Bike!Bike! Website!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
1.0 KiB

= row(class: 'inner-nav') do
= columns(medium: 3) do
- protect do
= link_to home_path, class: :logo do
= svg 'logo', (_!'Bike Bike')
= svg 'logo-text', (_!'Bike Bike')
= off_screen _!'Bike Bike'
= columns(medium: 6, class: 'nav') do
- protect do
= nav_link :about
= nav_link :policy
= nav_link :conferences
= columns(medium: 3, class: 'locale-nav') do
- protect do
- @alt_lang_urls.each do |locale, url|
%li{class: locale == I18n.locale.to_s ? 'current' : nil}
- locale_translation = language_name(locale, true)
- translation_text = (_'translate.content.change_locale', "Read in #{locale_translation}", vars: {language: locale_translation}, locale: locale)
%a{href: url, lang: locale, title: translation_text}
%span{aria: {hidden: :true}}=_!locale
= off_screen translation_text