module FormHelper def off_screen(text, id = nil) content_tag(:span, text.html_safe, id: id, class: 'screen-reader-text') end def translate_fields(object, field_options = {}, options = {}) html = '' nav = '' # set the selected locale selected_locale = (options[:locale] || object.locale || I18n.locale).to_sym I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do |locale| # ses if this should b the selected field class_name = selected_locale == locale.to_sym ? 'selected' : nil # add the locale to the nav nav += content_tag(:li, content_tag(:a, _("languages.#{locale}"), href: 'javascript:void(0)'), class: class_name, data: { locale: locale }).html_safe fields = '' field_options.each do |name, __options| _options = __options.deep_dup # add the field value = object.is_a?(Hash) ? object[locale.to_sym] : object.get_column_for_locale!(name, locale, false) # use the default value if we need to if _options[:default].present? && value.blank? value = _(_options[:default], locale: locale) end _options[:index] = locale _options[:lang] = locale _options[:parent_options] = { lang: locale } type = "#{_options[:type].to_s}" _options.delete(:type) fields += self.send(type, name, value, _options).html_safe end html += content_tag(:li, fields.html_safe, class: class_name, data: { locale: locale }).html_safe end if options[:class].nil? options[:class] = [] elsif options[:class].is_a?(String) options[:class] = [options[:class]] end options[:class] += ['translator', 'multi-field-translator'] (fieldset(nil, options) do content_tag(:ul, nav.html_safe, class: 'locale-select').html_safe + content_tag(:ul, html.html_safe, class: 'text-editors').html_safe end).html_safe end def translate_textarea(name, object, property = nil, options = {}) html = '' nav = '' # see if options was passed in as property if options.blank? && property.is_a?(Hash) options = property property = nil end # set the selected locale selected_locale = (options[:locale] || object.locale || I18n.locale).to_sym I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do |locale| # ses if this should b the selected field class_name = selected_locale == locale.to_sym ? 'selected' : nil # add the locale to the nav nav += content_tag(:li, content_tag(:a, _("languages.#{locale}"), href: 'javascript:void(0)'), class: class_name, data: { locale: locale }).html_safe # add the field value = object.is_a?(Hash) ? object[locale.to_sym] : object.get_column_for_locale!(name, locale, false) # use the default value if we need to if options[:default].present? && value.blank? value = _(options[:default], locale: locale) end html += content_tag(:li, textarea(name, value, { label: false, edit_on: options[:edit_on], parent_options: { lang: locale }, index: locale }).html_safe, class: class_name, data: { locale: locale }).html_safe end if options[:class].nil? options[:class] = [] elsif options[:class].is_a?(String) options[:class] = [options[:class]] end options[:class] += ['translator'] (fieldset(name, options) do content_tag(:ul, nav.html_safe, class: 'locale-select').html_safe + content_tag(:ul, html.html_safe, class: 'text-editors').html_safe end).html_safe end def textarea(name, value = nil, options = {}) id = unique_id(name) label_id = "#{id}-label" description_id = nil html = '' if options[:heading].present? label_id = "#{name.to_s}-label" unless options[:label] html += content_tag(:h3, _(options[:heading], :t, vars: options[:vars] || {}), id: label_id) end if options[:label] == false label_id = options[:labelledby] elsif options[:label].present? html += label_tag([name, id], nil, id: label_id) do _(options[:label], :t, vars: options[:vars] || {}) end else html += label_tag([name, id], nil, id: label_id) end if options[:help].present? description_id ||= "#{id}-desc" html += content_tag(:div, _(options[:help], :s, 2), id: description_id, class: 'input-field-help') end if options[:warning].present? description_id ||= "#{id}-desc" html += content_tag(:div, _(options[:warning], :s, 2), id: description_id, class: 'warning-info') end aria = {} aria[:labelledby] = label_id if label_id.present? aria[:describedby] = description_id if description_id.present? css_class = [ options[:short] === true ? :short : nil ].compact html_name = name.to_s + (options[:index] ? "[#{options[:index]}]" : '') if options[:plain] html += (text_area_tag html_name, value, id: id, lang: options[:lang], aria: aria, class: css_class ) else html += content_tag(:div, content_tag(:div, (value || '').html_safe, class: :editor).html_safe, id: id, data: { name: html_name }, lang: options[:lang], aria: aria, tabindex: 0, class: [:textarea] + css_class ) add_stylesheet 'quill.css' add_javascript :quill add_inline_script :editor end parent_options = options[:parent_options] || {} if parent_options[:class].nil? parent_options[:class] = [] elsif parent_options[:class].is_a?(String) parent_options[:class] = [parent_options[:class]] end parent_options[:class] += ['text-area-field', 'input-field'] html = content_tag(:div, html.html_safe, parent_options).html_safe html += _original_content(options[:original_value], options[:original_lang]) if options[:original_value].present? return html.html_safe end def fieldset(name = nil, options = {}, &block) html = '' label = '' description = '' description_id = nil errors = '' if name.present? if options[:label] != false label = content_tag(:legend, _(( options[:label].is_a?(String) ? options[:label] : "forms.labels.generic.#{name}"), :t, vars: options[:vars] || {})) end if options[:help].present? description_id = unique_id("#{name.to_s}-desc") description = content_tag(:div, _(options[:help], :s, 2), class: 'input-field-help', id: description_id) end errors = (show_errors name) end html = label + errors + description + content_tag(:div, class: :fieldgroup, &block) aria = description_id.present? ? { describedby: description_id } : nil (content_tag(:fieldset, html.html_safe, aria: aria, class: ((options[:class] || []) + [ options[:inline] ? :inline : nil, options[:inline_label] ? 'inline-label' : nil, errors.present? ? 'has-error' : nil ]).compact ) ).html_safe end def selectfield(name, value, select_options, options = {}) unless select_options.first.is_a?(Array) so = select_options select_options = [] so.each do |opt| select_options << [ I18n.t("forms.options.#{name.to_s}.#{opt.to_s}"), opt] end end textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :select, options: select_options})) end def telephonefield(name, value, options = {}) textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :telephone})) end def numberfield(name, value, options = {}) textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :number})) end def searchfield(name, value, options = {}) textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :search})) end def userfield(name, value, options = {}) # eventually this will be a dynamic field to find users, for now we'll just use emails # add_inline_script :userfield emailfield(name, value, options)# .merge({ # parent_options: { class: ['user-field'] }, # after: content_tag(:div, '', class: 'user-name') # })) end def emailfield(name, value, options = {}) textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :email})) end def filefield(name, value, options = {}) textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :file})) end def passwordfield(name, value, options = {}) textfield(name, value, options.merge({type: :password})) end def textfield(name, value, options = {}) html = '' id = unique_id(name) html_name = name.to_s + (options[:index] ? "[#{options[:index]}]" : '') description_id = nil if options[:heading].present? description_id ||= "#{id.to_s}-desc" html += content_tag(:h3, _(options[:heading], :t, vars: options[:vars] || {}), id: description_id) end if options[:help].present? description_id ||= "#{id.to_s}-desc" html += content_tag(:div, _(options[:help], :s, 2, vars: options[:vars] || {}), class: 'input-field-help', id: description_id) end html += show_errors name, value if options[:warning].present? description_id ||= "#{id}-desc" html += content_tag(:div, _(options[:warning], :s, 2), id: description_id, class: 'warning-info') end inside_label = '' if options[:type] == :file inside_label = (content_tag(:div, class: 'file-field-selector') do (options[:preview] ? content_tag(:img, nil, src: value.present? ? value.url : nil).html_safe : '').html_safe + content_tag(:div, (value.present? ? File.basename(value.url) : (_'forms.labels.generic.no_file_selected')), class: 'file-field-name ' + (value.present? ? 'selected' : 'unselected')).html_safe + content_tag(:a, (_'forms.actions.generic.select_file'), class: :button) end) end label_text = nil if options[:label].present? label_text = _(options[:label], :t, vars: options[:vars] || {}) elsif options[:label] != false label_text = (_"forms.labels.generic.#{name}") elsif options[:type] == :select || options[:type] == :file # add an empty label so that the drop down button will still appear label_text = '' end label_options = {} # let the label be selected if the input is hidden label_options[:tabindex] = 0 if options[:type] == :file unless label_text.nil? html += label_tag id, (label_text + inside_label).html_safe end input_options = { id: id, required: Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development? ? false : options[:required], readonly: options[:readonly] == true ? :readonly : nil, lang: options[:lang], min: options[:min], max: options[:max], step: options[:step], aria: description_id ? { describedby: description_id } : nil } case name when :address input_options[:autocomplete] = 'address-line1' when :name input_options[:autocomplete] = 'name' when :location input_options[:autocomplete] = 'address-level2' when :email input_options[:autocomplete] = 'email' when :phone input_options[:autocomplete] = 'tel' when :paypal_email_address, :paypal_username, :paypal_password, :paypal_signature input_options[:autocomplete] = 'off' end case options[:type] when :select option_list = options_for_select(options[:options], value) # make sure that we have an empty option if the select is required if options[:required] && options[:options].first.present? && options[:options].first.last.present? option_list = ('' + option_list).html_safe end html += select_tag(html_name, option_list, input_options) when :file add_inline_script :filefield input_options[:tabindex] = '-1' html += off_screen(file_field_tag html_name, input_options) else input_options[:autocomplete] = 'off' if options[:type] == :search html += send("#{(options[:type] || :text).to_s}_field_tag", html_name, value, input_options) end if options[:after].present? html += options[:after].html_safe end html = content_tag(:div, html.html_safe, class: [ "#{(options[:type] || :text).to_s}-field", 'input-field', value.present? ? nil : 'empty', options[:big] ? 'big' : nil, options[:small] ? 'small' : nil, options[:stretch] ? 'stretch-item' : nil, options[:full] ? 'full' : nil, options[:inline_label] ? 'inline-label' : nil, (@errors || {})[name].present? ? 'has-error' : nil ].compact + (((options[:parent_options] || {})[:class]) || [])) html += _original_content(options[:original_value], options[:original_lang]) if options[:original_value].present? return html.html_safe end def radiobuttons(name, boxes, value, label_key = '', options = {}) checkboxes(name, boxes, [value], label_key, options.merge({radiobuttons: true})) end def checkbox(name, value, label_key, options = {}) checkboxes(name, [true], value, label_key, options) end def unique_id(id) id = id.to_s.gsub('[', '_').gsub(']', '') @_ids ||= {} @_ids[id] ||= 0 new_id = id if @_ids[id] > 0 new_id += "--#{@_ids[id]}" end @_ids[id] += 1 return new_id end def checkboxes(name, boxes, values, label_key = '', options = {}) html = ''! { |box| box.is_a?(String) ? box.to_sym : box }! { |value| value.is_a?(String) ? value.to_sym : value } if values.is_a?(Array) label_id = nil description_id = nil if options[:heading].present? label_id ||= unique_id("#{name.to_s}-label") html += content_tag(:h3, _(options[:heading], :t, vars: options[:vars] || {}), id: label_id) end help = nil if options[:help].present? description_id ||= unique_id("#{name.to_s}-desc") help = content_tag(:div, _(options[:help], :s, 2), class: 'input-field-help', id: description_id) end html += help if help.present? && !options[:right_help] boxes_html = '' labels = nil is_single = !values.is_a?(Array) if boxes.length > 0 if boxes.first.is_a?(Array) labels = unless label_key == false boxes = end elsif !boxes.first.is_a?(Integer) values = values.present? ? : [] unless is_single boxes = end # convert the required value into a pure boolean required = !!options[:required] boxes.each_with_index do |box, i| checked = (is_single ? values.present? : values.include?(box)) values -= [box] if checked && !is_single id = nil if options[:radiobuttons].present? id = unique_id("#{name.to_s}_#{box}") boxes_html += radio_button_tag(name, box, checked, id: id, required: required) else _name = (is_single ? name : "#{name.to_s}[#{box}]") id = unique_id(_name) boxes_html += check_box_tag(_name, 1, checked, data: { toggles: options[:toggles] }.compact, id: id, required: required) end # we only need the required attribute on one element required = false if label_key == false boxes_html += label_tag(id, '') else if labels.present? label = labels[i] elsif is_single label = _(label_key.to_s) elsif box.is_a?(Integer) label = I18n.t(label_key.to_s)[box] else label = _("#{label_key.to_s}.#{box}") end boxes_html += label_tag(id, label) end end if options[:other].present? && !is_single id = nil if options[:radiobuttons].present? id = unique_id("#{name.to_s}_other") boxes_html += radio_button_tag(name, :other, values.present?, id: id) else _name = "#{name.to_s}[other]" id = unique_id(_name) boxes_html += check_box_tag(_name, 1, values.present?, id: id) end boxes_html += label_tag id, content_tag(:div, text_field_tag("other_#{name.to_s}", values.first, placeholder: (_"#{label_key}.other"), required: values.present?), class: 'other') end html += content_tag(:fieldset, content_tag(:div, boxes_html.html_safe, class: [ 'check-box-field', 'input-field', options[:vertical] ? 'vertical' : nil, options[:inline] ? 'inline' : nil, options[:small] ? 'small' : nil, options[:big] ? 'big' : nil ].compact).html_safe, aria: { labelledby: label_id, describedby: description_id }, class: [ options[:centered] ? 'centered' : nil, options[:right_help] ? 'right-help' : nil ].compact ) html += help if help.present? && options[:right_help] return html.html_safe end def button(value = nil, options = {}, &block) if !block_given? && (value.nil? || value.is_a?(Symbol)) return button_tag(I18n.t("forms.actions.generic.#{(value || :button)}"), options) end button_tag(value, options, &block) end def calendar_day_select(name, value, date_range, highlight_range = nil) months = {} date_range.to_a.each do |d| unless months[d.month].present? months[d.month] = [nil] * d.wday end months[d.month] << d end rows = [] empty_cell = content_tag(:td, '').html_safe month_names = I18n.t('date.month_names') day_names = content_tag(:tr, I18n.t('date.abbr_day_names').map { |day| content_tag(:th, day).html_safe }.join.html_safe).html_safe months.each do |month, days| rows << content_tag(:tr, content_tag(:th, month_names[month], colspan: 7).html_safe, class: 'month').html_safe rows << day_names weekdays = [] days.each do |date| if date.nil? weekdays << empty_cell else class_name = ['unstyled'] if value == date class_name << 'selected' end if highlight_range.present? && highlight_range.include?(date) class_name << 'during-conference' end weekdays << content_tag(:td, content_tag(:button,, name: :date, value: date.to_s, class: class_name).html_safe ).html_safe end if date.present? && date.wday >= 6 rows << content_tag(:tr, weekdays.join.html_safe).html_safe if weekdays.present? weekdays = [] end end weekdays += [empty_cell] * (7 - weekdays.length) rows << content_tag(:tr, weekdays.join.html_safe).html_safe if weekdays.present? end return content_tag(:table, rows.join.html_safe, class: :calendar).html_safe end def conference_days_options(conference = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference return [] unless conference dates = [] day = conference.start_date - 7.days last_day = conference.end_date + 7.days while day <= last_day dates << day day += end return dates end def conference_days_options_list(period, conference = nil, format = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference return [] unless conference days = [] conference_days_options(conference).each do |day| belongs_to_periods = [] belongs_to_periods << :before if day <= conference.start_date belongs_to_periods << :after if day >= conference.end_date belongs_to_periods << :before_plus_one if day <= (conference.start_date + belongs_to_periods << :after_minus_one if day >= (conference.end_date - belongs_to_periods << :during if day >= conference.start_date && day <= conference.end_date days << [date(day.to_date, format || :span_same_year_date_1), day.to_date] if belongs_to_periods.include?(period) end return days end def registration_status_options_list(conference = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference return [] unless conference options = [:closed, :pre, :open].each do |opt| options << [(_"forms.labels.generic.registration_statuses.#{opt}"), opt] end return options end def month_select(value = nil, args = {}) options = (1..12) { |month| [ (I18n.t "date.#{args[:format] || 'month_names'}")[month], month ] } selectfield args[:name] || :month, value, options, args end def month_day_select(value = nil, args = {}) options = (1..31) { |day| [ day, day ] } selectfield args[:name] || :month_day, value, options, args end def day_select(value = nil, args = {}) selectfield :day, value, conference_days_options_list(:during, nil, args[:format]), args end def hour_select(value = nil, args = {}, start_time = 8, end_time = 23.5, step = 0.5) time = start_time times = [] while time <= end_time times << [time( + time.hours), time] time += step end selectfield :time, value, times, args end def length_select(value = nil, args = {}, min_length = 0.5, max_length = 6, step = 0.5) length = min_length lengths = [] while length <= max_length lengths << [time_length(length), length] length += step end selectfield :time_span, value, lengths, args end def contact_reason_select reasons = [] [:website, :conference].each do |reason| reasons << [ _("forms.labels.generic.reasons.#{reason.to_s}"), reason ] end [['Something about the website', :website]] selectfield :reason, nil, reasons, required: true, heading: '', label: false, full: true end def block_select(value = nil, args = {}) blocks = {} @workshop_blocks.each_with_index do |info, block| info['days'].each do |day| blocks[(day.to_i * 10) + block] = [ "#{(I18n.t 'date.day_names')[day.to_i]} Block #{block + 1}", "#{day}:#{block}" ] end end selectfield :workshop_block, value, blocks.sort.to_h.values, args end def location_select(value = nil, args = {}) locations = [] if @this_conference.event_locations.present? @this_conference.event_locations.each do |location| locations << [ location.title, ] unless ((args[:invalid_locations] || []).include? end end selectfield :event_location, value, locations, args end def location_name(id) begin location = EventLocation.find(id) rescue return '' end return '' unless location.present? return location.title end def host_options_list(hosts) options = [[nil, nil]] hosts.each do |id, registration| options << [, id] end return options end def registration_step_menu steps = current_registration_steps(@registration) return '' unless steps.present? && steps.length > 1 pre_registration_steps = '' post_registration_steps = '' post_registration = false steps.each do |step| text = _"articles.conference_registration.headings.#{step[:name].to_s}" if step[:name] == :workshops post_registration = true end h = content_tag :li, class: [step[:enabled] ? :enabled : nil, @register_template == step[:name] ? :current : nil, post_registration ? :post : :pre].compact do if step[:enabled] content_tag :div, (link_to text, register_step_path(@this_conference.slug, step[:name])).html_safe, class: :step else content_tag :div, text, class: :step end end if post_registration post_registration_steps += h.html_safe else pre_registration_steps += h.html_safe end end html = ( row class: 'flow-steps' do columns do (content_tag :ul, id: 'registration-steps' do pre_registration_steps.html_safe + post_registration_steps.html_safe end).html_safe end end ) return html.html_safe end def broadcast_options(conference = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference options = [ :registered, :pre_registered, :workshop_facilitators, :unregistered, :housing_providers, :guests, :all ] if conference.registration_status != :open options -= [:registered, :guests] options -= [:pre_registered] unless conference.registration_status != :pre end return options end def show_errors(field, value = nil) return '' unless @errors && @errors[field].present? error_txt = _"errors.messages.fields.#{field.to_s}.#{@errors[field]}", :s, vars: { value: value } content_tag(:div, error_txt, class: 'field-error').html_safe end private def _original_content(value, lang) content_tag(:div, ( content_tag(:h4, _('translate.content.Translation_of')) + content_tag(:div, value, class: 'value', lang: lang) ).html_safe, class: 'original-text') end end