confirm: Confirm edit: Edit send: Send skip: Skip remove_interest: "-1" show_interest: "+1" add: "+" previous: Previous next: Next continue: Continue facebook_sign_in: Facebook Sign In add_meal: Add create: Create delete: Delete place_guest: Place Guest set_host: Set Host add_comment: Add Comment reply: Reply add_member: Add remove_member: Remove publish: Publish Schedule un_publish: Un-Publish Schedule add_block: Add close: Close deschedule: De-Schedule reschedule: Reschedule schedule_workshop: Schedule delete_block: Delete update_block: Update 'true': true  aria: remove_interest: Click if you are no longer interested in this workshop show_interest: Click if you are interested in this workshop add: Add new options: send_to: registered: Everyone who has registered pre_registered: Everyone who has pre-registered or registered unregistered: Everyone who has not completed their registration workshop_facilitators: All workshop facilitators housing_providers: Housing providers guests: Everyone who has requested housing all: Everyone conferences: types: annual: Annual Bike!Bike! n: North s: South e: East w: West ne: Northeast nw: Northwest se: Southeast sw: Southwest distance_unit: km: km mi: mi confirmations: delete: Are you sure you want to delete? page_titles: administration: Administration: "%{title} Administration" '403': Access_Denied: Access Denied Please_Confirm_Email: Please confirm your email Please_Check_Email: Please check your email Please_Login: Please login Safe_Space_Policy: Safer Space Agreement About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike! about: About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike! contact: Contact_Us: Contact Us Conferences: Conferences conferences: Conference_Registration: Conference Registration Create_Workshop: Create a Workshop Email_Participants: Email Participants Registration_Stats: Registration Stats View_Workshop: View Workshop Workshops: Workshops Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop Edit_Workshop: Edit Workshop Translate_Workshop: Edit %{language} Workshop Translation Edit: Edit Conference Facilitate_Workshop: Workshop Facilitation Request policy: Safer_Spaces_Policy: Safer Space Agreement '404': Page_Not_Found: Page Not Found Locale_Not_Available: Locale Not Available Policy: Policy About: About Register: Register Pre_Register: Pre-Register '500': An_Error_Occurred: An Error Occurred user_settings: Your_Account: Your Account links: footer: help_text: contact: Contact Us contributors: Contributors facebook: Join our Facebook group select_language: Change your language text: File_an_Issue: File an issue Help_contribute: Help contribute download: Excel: Download Data in Excel Format Organizations_Excel: Download Organization Data page_descriptions: home: Bike!Bike! A conference for bike collectives, co-ops, non-profit DIY bike shops donate: button_label: Donate menu: submenu: registration: Registration: Registration Workshops: Workshops Stats: Stats Broadcast: Broadcast Payment: Payment Edit: Edit Conference admin: Edit: Edit Stats: Stats Payment: Payment Broadcast: Broadcast Broadcast_Sent: Broadcast Sent Housing: Housing Locations: Locations Meals: Meals Events: Events Schedule: Schedule Workshop_Times: Workshop Times info: Basic Info registration: Registration edit: Edit stats: Stats payment: Payment broadcast: Broadcast broadcast_sent: Broadcast Sent housing: Housing locations: Locations meals: Meals events: Events schedule: Schedule workshop_times: Workshop Times actions: workshops: create: New Workshop Delete: Delete Workshop Edit: Edit Translate: Translate into %{language} Approve: Approve Deny: Deny Facilitate: Make a facilitation request Remove: Remove Leave: Leave Cancel_Request: Cancel Request Make_Owner: Transfer Ownership View: View this workshop View_All: View all workshops conference: edit_registration: My registration Translate: Edit %{language} version error: '403': description: You do not currently have sufficient permissions to access this page. If you believe this is an error, please contact us. title: You do not have access to this page '404': description: The page you are looking for could not be found. If you think this was in error, please contact us. title: '404: This page doesn''t exist' token_not_found: Your login token was expired or not found. Please try signing in again. locale_not_available: description: This site has yet to be translated into %{language}. We are actively looking for volunteers who can translate existing copy and new copy as we add new features. If you think you can help, please contact us! title: '404: %{language} Translations Missing' volunteer: title: Can you help us translate? description: 'If you can help us translate this or any other language, please let us know by contacting us using the form below:' '500': title: There is a problem description: An error has occurred, details about the error have been sent to our development team. In addition, you may contact us using the form below to let us better understand what happened and how you were affected. roles: workshops: facilitator: creator: Owner collaborator: Collaborator requested: Requested unregistered: Unregistered facilitator: Facilitator workshop: options: needs: projector: Projector sound: Sound System tools: Tools space: meeting_room: Meeting Room outdoor_meeting: Outdoor Space workshop: Repair Space event_space: Event Space theme: community: Community Outreach funding: Funding mechanics: Mechanics organization: Organizational Concerns other: Other race_gender: Race, Gender, or Class Politics needs_facilitators: Needs Additional Facilitators user: not_found: Unregistered email: confirmation: paragraph: please_confirm: Hello! To gain access to registration and other features of Bike!Bike!, please confirm your email address. link: please_confirm: Confirm now subject: confirm_email: Confirmation Email registration_confirmed: Thank you for registering for %{conference_title} pre_registration_confirmed: Thank you for pre-registering for %{conference_title} workshop_facilitator_request: Request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ from %{requester_name} workshop_request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ workshop_request_denied: Your request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ has been denied workshop_translated: The %{language} translation for ‘%{workshop_title}’ has been modified workshop_original_content_changed: Original content for ‘%{workshop_title}’ has been modified workshop_comment: comment: "%{user_name} commented on ‘%{workshop_title}’" reply: "%{user_name} replied to your comment" general: paragraph: see_you: See you in %{conference_location}! thank_you: Thank you %{name}, registration: paragraph: confirmed: You have successfully registered for %{conference_title}. You can modify your registration details, pay, or add workshops at any time by restarting the registration process. If you have yet to pay or add your workshops and plan to do so, we ask that you take care of it as soon as possible to help us prepare in advance of your arrival. pre_confirmed: You have successfully pre-registered for %{conference_title}. We will let you know when registration is fully open and if there is any important news about the conference that you should know about. We encourage you to create or volunteer to facilitate workshops soon. You can do that, or change your registration details at any time by clicking on the pre-register link again. translations: headings: new_value: 'New Value: ' old_value: 'Old Value: ' diff: 'Difference: ' paragraph: workshop_translated: "%{user_name} has modified the %{language} translation for ‘%{workshop_title}’." workshop_original_content_changed: "%{user_name} has modified the original content for ‘%{workshop_title}’. Translations may need to be updated." workshop_comment: paragraph: user_said: "%{user_name} said:" workshop: paragraph: request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’. request_denied: Your request to become a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current facilitators by making another request to facilitate. request_instructions: 'You can approve or deny this request on your workshop page:' request_message: "%{user_name} has requested to help facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’:" request_reply_instructions: You can also reply directly to this email to ask follow-up questions. view_workshop: 'View the workshop here: ' translate: content: change_locale: Read in %{language} Translation_of: Translation of number: currency: format: format: "%u%n" separator: "."