Bike!Bike! Website!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
2.1 KiB

- if @event_location.present?
= @event_location.title
= hidden_field_tag :event_location, @location
- else
= location_select(nil, inline_label: true, small: true, invalid_locations: @invalid_locations, label: false)
- if @event_location.present?
= (JSON.parse(@event_location.amenities || '[]').map { |a| _"workshop.options.needs.#{a}" }).join(', ')
= date(@day, :weekday)
= time(@workshop_blocks[@block]['time'].to_f)
- @ordered_workshops.each do |id, workshop|
%tr.selectable{ class: get_workshop_match(workshop, @day, @division, @time, @block, @event_location).to_s.gsub('_', '-'), data: { workshop: id } }
%td=Workshop.all_themes.include?((workshop.theme || '').to_sym) ? (_"workshop.options.theme.#{workshop.theme}") : workshop.theme ? (_"{}") : ''
- needs = JSON.parse(workshop.needs || '[]')
%td=_!(( { |x| _"workshop.options.needs.#{x}" }).join(', ').to_s.html_safe)
%td=( { |x| x.named_email }).join(', ')
%h4 Legend
%li.good-match Good Match
%li.bad-match Poor Match
%li.selected-space Also at this time
%li.other-space Also in this space
%li.other-host Already scheduled