Bike!Bike! Website!
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=svg_sprite 'icons', 'bb-icon-github', 'github logo'
%a{href: '', target: :_blank}
%a{href: '', target: :_blank}
=_'links.footer.help_text.facebook', 'Join our facebook group' do |title|
%a{href: '', target: :_blank, title: title}
=svg_sprite 'icons', 'bb-icon-fb', 'facebook logo'
=_'links.footer.help_text.select_language', 'Select your language' do |title|
%input{type: :checkbox, id: 'select-language'}
%label.launch{title: title, for: 'select-language'}
-I18n.backend.available_locales.each do |locale|
%a{href: request.original_url.gsub(/^(https?:\/\/)(preview\-)?(..\.)?(.*)$/, '\1\2' + locale + '.\4')}
=_! locale.upcase
%span=I18n.t("languages.#{locale}", locale: locale, context: I18n.t("languages.#{locale}"))
=_'links.footer.help_text.contributors', 'Who contributed to building this website' do |title|
=link_to :humans_txt, {title: title} do
=(_!"©#{"%Y")} Bike!Bike!").html_safe