2017-04-09 11:37:16 -07:00

36 lines
1.9 KiB

= render 'page_header', :page_key => 'Email_Participants'
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- if @email_sent == :yes
%p=_('articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.participants_emailed',"All participants of #{@this_conference.title} have been emailed.", :vars => {:conference_title => @this_conference.title})
- if @email_sent != :yes
=m('articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.Email_Participants','This page is used to contact all participants. Text can be entered as [Markdown]( Pressing \'test\' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and use caution in general before pressing \'send\'')
- if @email_sent == :yes || @email_sent == :preview
=markdown @content
- if @email_sent != :yes
= form_tag broadcast_path(@this_conference.slug), class: 'composition' do
- if @email_sent == :preview
= hidden_field_tag :subject, @subject
= hidden_field_tag :content, @content
- else
= label_tag :subject
= text_field_tag :subject, @subject, required: true
= label_tag :content
= text_area_tag :content, @content, required: true
- if @email_sent == :test
.note=_('articles.conference_registration.notes.Test_Email_Sent',"An email was sent to #{}", vars: {email_address:})
- if @email_sent == :preview # let the user send the
= button :edit, value: :edit
= button :send, value: :send
- else
= button :preview, value: :preview
= button :test, value: :test