class Workshop < ActiveRecord::Base translates :info, :title belongs_to :conference has_many :workshop_facilitators, :dependent => :destroy has_many :users, :through => :workshop_facilitators accepts_nested_attributes_for :workshop_facilitators, :reject_if => proc {|u| u[:user_id].blank?}, :allow_destroy => true before_create :make_slug def to_param slug end def role(user) return nil unless user workshop_facilitators.each do |u| if u.user_id == return conference.registration_exists?(user) ? u.role.to_sym : :unregistered end end return nil end def facilitator?(user) !!role(user) end def active_facilitators users = [] workshop_facilitators.each do |u| users << User.find(u.user_id) unless u.role.to_sym == :requested || u.user_id.nil? end return users end def active_facilitator?(user) facilitator?(user) && !requested_collaborator?(user) end def public_facilitator?(user) return false if !active_facilitator?(user) return true if creator?(user) conference.registered?(user) end def creator?(user) role(user) == :creator end def collaborator?(user) role(user) == :collaborator end def requested_collaborator?(user) role(user) == :requested end def can_edit?(user) creator?(user) || collaborator?(user) || end def can_remove?(owner, facilitator) # creators cannot be removed return false if creator?(facilitator) # creator can remove anyone, facilitators can remove themselves return creator?(owner) || == end def can_delete?(user) creator?(user) || end def can_show_interest?(user) !active_facilitator?(user) end def interested?(user) user.present? && !active_facilitator?(user) && WorkshopInterest.find_by(workshop_id: id, user_id: end def interested_count return 0 unless id collaborators = [] workshop_facilitators.each do |f| collaborators << f.user_id unless f.role.to_sym == :requested || f.user_id.nil? end return 10 unless collaborators.present? interested = WorkshopInterest.where("workshop_id=#{id} AND user_id NOT IN (#{collaborators.join ','})") || [] interested ? interested.size : 0 end def can_translate?(user, lang) return false unless user.present? user.can_translate?(lang, locale) || (can_edit?(user) && lang.to_s != locale.to_s) end def conference_day return nil unless start_time.present? && end_time.present? start_day = conference.start_date.change(hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0) w_start_day = start_time.change(hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0) return (((w_start_day - start_day) / 86400) + 1).to_i end def duration return nil unless start_time.present? && end_time.present? ((end_time - start_time) / 60).to_i end def self.all_themes [:race_gender, :mechanics, :funding, :organization, :community] end def self.all_spaces [:meeting_room, :workshop, :outdoor_meeting] end def self.all_needs [:sound, :projector, :tools] end def get_translators(data, loc = nil) notify_list = {} active_facilitators.each do |facilitator| notify_list[] = facilitator end data.each do | column, value | ( loc.present? ? get_translators_for_column_and_locale(column, loc) : get_translators_for_column(column) ).each do |id| notify_list[id] = User.find(id) end end return notify_list end private def make_slug if !self.slug s = self.title.gsub(/[^a-z1-9]+/i, '-').chomp('-').gsub(/\-([A-Z])/, '\1') if Organization.find_by(:slug => s) && self.locations && self.locations[0] s += '-' + self.locations[0].city if Organization.find_by(:slug => s) && locations[0].territory s += '-' + self.locations[0].territory end if Organization.find_by(:slug => s) s += '-' + self.locations[0].country end end attempt = 1 ss = s while Organization.find_by(:slug => s) attempt += 1 s = ss + '-' + attempt end self.slug = s end end end