28 lines
1.6 KiB
28 lines
1.6 KiB
= link_to '/', :class => ['button', 'logo'] do
=# image_tag('logo.png', class: 'logo')
=# image_tag('logo-text.png', class: 'logo-text')
= icon('logo', {:class => 'logo'})
= icon('logo-text', {:class => 'logo-text'})
= link_to (_'Conferences'), :conferences, {:class => ['button', 'conference']}
= link_to (_'Organizations'), {:controller => :organizations}, {:class => ['button', 'organization']}
= link_to (_'Zine'), 'http://zinezine.bikebike.org', :class => ['button', 'article']
- if is_this_the_front_page?
Bike!Bike! is an international annual gathering organized by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network.
-#%iframe{:src => "//player.vimeo.com/video/76149097", :width => "500", :height => "281", :frameborder => "0", :webkitallowfullscreen => true, :mozallowfullscreen => true, :allowfullscreen => true}
-#- if current_user
-# %li.has-form.sign-out.hide-for-small
-# = link_to (_"Sign_Out"), :logout, method: :post, :class => 'button'
-# %li.user-profile.has-dropdown
-# = link_to current_user do
-# = image_tag(current_user.avatar_url(:icon))
-# %span
-# %span.show-for-small=current_user.username
-# %ul.dropdown
-# %li= link_to 'View Profile', current_user
-# %li= link_to 'Edit Profile', edit_user_path(current_user.id)
-#- else
-# %li.has-form.sign-in
-# = link_to (_"Sign_In"), :login, :class => 'button' |