45 lines
1.5 KiB
45 lines
1.5 KiB
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Project Info
# Default values shown. Learn more about these options by running
# `fontcustom help` or visit <http://fontcustom.com>.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
font_name: bikebike-icons
#css_prefix: icon-
#preprocessor_path: ""
#no_hash: false
#debug: false
#quiet: false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Project Paths
# Relative paths are expanded from PROJECT_ROOT (default: working directory).
# INPUT and OUTPUT can be assigned as hashes instead of a strings.
# The OUPUT hash can route custom templates according to their filename.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#project_root: some/other/place
#data_cache: tmp/fontcustom
vectors: app/assets/fonts/fontcustom-svgs
# templates: app/assets/fonts/fontcustom/templates
fonts: app/assets/fonts
# css: app/assets/stylesheets
# preview: app/views/styleguide
# my-custom-template.yml: config
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Templates
# Included in Font Custom:
# preview, css, scss, scss-rails, bootstrap, bootstrap-scss, bootstrap-ie7,
# bootstrap-ie7-scss
# Custom templates should be saved in the INPUT[:templates] directory.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#templates: [ scss, preview, my-custom-template.yml ]