Bike!Bike! Website!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.9 KiB

- banner_image @conference.cover_url, id: @conference.cover_attribution_id, name: @conference.cover_attribution_name, user_id: @conference.cover_attribution_user_id, src: @conference.cover_attribution_src
- page_style (params['controller'] == 'conferences' ? 'article' : 'emphasize-banner')
- content_for :banner do
%img{src: @conference.poster.full.url}
- title = @conference.conference_type.slug == 'bikebike' ? 'Bike!Bike! '+@conference.start_date.year.to_s : @conference.title
- if params['controller'] == 'conferences' && params['action'] == 'show'
= title
- else
%a{href: @conference.url}=title
- location = @conference.organizations.first.locations.first
= + ', ' + (location.territory ? Carmen::Country.coded( :
= (l @conference.start_date, format: :date) + ' - ' + (l @conference.end_date, format: :date)
- if params['controller'] != 'conferences'
- info = nil
- if @conference.registration_open
- if @conference.registration_info
- info = @conference.registration_info
- elsif @conference.end_date <
- if @conference.preregistration_info
- info = @conference.postregistration_info
- elsif @conference.preregistration_info
- info = @conference.preregistration_info
- if info
= info.html_safe
- else
%p= ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(^(.{300,350}\.)(.*)$/m, '\1...')
- if @conference.registration_open
%a.button.arrow-r{href: @conference.url(:register)}
- if params['controller'] != 'conferences'
%a.button.more{href: @conference.url}