Godwin f54c09f248 Development ()
* Fixed fonts

* Fixed assets

* Fixed logo in emails

* Switched to immediate email delivery

* Fixed prod emails and added deployment tasks

* Fixed deployments

* Updated README

* Added Bike Collectives Core to README

* Fixed issue with map loading

* Fixed issue with map loading

* Added map JSON data to assets precompilation

* Fixed error sending to conference administrators

* Let error report signature wrap

* Fixed backtrace in error reports

* Fixed backtrace in error reports

* Moved pronoun heading to make it more obvoius

I moved the "Pronoun" heading directly above the input field. It turned out that a lot of users were entering "He
 or "She" in the name field, I believe that was because of the placement of the "Pronoun" heading. I also needed to remove the optional warning but I'm hoping that won't cause problems.

* Added an error message when no email address is used on login

* Fixed select guest table

* Added house rules to housing admin and review

* Edit workshop locale warning
2017-08-06 09:41:13 -07:00

92 lines
6.2 KiB

- is_facilitator = workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user)
= row class: 'view-object' do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- if workshop.can_show_interest?(current_user)
= form_tag toggle_workshop_interest_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), class: 'js-xhr' do
- else
= richtext workshop.info
- if preview.blank? && translations_available_for_editing
- translations_available_for_editing.each do |locale|
= link_to (_'actions.workshops.Translate', "Translate into #{language_name(locale)}", vars: {language: language_name(locale)}), translate_workshop_url(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, locale), class: [:button, :translate]
- if logged_in?
= columns(medium: 6) do
- workshop.workshop_facilitators.each do |f|
- u = User.find(f.user_id)
- is_this_user = (f.user_id == current_user.id)
- if logged_in? && (workshop.public_facilitator?(u) || is_this_user || is_facilitator)
- if is_facilitator && preview.blank?
- if f.role.to_sym == :requested
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Approve'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'approve'), class: [:button, :modify])
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Deny'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'deny'), class: [:button, :delete])
- elsif workshop.can_remove?(current_user, u)
=(link_with_confirmation (_'actions.workshops.Make_Owner'), (_'modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_transfer_ownership', vars: { user_name: u.name}),approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'switch_ownership'), class: [:button, :modify]) unless f.role.to_sym == :creator || !workshop.creator?(current_user)
=(link_with_confirmation (_"actions.workshops.#{is_this_user ? 'Leave' : 'Remove'}"), (_"modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_remove#{is_this_user ? '_self' : ''}", vars: { user_name: u.name}), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'remove'), class: [:button, :delete])
- if is_this_user && workshop.requested_collaborator?(current_user)
=(link_with_confirmation (_'actions.workshops.Cancel_Request'), (_'modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_cancel_request'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'remove'), class: [:button, :delete])
- unless preview.present?
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Facilitate'), facilitate_workshop_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), class: [:button, workshop.needs_facilitators ? :accented : :subdued]) unless workshop.facilitator?(current_user)
- if is_facilitator
%h4=_'articles.workshops.headings.add_facilitator','Add a facilitator'
= form_tag workshop_add_facilitator_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), class: 'add-facilitator mini-flex-form' do
= email_field_tag :email, nil, required: true
= label_tag :email
= off_screen (_'forms.actions.aria.add'), 'add-new-desc'
= button :add, aria: { labelledby: 'add-new-desc' }
- languages = JSON.parse(workshop.languages || '[]')
- if languages.present?
= columns(medium: 6) do
%h3=_'articles.workshops.headings.languages','Workshop Language'
%p= _!((languages.map { |x| _"languages.#{x}" }).join(', ').to_s.html_safe)
- if workshop.theme.present?
= columns(medium: 6) do
%p= Workshop.all_themes.include?((workshop.theme || '').to_sym) ? (_"workshop.options.theme.#{workshop.theme}") : _!(workshop.theme)
- if is_facilitator || workshop.conference.host?(current_user)
- needs = JSON.parse(workshop.needs || '[]')
- if needs.present?
= columns(medium: 6) do
%h3=_'articles.workshops.headings.needs','What do you need?'
%p= _!((needs.map { |x| _"workshop.options.needs.#{x}" }).join(', ').to_s.html_safe)
- if workshop.notes.present?
= columns(medium: 12, class: 'workshop-notes') do
= richtext workshop.notes, 3
- if logged_in?
= columns(medium: 12, id: :comments) do
- workshop.comments.each do |comment|
%li.comment{id: "comment-#{comment.id}"}
= comment(comment)
- sub_comments = comment.comments
- if sub_comments.present?
- sub_comments.each do |sub_comment|
%li.sub-comment.comment{id: "comment-#{sub_comment.id}"}
= comment(sub_comment)
= form_tag workshop_comment_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id) do
= hidden_field_tag :comment_id, comment.id
= textarea :reply, nil, plain: true, required: true, label: false, labelledby: "replyto-#{comment.id}"
= button :reply, value: :reply, data: {opens: "#comment-#{comment.id} form", focus: :textarea}, class: :small, id: "replyto-#{comment.id}"
= form_tag workshop_comment_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id) do
= textarea :comment, nil, plain: true, required: true, label: false, labelledby: :add_comment
= button :add_comment, value: :add_comment, id: :add_comment