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21 lines
853 B

= render :partial => 'page_header', :locals => {:page_key => 'Conference_Registration'}
= registration_step_menu
-#- if (steps = current_registration_steps(@registration))
-# = row id: 'registration-steps', class: 'flow-steps' do
-# = columns do
-# %ul
-# - current_registration_steps.each do | step |
-# - text = _"articles.conference_registration.headings.#{step[:name].to_s}"
-# %li{class: [step[:enabled] ? :enabled : nil, @register_template == step[:name] ? :current : nil]}
-# - if step[:enabled]
-# .step= link_to text, register_step_path(@this_conference.slug, step[:name])
-# - else
-# .step= text
- if @warnings.present?
= row class: 'warnings', tag: :ul do
- @warnings.each do | warning |
= columns tag: :li do
= warning
= row do
= render @register_template.to_s