Bike!Bike! Website!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1231 lines
56 KiB

default: "%Y-%m-%d"
long: "%B %d, %Y"
short: "%b %d"
weekday: "%A"
span_same_month_date_1: "%B %e"
span_same_month_date_2: "%e, %Y"
span_same_year_date_1: "%B %e"
span_same_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y"
span_different_year_date_1: "%B %e, %Y"
span_different_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y"
date_span: "%{date_1} – %{date_2}"
am: am
default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M"
long: "%l%P, %B %e, %Y"
short: "%l %M %P"
one: about 1 hour
other: about %{count} hours
one: about 1 month
other: about %{count} months
one: about 1 year
other: about %{count} years
one: almost 1 year
other: almost %{count} years
half_a_minute: half a minute
one: less than a minute
other: less than %{count} minutes
one: less than 1 second
other: less than %{count} seconds
one: over 1 year
other: over %{count} years
one: 1 day
other: "%{count} days"
one: 1 hour
other: "%{count} hours"
one: 1 minute
other: "%{count} minutes"
one: 1 month
other: "%{count} months"
one: 1 second
other: "%{count} seconds"
x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}"
time_ago: "%{time} ago"
format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
accepted: must be accepted
blank: can't be blank
present: must be blank
confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute}
empty: can't be empty
equal_to: must be equal to %{count}
even: must be even
exclusion: is reserved
greater_than: must be greater than %{count}
greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
inclusion: is not included in the list
invalid: is invalid
less_than: must be less than %{count}
less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count}
not_a_number: is not a number
not_an_integer: must be an integer
odd: must be odd
record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists
many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist
taken: has already been taken
one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
other_than: must be other than %{count}
carrierwave_processing_error: failed to be processed
carrierwave_integrity_error: is not of an allowed file type
carrierwave_download_error: could not be downloaded
extension_white_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files,
allowed types: %{allowed_types}'
extension_black_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files,
prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}'
rmagick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not
an image? Original Error: %{e}'
mime_types_processing_error: 'Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe
not valid content-type? Original Error: %{e}'
mini_magick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it
is not an image? Original Error: %{e}'
incomplete: Your payment was not completed.
empty: Please enter your location
unknown: Please include your city or town, we could not find a locality
from "%{value}"
empty: Please enter a valid name
empty: Please enter an address
empty: Please select a space
exists: An account with this email address already exists
start_date_after_end_date: Start date must be before end date
error: Error setting start date
error: Error setting end date
companions: This host wishes to be housed with %{name}
administrators: Error updating organizations
dates: Error updating dates
description: Error saving your conference description
poster: An error occurred uploading your conference poster
payment_message: An error occurred saving your the payment message
suggested_amounts: An error occurred saving your payment amounts
paypal: An error occurred saving your paypal details
registration_status: An error occurred updating your conference registration
registrations: Error updaing registration
broadcast: Error sending your message
providers: Error saving housing provider
housing: Error
locations: Error saving your location
meals: Error saving your meal
events: Error saving your event
workshop_times: Error saving your workshop time
schedule: Error
publish_schedule: An error occurred while publishing your schedule
error_adding_org_member: Error adding user to organization
error_removing_org_member: Error removing user from organization
error_adding_administrator: Error adding administrator
error_removing_administrator: Error removing administrator
body: 'There were problems with the following fields:'
one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
location_corrected: Your location was corrected from "%{original}" to "%{corrected}".
If this doesn't reflect your intended location, you can change this again
in the contact info step.
overbooked: This space is overbooked
companions: This guest wishes to be housed with %{name}
space: This guest wishes to be housed in a %{expected}
dates: This guest's arrival or departure dates conflict with the host's
availability dates
administrators: Organizations updated
dates: Conference dates updated successfully
description: Conference description updated successfully
poster: Conference poster uploaded
payment_message: Your payment message has been updated
suggested_amounts: Your suggested payment amounts have been updated
paypal: Your paypal information has been updated
registration_status: Your conference registration status has been updated
stats: ''
registrations: Registration updated
broadcast: Message sent
providers: Provider updated
housing: Housing updated
locations: Location saved
meals: Meal saved
events: Event saved
workshop_times: Workshop times saved
schedule: Schedule updated
publish_schedule: Your schedule has been published
unpublish_schedule: Your schedule has been un-published
org_member_added: User added to organization
org_member_removed: User removed from organization
administrator_added: Administrator added to conference
administrator_removed: Administrator removed from conference
distance_saved: Provider options updated
city_region_country: "%{city}, %{region}, %{country}"
city_country: "%{city}, %{country}"
city_region: "%{city}, %{region}"
region_country: "%{region}, %{country}"
Register: Register
confirm: Please Confirm
yes_button: 'Yes'
no_button: 'No'
done_button: Close
info: More Info
confirm_remove: Are you sure you would like to remove %{user_name} as a facilitator
of this workshop?
confirm_remove_self: Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator
of this workshop?
confirm_cancel_request: Are you sure you would like to cancel your request
to become a facilitator of this workshop?
confirm_transfer_ownership: By transferring ownership, you will lose administrative
capabilities such as deletion and approving new facilitators. Are you sure
you want to transfer ownership to %{user_name}?
confirm: You are about to send this email to %{number} people. Are you sure
you want to continue?
confirm: You are about to delete ‘%{title}’. Are you sure you want to continue?
conferences: National and Regional Conferences
Conference_List: Conferences
edit: Edit Conference
new: New Conference
edit_conference: Edit %{title}
new_conference: Create a new conference
future: Upcoming conferences
passed: Passed conferences
conferences: Bike!Bike! conferences are held nationally once a year in a different
city in North America; regional conferences can be held anywhere, anytime.
back: Back to Administration
administration: From this dashboard you can configure your conference details,
open registration, view statictics, compile your workshop scheulde, and
description: On this page you can view a breakdown of the registration process
so far as well as download more detailed data in spreadsheets.
bikes: Bikes
donation_count: Number of donations
donation_total: Total donated
meat: Onmivores
vegetarian: Vegetarians
vegan: Vegans
registrations: Number of registrations
completed_registrations: Number of registrations
incomplete_registrations: Incomplete registrations
Registrations: Registrations
description: On this page you can schedule the meals that you will be serving.
no_locations_warning: Before you can add meals, you must first add locations.
heading: Meals
description: On this page you can schedule events. Events are any type of
event that isn't a meal or a workshop. You can scheulde group meetings,
parties, or group ride for example.
no_locations_warning: Before you can add events, you must first add locations.
heading: Events
locations: Locations
meals: Meals
events: Events
locations: Create the list of locations that you will be using for events,
meals, and workshops.
meals: List the meals that you will be providing, the meals will be added
to your schedule
events: Create event details. These events should be any type of event other
than meals and workshops such as meeting, rides, and parties. The events
will be added to your schedule.
description: On this page you can schedule workshops and publish your schedule
to the front page.
no_locations_warning: Before you can schedule workshops, you must first add
heading: Schedule
workshop_times: Workshop Times
schedule: Schedule Workshops
publish_schedule: Publish Your Schedule
workshop_times: Set up blocks of time each day when workshops will be held.
schedule: Set a time and location for all proposed workshops.
publish_schedule: Once you have finalized your schedule, make it public
description: Arrange housing for registratnts visiting your city. Pair each
registratnt who has asked for housing with a registratnt that has volunteered
to house guests base on their individual needs and wants.
heading: Housing
hosts: Hosts
guests: Guests
email: Email
housing: Arrange Housing
arrival_departure: In City
providers: Housing Providers
provider_distance: Distance from host city
providers: Although most housing providers shuold be encouraged to supply
their own details through the registration process, you can add and edit
housing provider details manually here.
provider_distance: Any registrant who enters their location in the same
city as the conference will get a housing provider form during registration
instead of a guest form. If you want to consider surrounding cities as
well, enter the distance from %{city} that you wish to be included as
providers. Cities are measured from center to center.
housing: Pair each housing provider with a list of guests.
heading: Locations
description: Locations are used to schedule workshops, events, and meals.
Once your schedule is published, users will be able to see the name and
address and be given a link to a map so that they can find their way.
add_event: Add Event
add_location: Add Location
add_meal: Add a Meal
amenities: Amenities
edit_event: Edit Event
edit_location: Edit Location
title: Give your location a title, for example "The Bike Kitchen" or "Smith
meal_title: Give your meal a title, for example "Breakfast"
meal_info: Describe your meal. This will only be visible to conference hosts.
address: Enter the street address (without the city) of the location
space: The space type will help you to schedule workshops. If workshops
will occur in this space, select "Meeting Room", "Repair Space", or "Outdoor
Space" as you feel this space best matches. Otherwise select event space.
amenities: Amenities match up to workshop needs. Selecting the amenities
will help you match up a workshop with this location when a facilitator
has requested a specific amenity.
description: Edit basic info about your conference. Here you can open or close
registration, edit what shows up on the front page, set up your payment
details, and add members to your organization so that they can access these
pages too.
host_organizations: Host Organizations
members: Organization Members
paypal_info: PayPal Info
paypal_info: PayPal info is used for donations and fee payments. You must
enter all fields to enable online fee payments, see the <a href=""
target="_blank">PayPal API credential guide</a> for more information.
heading: Basic Info
dates: Conference Dates
administrators: Administrators and Organizations
description: Description
poster: Poster
Host_Organizations: Host Organizations
External_Administrators: External Administrators
description: These are the basic details about your conference that you will
likely want to configure before enabling your conference. One ready, contact
the site administrator to make the conference public.
dates: Set your conference start and end dates
description: Modify the text that is displayed on the front page
poster: Upload your conference poster
administrators: Set the conference host organizations and other members
who have access to these administration tools
Host_Organizations: Select all organizations from known organizations in
%{city_name} that will be helping to host your conference. All members
of each organization will be granted access to these administration tools,
if you require administrators that are not members of an organization,
you can add them below. If an organization is not listed here, please
contact a site administrator.
External_Administrators: Users from outside of organizations in your city
can be granted administration privledges here.
heading: Registration
registration_status: Registration Status
stats: Statistics
registrations: Modify Registrations
broadcast: Contact Users
description: Open or close registration, view registration statistics, modify
information subbmitted by registratnts and contact users.
registration_status: Open or close registration to your conference.
stats: View a breakdown of statictics, how many users have registered, how
much money have been collected, etc.
registrations: View and edit all data collected through the registration
broadcast: Send emails to targeted subsets of users.
heading: Broadcast
description: The broadcast tool is used to contact users through email. You
can send messages en masse to select groups of users.
description: Your message has been sent.
heading: Workshop Times
description: Before you scheulde workshops, you must first create blocks of
time when the workshops will be.
heading: Payment
description: If you wish to collect dontaions and registration fees, you will
need to confgure your payment details
payment_message: Payment Message
suggested_amounts: Suggested Payment Amounts
paypal: PayPal Info
payment_message: Set the message that is displayed on the registration fee
page. A default message will be supplied but if you wish to communicate
how funds will be used you may want to set a personal message.
suggested_amounts: Enter up to five suggested payment amounts. Users will
still be able to select any amount including none but these amounts will
show up as easy to select buttons on the 'Donations' page.
paypal: To enable PayPal payments, you will need to supply information on
your organization's PayPal account
contact: Send us a question or a complement
reason: What are you contacting us about?
sent: Thank you for contacting us
sent: Thanks for reaching out. We will respond to you by email as soon we
are able.
The_Agreement: The Agreement
How: How is it enforced?
Why: Why have a Safer Space Agreement?
How: The host city has the responsibility of mediating safer space issues.
They will decide what constitutes a warning and what constitutes expulsion
from the conference.
Why: In order to set a common ground, we state our shared beliefs and desires
for the space which is Bike!Bike!. We rally around these ideas for inspiration
and to ensure that if there is behaviour which does not make us feel safe,
we have something to point to. By agreeing to a commitment of mutual respect,
we hope that if conflict does arise, we will remember what we have agreed
to, and act accordingly.
accessible: We commit to making spaces as accessible as possible; physically,
socially, and personally.
commitment: We enter with a commitment to mutual respect, mutual aid, anti-oppression
advocacy, conflict resolution, anti-violence, and community building.
empowerment: We support the empowerment of each person and group.
hearing: We commit to hearing each other and creating opportunities for all
voices to be heard.
intent: We accept a shared responsibility to hold ourselves and one another
accountable for these agreements’ intent.
learning: We promote inclusive learning spaces and questions in the spirit
of personal growth.
respect: We respect everyone's names, gender pronouns, expressed identities
and experiences.
spaces: We respect each others bodies and spaces.
open_minds: We encourage open minds and open hearts.
peaceful: We are peaceful and honest.
Administration: Administration
Conference_Administration: "%{title} Administration"
administration: Administration
Policy_Agreement: Safer Space Agreement
policy: Policy
arrival_and_departure: How long do you plan to stay in %{city}?
other: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
email_confirm: Confirm Email
Enter_Your_Email: Enter your email address
Registration_Info: Registration Info
Your_Registration: Your Registration
Your_Conferences: Your Conferences
Youre_Done: You're Done!
allergies: Do you have any allergies?
arrival: Arrival
bike: Do you need a bike?
departure: Departure
food: What are your eating habits?
housing: Do you need a place to stay?
languages: Which languages do you speak?
preferred_language: What is your preferred language?
location: Where are you coming from?
name: What is your name?
Payment: Registration Fees
payment: Donation
Allergies: Allergies
Stats: Stats
Workshops: Workshops
workshops: Workshops
Your_Workshops: Your Workshops
payment_confirm: Please confirm your payment
Preview: Preview
city: City
date: Date
email: Email
fees_paid: Fees Paid
Contact_Info: Contact Info
contact_info: Contact Info
hosting: Hosting
Add_Workshop: Propose a Workshop
Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Workshops Looking for Facilitators
All_Workshops: All Other Workshops
Workshops_You_Have_Requested: Workshops you have Requested to Facilitate
Pre_Registration_Details: Pre-Registration is now open!
Registration_Details: Registration is now open!
Pre_Register: Pre-Register for %{title}
Register: Register for %{title}
Verify_Account: Verify your account
Hosting: Hosting
can_provide_housing: Can you provide housing to attendees visiting the city?
questions: Your Visit
basic_info: Your Visit
considerations: Special Considerations
space: Available Space
availability: Availability
address: Address
notes: Notes
info: Info
companion: Companion
provide_email: Bike!Bike! uses email to communicate between you and your conference
hosts, however your Facebook account does not provide us an email address.
Before proceeding, you must provide us an email address.
Policy_Agreement: Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected
at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have
fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any
questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time.
Confirm_Agreement: By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do
your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you!
Registration_Info: Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare
for your arrival to %{city}. If you wish to ask questions or tell us information
we did not ask, please fill in the preferences field at the bottom of the
page or use the contact us link.
Payment: Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike!
Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival but to help us
fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon
as you can.
Payment_Made: You have made a payment of %{fees_paid}.
Payment_Add: Thank you! You may add to this amount if you wish by making another
payment below.
currency: "(amounts are in USD)"
email_confirm: Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in
just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on.
Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems,
please contact us.
confirm_email_address: We ask that you first confirm your email address, once
your email address is confirmed you will be able to complete registration,
add workshops and pay your registration donation fee. If you have already
registered, you can re-confirm you e-mail address to modify your your registration
Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can be about
anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any
format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and
bicycle rides. If you would like to host you own workshop you can click
on the "create workshop" button.
Stats: Check Out who's coming and what they've paid so far. See at a glance
how much accommodation is needed and what people prefer to eat.
done: Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike!
Email_Participants: This page is used to contact all participants. Text can
be entered as [Markdown](
Pressing 'test' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and
use caution in general before pressing 'send'
payment_confirm: You are about to confirm your payment of $%{amount} for registration.
participants_emailed: Your email has been sent to all participants of %{conference_title}.
workshops: You can now take a look at proposed workshops and even propose
one yourself if you like.
Contact_Info: Please let us know a little bit about you.
Create_Workshop: At Bike!Bike! anyone can lead a workshop or just propose
and idea that someone else can volunteer to lead. If, where, and when the
workshop will be scheduled will ultimately be decided by the conference
Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Would you like to lend a hand facilitating
a workshop proposed by someone else? Below is a list of workshops that are
actively looking for volunteers, if you are interested in helping out you
can make a facilitation request.
Your_Workshops: The following is a list of all the workshops that you are
Workshops_You_Have_Requested: The following is a list of all the workshops
that you have requested to facilitate.
Pre_Registration_Details: By completing the pre-registration process you are
letting us know that you are interested in coming, it allows us to contact
you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing who might be coming.
Once registration is fully open, we will need to ask a few more questions
and you can confirm whether or not you will actually be coming.
Registration_Details: By completing the registration process you are confirming
with us that you are coming, it allows us to contact you when we have news,
and lets us better plan by knowing how many people will hosted. Once registered
you will be given access to facilitate your own workshop and view details
on existing workshops. If you are already registered or have pre-registered,
you can use this form sign in and access or update your details.
Verify_Account: In order to confirm that you are a real person and that we
will be able to contact you later, please verify your email address. We
will send you an email that will allow you to continue with the registration
facebook_sign_in: Alternatively you can sign in using your Facebook account
and skip waiting for us to send you an email.
can_provide_housing: Hosting visiting conference attendees is an important
part of Bike!Bike!, it allows many people who would not normally be able
to afford the cost of accommodations the chance to come to the conference
and lets attendees really get to know our city and its residents. You will
need to grant access to your home to guests overnight keeping in mind that
events can sometimes go late into the evening. If your home will not be
accessible during the day you should make sure to clearly communicate this
with your guests.
not_attending: If you are only providing housing and would not like to receive
further updates about the conference, check this box.
address: Your address and phone number will be shared with your guests and
conference organizers.
space: How much space do you have to share?
availability: The most common arrival and departure dates for attendees
are the first and last day of the conference but people often arrive earlier
or later. When will your space be available?
considerations: Organizers will do their best to match up hosts and guests,
what considerations should organizers keep in mind when selecting guests
to stay in your home?
notes: Leave a message for organizers to take into consideration when selecting
guests for your household.
info: This is the copy that is displayed on the front page of the site.
published: Your scheulde is currently published and viewable on the front-page.
Un-publishing the schedule will remove it from the front-page and show
a list of proposed workshops instead.
un_published: Your schedule is not yet published. Publishing the schedule
will replace the list of proposed workshops on the front-page with the
schedule as it is shown below.
test: Please take a look at this preview to ensure that you want to send
this email. Clicking ‘Test’ will send the email only to you. Only after
that then the email will be set to %{send_to_count} people.
preview: Clicking ‘Send’ will send this message to %{send_to_count} people.
Please confirm that you have verified that the test email sent to you
is what you want to be sent.
info: Describe your event for anyone attending the conference.
message: This is the text that will be displayed on the 'Donation' page.
companion: Is there someone who you would like us to ensure that you are housed
arrival_and_departure: If you don't need housing, just tell us how long you
plan to hang out with Bike!Bike!
vegan: Vegan or vegetarian only
smoking: Smoking is permitted
quiet: Quiet household
pets: House has dogs or cats
can_provide_housing: I can provide housing
not_attending: I will not be attending the conference
large: Large
medium: Medium
none: None
small: Small
'yes': 'Yes'
'no': 'No'
meat: Omnivore
vegan: Vegan
vegetarian: Vegetarian
house: Indoor Location
none: I'll take care of it
tent: Tent Space
medium: Medium
none: "(none)"
View_Workshops: View Workshops
Test_Email_Sent: An email was sent to %{email_address}
Bikes: Bikes
Donation_Count: Donation Count
Food: Food
Housing: Housing
Languages: Languages
Total_Donations: Total Donations
Total_Registrations: Total Registrations
Date: Registration Date
unregistered: Unregistered
preregistered: Preregistered
registered: Registered
companion: Companion
companion_email: Companion Email
Preferred_Languages: Preferred Language
is_attending: Attending?
bicycle_project_paragraph: From collectives that use the bicycle as an excuse
to change society, economy and the environment. Non-profit groups that have
a community bike shops, cooperatives and other projects that promote the
use of the bicycle and that come together to turn their communities into
a place where riding is easier, more inclusive, safer and more fun. The
list below uses the criteria found in the old Bicycle Organization Organization
Project for what constitutes a community bike shop. The bike project need
not meet all these criteria. Rather, it is a general list of qualities which
are common among many bicycle projects.
Who_is_Invited: You don’t have to be an expert or belong to a huge group,
you just need to be willing to share what you know about organization, mechanics,
social impact, addressing inequality, and increasing accessibility to cycling
in your community.
Types_of_Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can
be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can
be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion
groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host your own workshop you
can enter details after registering. What ends up in the final schedule
and when they happen are decided on by the conference hosts.
Amenities: Traditionally conference hosts arrange shared accommodations, one
to two meals a day, and bicycles will be available for registered attendees.
However you should check the conference details on the current conference.
More information on how you can arrange your own accommodation and other
recommended places to visit should also be provided to you by the hosts
on the conference page or in hard copy upon arrival.
Volunteer: Yes. Please!
What_is_BikeBike: Bike!Bike! is an international, annual gathering organized
by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants
from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each
year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network.
non_profit: Bike shops that are accessible to people without money
recycle_parts: Non-profit bicycle organizations
education: Shops that have an educational focus, teaching others how to fix
volunteer_run: 'Shops that are volunteer run '
export_bikes: Organizations that ship bikes to communities in other countries.
low_cost: Shops that provide free or low-cost services to the community.
no_money: Organizations that recycle bicycles and parts
bicycle_project: What is a community bicycle project?
Who_is_Invited: Who is invited?
Types_of_Workshops: What types of workshops will there be?
Amenities: Where can I stay? What can I eat? How can I get around?
Volunteer: Can I volunteer?
What_is_BikeBike: What is Bike!Bike!?
confirmation_sent: Confirmation Sent
confirm_email: Please confirm your email address
login_required: Login Required
translator_not_logged_in: You must be a translator and logged in to view this
page. If you are already a translator please confirm your email address
to proceed. If you would like to become a translator you can request to
become one after logging in.
Proposed_Workshops: Proposed Workshops
facilitators: Facilitators
languages: Languages
needs: Needs
space: Space
theme: Theme
interested_count: Interested
Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop
notes: Notes
Workshops: Workshops
Your_Workshops: Your Workshops
facilitate: Request to Facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’
add_facilitator: Add a facilitator
needs_facilitators: Looking for help?
Comments: Comments
Schedule: Schedule
Proposed_Workshops: Would you like to facilitate your own workshop? Simply
register and visit the workshops page. If you have already registered you
can access the page by restarting the registration process.
info: Describe your workshop in detail. Select text to apply formatting.
space: What kind of space do you need for your workshop??
theme: Which of the themes below best match your workshop? This will help
hosts to avoid scheduling conflicts. Select other if none of the options
match in any way.
Delete_Workshop: Deleting a workshop cannot be undone, are you sure that you
want to proceed?
new_workshop: 'Workshops in the past have tended to fit into a few broad categories:
structural/organizational (how to start a shop, how to register a non-profit,
consensus decision making, etc,) mechanical (how to weld two tandems to
a tall bike, building 3-speed hubs out of fishing tackle and old socks,
etc,) anti-oppression (safe spaces, women’s workshops, etc,) and recreational
(touring tips, yoga for cyclists, etc.) This year we would like to try a
panel, a forum, or other types of settings that you think might facilitate
learning – be inventive, let us know what you want to see!'
Workshops: Do you have an exciting skill to share with us? Want to chat about
creating safe community spaces? Want to make sure we fit a good bike ride
into the weekend? Propose a workshop! Don’t worry if you’re not an expert,
we want to hear about everyone’s experience within the many configurations
of community shops we’re coming from.
notes: Notes are only viewable by conference hosts and workshop facilitators
facilitate_request: Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you
are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you
will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will
be emailed and they may ask more questions before approving or denying your
request. Please note that this will reveal your email address to the facilitators.
facilitate_request_sent: Your request has been sent. You will receive an email
once your request is approved or denied or if the current facilitators have
any questions.
languages: What language will the workshop be presented in? Will there be
translations or translators available?
needs: If you need any of the following the conference organizers will do
their best to make sure you have them. If you have any other requests, you
can include them in the notes section.
needs_facilitators: Are you actively looking for help running this workshop?
Anyone who is registered for the conference can request to facilitate at
any time but checking this box will improve your chances of finding collaborators.
one: One person is interested in this workshop
other: "%{count} people are interested in this workshop"
zero: No one is interested in this workshop yet
one: You and one other are interested in this workshop
other: You and %{count} others are interested in this workshop
zero: You are interested in this workshop
read_more: More info
Your_Account: Account Settings
email_subscribe: Notifications
Your_Conferences: Your Conferences
conference_registration: Looking to register or modify your current registration?
email_subscribe: Would you like to be notified about upcoming conferences?
If you have registered for a conference we will always send you notifications
and announcements until the conference.
email_subscribe: Subscribe to email announcements
about_bikebike: Bike!Bike! is an international annual gathering organized by
and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants
from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each
year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network.
poster: "%{conference_title} poster"
space: Available Space
hosting_dates: When will you be in town?
type: Type
year: Year
is_public: Public
is_featured: Featured
start_date: Start Date
end_date: End Date
search: Search
payment_message: Payment Message
other: Disabilities, housing preferences, etc.
email: Email address
allergies: Allergies
arrival: Arrival date
departure: Departure date
location: City, State/Province, Country
name: Name
subject: Subject
title: Title
info: Description
content: Content
notes: Notes
message: 'Your Message:'
address: Street Address
phone: Phone number
bed_space: Bed/Couch Space
floor_space: Floor Space
tent_space: Tent Space
first_day: From
last_day: To
body: Body
day: Day
event_location: Location
other_notes: Other
time: Time
time_span: Length
website: Something about the website
conference: Something about the conference
paypal_email_address: PayPal Email Address
paypal_username: PayPal API Username
paypal_password: PayPal API Password
paypal_signature: PayPal Signature
closed: Closed
open: Open
pre: Pre-Registration
registration_status: Registration Status
companion: Email address
block_number: Block
days: Days
length: Length
workshop_block: Block
send_to: Send To
street_address: Street Address
city: City
subregion: State / Province
country: Country
postal_code: Postal Code
status: Status
bike: Bike
food: Food
housing: Housing
no_file_selected: No file selected
upload: Upload
select_file: Select a file
administrate: Administrate
login: Sign In
Log_out: Sign out
agree: I Agree
custom_amount: Custom amount
edit_registration: Edit my registration
register: Register
save: Save
test: Test
preview: Preview
confirm_amount: Confirm
cancel: Cancel
confirm: Confirm
edit: Edit
send: Send
skip: Skip
remove_interest: "-1"
show_interest: "+1"
add: "+"
previous: Previous
next: Next
continue: Continue
facebook_sign_in: Facebook Sign In
add_meal: Add
create: Create
delete: Delete
place_guest: Place Guest
set_host: Set Host
add_comment: Add Comment
reply: Reply
add_member: Add
remove_member: Remove
publish: Publish Schedule
un_publish: Un-Publish Schedule
add_block: Add
close: Close
deschedule: De-Schedule
reschedule: Reschedule
schedule_workshop: Schedule
delete_block: Delete
update_block: Update
remove_interest: Click if you are no longer interested in this workshop
show_interest: Click if you are interested in this workshop
add: Add new
registered: Everyone who has registered
pre_registered: Everyone who has pre-registered or registered
unregistered: Everyone who has not completed their registration
workshop_facilitators: All workshop facilitators
housing_providers: Housing providers
guests: Everyone who has requested housing
all: Everyone
annual: Annual Bike!Bike!
n: North
s: South
e: East
w: West
ne: Northeast
nw: Northwest
se: Southeast
sw: Southwest
km: km
mi: mi
delete: Are you sure you want to delete?
Administration: "%{title} Administration"
Access_Denied: Access Denied
Please_Confirm_Email: Please confirm your email
Please_Check_Email: Please check your email
Please_Login: Please login
Safe_Space_Policy: Safer Space Agreement
About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike!
About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike!
Contact_Us: Contact Us
Conferences: Conferences
Conference_Registration: Conference Registration
Create_Workshop: Create a Workshop
Email_Participants: Email Participants
Registration_Stats: Registration Stats
View_Workshop: View Workshop
Workshops: Workshops
Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop
Edit_Workshop: Edit Workshop
Translate_Workshop: Edit %{language} Workshop Translation
Edit: Edit Conference
Facilitate_Workshop: Workshop Facilitation Request
Safer_Spaces_Policy: Safer Space Agreement
Page_Not_Found: Page Not Found
Locale_Not_Available: Locale Not Available
Policy: Policy
About: About
Register: Register
Pre_Register: Pre-Register
An_Error_Occurred: An Error Occurred
Your_Account: Your Account
contact: Contact Us
contributors: Contributors
facebook: Join our Facebook group
select_language: Change your language
File_an_Issue: File an issue
Help_contribute: Help contribute
Excel: Download Data in Excel Format
Organizations_Excel: Download Organization Data
home: Bike!Bike! A conference for bike collectives, co-ops, non-profit DIY bike
button_label: Donate
Registration: Registration
Workshops: Workshops
Stats: Stats
Broadcast: Broadcast
Payment: Payment
Edit: Edit Conference
Edit: Edit
Stats: Stats
Payment: Payment
Broadcast: Broadcast
Broadcast_Sent: Broadcast Sent
Housing: Housing
Locations: Locations
Meals: Meals
Events: Events
Schedule: Schedule
Workshop_Times: Workshop Times
info: Basic Info
registration: Registration
edit: Edit
stats: Stats
payment: Payment
broadcast: Broadcast
broadcast_sent: Broadcast Sent
housing: Housing
locations: Locations
meals: Meals
events: Events
schedule: Schedule
workshop_times: Workshop Times
create: New Workshop
Delete: Delete Workshop
Edit: Edit
Translate: Translate into %{language}
Approve: Approve
Deny: Deny
Facilitate: Make a facilitation request
Remove: Remove
Leave: Leave
Cancel_Request: Cancel Request
Make_Owner: Transfer Ownership
View: View this workshop
View_All: View all workshops
edit_registration: My registration
Translate: Edit %{language} version
description: You do not currently have sufficient permissions to access this
page. If you believe this is an error, please contact us.
title: You do not have access to this page
description: The page you are looking for could not be found. If you think this
was in error, please contact us.
title: '404: This page doesn''t exist'
token_not_found: Your login token was expired or not found. Please try signing
in again.
description: This site has yet to be translated into %{language}. We are actively
looking for volunteers who can translate existing copy and new copy as we
add new features. If you think you can help, please contact us!
title: '404: %{language} Translations Missing'
title: Can you help us translate?
description: 'If you can help us translate this or any other language, please
let us know by contacting us using the form below:'
title: There is a problem
description: An error has occurred, details about the error have been sent to
our development team. In addition, you may contact us using the form below
to let us better understand what happened and how you were affected.
creator: Owner
collaborator: Collaborator
requested: Requested
unregistered: Unregistered
facilitator: Facilitator
projector: Projector
sound: Sound System
tools: Tools
meeting_room: Meeting Room
outdoor_meeting: Outdoor Space
workshop: Repair Space
event_space: Event Space
community: Community Outreach
funding: Funding
mechanics: Mechanics
organization: Organizational Concerns
other: Other
race_gender: Race, Gender, or Class Politics
needs_facilitators: Needs Additional Facilitators
not_found: Unregistered
please_confirm: Hello! To gain access to registration and other features of
Bike!Bike!, please confirm your email address.
please_confirm: Confirm now
confirm_email: Confirmation Email
registration_confirmed: Thank you for registering for %{conference_title}
pre_registration_confirmed: Thank you for pre-registering for %{conference_title}
workshop_facilitator_request: Request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ from
workshop_request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’
workshop_request_denied: Your request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ has
been denied
workshop_translated: The %{language} translation for ‘%{workshop_title}’ has
been modified
workshop_original_content_changed: Original content for ‘%{workshop_title}’
has been modified
comment: "%{user_name} commented on ‘%{workshop_title}’"
reply: "%{user_name} replied to your comment"
see_you: See you in %{conference_location}!
thank_you: Thank you %{name},
confirmed: You have successfully registered for %{conference_title}. You can
modify your registration details, pay, or add workshops at any time by restarting
the registration process. If you have yet to pay or add your workshops and
plan to do so, we ask that you take care of it as soon as possible to help
us prepare in advance of your arrival.
pre_confirmed: You have successfully pre-registered for %{conference_title}.
We will let you know when registration is fully open and if there is any
important news about the conference that you should know about. We encourage
you to create or volunteer to facilitate workshops soon. You can do that,
or change your registration details at any time by clicking on the pre-register
link again.
new_value: 'New Value: '
old_value: 'Old Value: '
diff: 'Difference: '
workshop_translated: "%{user_name} has modified the %{language} translation
for ‘%{workshop_title}’."
workshop_original_content_changed: "%{user_name} has modified the original
content for ‘%{workshop_title}’. Translations may need to be updated."
user_said: "%{user_name} said:"
request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’.
request_denied: Your request to become a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’
has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current
facilitators by making another request to facilitate.
request_instructions: 'You can approve or deny this request on your workshop
request_message: "%{user_name} has requested to help facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’:"
request_reply_instructions: You can also reply directly to this email to ask
follow-up questions.
view_workshop: 'View the workshop here: '