2017-07-12 21:54:47 -07:00

444 lines
13 KiB

# The first thing you need to configure is which modules you need in your app.
# The default is nothing which will include only core features (password encryption, login/logout).
# Available submodules are: :user_activation, :http_basic_auth, :remember_me,
# :reset_password, :session_timeout, :brute_force_protection, :activity_logging, :external
# Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [:remember_me, :reset_password, :user_activation, :brute_force_protection, :external]
require 'sorcery'
require 'openssl'
OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if Rails.env.development?
Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [:external, :remember_me]
# Here you can configure each submodule's features.
Rails.application.config.sorcery.configure do |config|
# -- core --
# What controller action to call for non-authenticated users. You can also
# override the 'not_authenticated' method of course.
# Default: `:not_authenticated`
# config.not_authenticated_action =
# When a non logged in user tries to enter a page that requires login, save
# the URL he wanted to reach, and send him there after login, using 'redirect_back_or_to'.
# Default: `true`
# config.save_return_to_url =
# Set domain option for cookies; Useful for remember_me submodule.
# Default: `nil`
# config.cookie_domain =
# -- session timeout --
# How long in seconds to keep the session alive.
# Default: `3600`
# config.session_timeout =
# Use the last action as the beginning of session timeout.
# Default: `false`
# config.session_timeout_from_last_action =
# -- http_basic_auth --
# What realm to display for which controller name. For example {"My App" => "Application"}
# Default: `{"application" => "Application"}`
# config.controller_to_realm_map =
# -- activity logging --
# will register the time of last user login, every login.
# Default: `true`
# config.register_login_time =
# will register the time of last user logout, every logout.
# Default: `true`
# config.register_logout_time =
# will register the time of last user action, every action.
# Default: `true`
# config.register_last_activity_time =
# -- external --
# What providers are supported by this app, i.e. [:twitter, :facebook, :github, :linkedin, :xing, :google, :liveid] .
# Default: `[]`
config.external_providers = [:facebook]
# You can change it by your local ca_file. i.e. '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt'
# Path to ca_file. By default use a internal ca-bundle.crt.
# Default: `'path/to/ca_file'`
# config.ca_file =
# For information about LinkedIn API:
# - user info fields go to https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/profile-fields
# - access permissions go to https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication#granting
# config.linkedin.key = ""
# config.linkedin.secret = ""
# config.linkedin.callback_url = ""
# config.linkedin.user_info_fields = ['first-name', 'last-name']
# config.linkedin.user_info_mapping = {first_name: "firstName", last_name: "lastName"}
# config.linkedin.access_permissions = ['r_basicprofile']
# For information about XING API:
# - user info fields go to https://dev.xing.com/docs/get/users/me
# config.xing.key = ""
# config.xing.secret = ""
# config.xing.callback_url = ""
# config.xing.user_info_mapping = {first_name: "first_name", last_name: "last_name"}
# Twitter wil not accept any requests nor redirect uri containing localhost,
# make sure you use to access your app in development
# config.twitter.key = ""
# config.twitter.secret = ""
# config.twitter.callback_url = ""
# config.twitter.user_info_mapping = {:email => "screen_name"}
config.facebook.key = "257350517701074"
config.facebook.secret = "2f6ab1fd7eeff9aee73140991fc68314"
config.facebook.callback_url = "/oauth/callback?provider=facebook"
config.facebook.user_info_mapping = {:email => "email", :username => "username"}
config.facebook.scope = "email"
config.facebook.display = "popup"
config.facebook.api_version = "v2.5"
config.facebook.user_info_path = "me?fields=email,name"
# config.github.key = ""
# config.github.secret = ""
# config.github.callback_url = ""
# config.github.user_info_mapping = {:email => "name"}
# config.google.key = ""
# config.google.secret = ""
# config.google.callback_url = ""
# config.google.user_info_mapping = {:email => "email", :username => "name"}
# config.vk.key = ""
# config.vk.secret = ""
# config.vk.callback_url = ""
# config.vk.user_info_mapping = {:login => "domain", :name => "full_name"}
# To use liveid in development mode you have to replace mydomain.com with
# a valid domain even in development. To use a valid domain in development
# simply add your domain in your /etc/hosts file in front of
# config.liveid.key = ""
# config.liveid.secret = ""
# config.liveid.callback_url = "http://mydomain.com:3000/oauth/callback?provider=liveid"
# config.liveid.user_info_mapping = {:username => "name"}
# --- user config ---
config.user_config do |user|
# -- core --
# specify username attributes, for example: [:username, :email].
# Default: `[:username]`
user.username_attribute_names = [:username, :email]
# change *virtual* password attribute, the one which is used until an encrypted one is generated.
# Default: `:password`
# user.password_attribute_name =
# downcase the username before trying to authenticate, default is false
# Default: `false`
# user.downcase_username_before_authenticating =
# change default email attribute.
# Default: `:email`
# user.email_attribute_name =
# change default crypted_password attribute.
# Default: `:crypted_password`
# user.crypted_password_attribute_name =
# what pattern to use to join the password with the salt
# Default: `""`
# user.salt_join_token =
# change default salt attribute.
# Default: `:salt`
# user.salt_attribute_name =
# how many times to apply encryption to the password.
# Default: `nil`
# user.stretches =
# encryption key used to encrypt reversible encryptions such as AES256.
# WARNING: If used for users' passwords, changing this key will leave passwords undecryptable!
# Default: `nil`
# user.encryption_key =
# use an external encryption class.
# Default: `nil`
# encryption algorithm name. See 'encryption_algorithm=' for available options.
# Default: `:bcrypt`
# make this configuration inheritable for subclasses. Useful for ActiveRecord's STI.
# Default: `false`
# -- remember_me --
# allow the remember_me cookie to settable through AJAX
# Default: `true`
# user.remember_me_httponly =
# How long in seconds the session length will be
# Default: `604800`
user.remember_me_for = 31556926
# -- user_activation --
# the attribute name to hold activation state (active/pending).
# Default: `:activation_state`
# user.activation_state_attribute_name =
# the attribute name to hold activation code (sent by email).
# Default: `:activation_token`
# user.activation_token_attribute_name =
# the attribute name to hold activation code expiration date.
# Default: `:activation_token_expires_at`
# user.activation_token_expires_at_attribute_name =
# how many seconds before the activation code expires. nil for never expires.
# Default: `nil`
# user.activation_token_expiration_period =
# your mailer class. Required.
# Default: `nil`
## user.user_activation_mailer = UserMailer
# when true sorcery will not automatically
# email activation details and allow you to
# manually handle how and when email is sent.
# Default: `false`
# user.activation_mailer_disabled =
# activation needed email method on your mailer class.
# Default: `:activation_needed_email`
# user.activation_needed_email_method_name =
# activation success email method on your mailer class.
# Default: `:activation_success_email`
# user.activation_success_email_method_name =
# do you want to prevent or allow users that did not activate by email to login?
# Default: `true`
# user.prevent_non_active_users_to_login =
# -- reset_password --
# reset password code attribute name.
# Default: `:reset_password_token`
# user.reset_password_token_attribute_name =
# expires at attribute name.
# Default: `:reset_password_token_expires_at`
# user.reset_password_token_expires_at_attribute_name =
# when was email sent, used for hammering protection.
# Default: `:reset_password_email_sent_at`
# user.reset_password_email_sent_at_attribute_name =
# mailer class. Needed.
# Default: `nil`
# user.reset_password_mailer = UserMailer
# reset password email method on your mailer class.
# Default: `:reset_password_email`
# user.reset_password_email_method_name =
# when true sorcery will not automatically
# email password reset details and allow you to
# manually handle how and when email is sent
# Default: `false`
# user.reset_password_mailer_disabled =
# how many seconds before the reset request expires. nil for never expires.
# Default: `nil`
# user.reset_password_expiration_period =
# hammering protection, how long to wait before allowing another email to be sent.
# Default: `5 * 60`
# user.reset_password_time_between_emails =
# -- brute_force_protection --
# Failed logins attribute name.
# Default: `:failed_logins_count`
# user.failed_logins_count_attribute_name =
# This field indicates whether user is banned and when it will be active again.
# Default: `:lock_expires_at`
# user.lock_expires_at_attribute_name =
# How many failed logins allowed.
# Default: `50`
# user.consecutive_login_retries_amount_limit =
# How long the user should be banned. in seconds. 0 for permanent.
# Default: `60 * 60`
# user.login_lock_time_period =
# Unlock token attribute name
# Default: `:unlock_token`
# user.unlock_token_attribute_name =
# Unlock token mailer method
# Default: `:send_unlock_token_email`
# user.unlock_token_email_method_name =
# when true sorcery will not automatically
# send email with unlock token
# Default: `false`
# user.unlock_token_mailer_disabled = true
# Unlock token mailer class
# Default: `nil`
# user.unlock_token_mailer = UserMailer
# -- activity logging --
# Last login attribute name.
# Default: `:last_login_at`
# user.last_login_at_attribute_name =
# Last logout attribute name.
# Default: `:last_logout_at`
# user.last_logout_at_attribute_name =
# Last activity attribute name.
# Default: `:last_activity_at`
# user.last_activity_at_attribute_name =
# How long since last activity is he user defined logged out?
# Default: `10 * 60`
# user.activity_timeout =
# -- external --
# Class which holds the various external provider data for this user.
# Default: `nil`
user.authentications_class = Authentication
# User's identifier in authentications class.
# Default: `:user_id`
# user.authentications_user_id_attribute_name =
# Provider's identifier in authentications class.
# Default: `:provider`
# user.provider_attribute_name =
# User's external unique identifier in authentications class.
# Default: `:uid`
# user.provider_uid_attribute_name =
# This line must come after the 'user config' block.
# Define which model authenticates with sorcery.
config.user_class = "User"