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- add_inline_script :housing
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, :housing), id: :hosts, class: 'on-top-target' do
= hidden_field_tag :guest_id
= button_tag :close, type: :button, class: ['on-top-close']
- @hosts.each do | id, registration |
- if registration.user.present?
- widget_data = host_guests_widget(registration)
%li{id: "host-#{id}", class: widget_data[:class]}
%h4=_'articles.admin.housing.headings.guests', :t
- @guests.each do | id, registration |
- if registration.user.present?
%li.guest{id: "guest-#{id}", data: { id: id, 'affected-hosts': @hosts_affected_by_guests[id].join(',') }}
= button_tag :set_host, type: :button, class: [:small, 'set-host', 'not-on-top']