Godwin 4054f450fc Development (#249)
* Fixed fonts

* Fixed assets

* Fixed logo in emails

* Switched to immediate email delivery

* Fixed prod emails and added deployment tasks

* Fixed deployments

* Updated README

* Added Bike Collectives Core to README

* Fixed issue with map loading

* Fixed issue with map loading

* Added map JSON data to assets precompilation

* Fixed error sending to conference administrators

* Let error report signature wrap

* Fixed backtrace in error reports

* Fixed backtrace in error reports

* Moved pronoun heading to make it more obvoius

I moved the "Pronoun" heading directly above the input field. It turned out that a lot of users were entering "He
 or "She" in the name field, I believe that was because of the placement of the "Pronoun" heading. I also needed to remove the optional warning but I'm hoping that won't cause problems.

* Added an error message when no email address is used on login
2017-08-02 21:50:43 -07:00

26 lines
1.8 KiB

= render partial: 'application/header', locals: {image_file: @banner_image || 'grafitti.jpg'}
= row do
= columns do
- if logged_in?
- if @conference.present? && (@conference.registration_status == :pre || @conference.registration_status == :open)
%p=_'articles.user_settings.paragraphs.conference_registration', :t
= link_to (_'actions.conference.edit_registration'), register_path(@conference.slug), class: :button
- if @my_conferences.present?
- @my_conferences.each do |conference|
= link_to (_!conference.title), administrate_conference_path(conference.slug), class: :button
= form_tag update_settings_path do
= textfield :name,, required: true, heading: '', big: true
= checkboxes :languages, User.AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES, (current_user.languages || [I18n.locale]).map(&:to_sym), 'languages', heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.languages'
= radiobuttons :preferred_language, I18n.backend.enabled_locales, current_user.locale || I18n.locale, 'languages', heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.preferred_language'
= checkbox :email_subscribe, current_user.is_subscribed != false, 'articles.user_settings.email_subscribe', heading: 'articles.user_settings.headings.email_subscribe', help: 'articles.user_settings.paragraphs.email_subscribe', inline: true, right_help: true
= button :save, value: :save
- else
= render 'login'