Bike!Bike! Website!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
2.6 KiB

-#- small_banner = (params['controller'] == 'conferences' && params['action'] != 'show')
-#- if small_banner
-# - body_class('small-banner')
-#- page_style (params['controller'] == 'conferences' ? 'article' : 'emphasize-banner')
- content_for :banner do
#header-title{style: capable_of(:svg) ? nil : "background-image: url(#{@conference.cover_url})"}
- if capable_of(:svg)
= render 'conferences/banner_image.svg'
= date_span(@conference.start_date.to_date, @conference.end_date.to_date)
%img{src: @conference.poster.full.url}
-# =columns({medium: 7}) do
-# - title = @conference.conference_type.slug == 'bikebike' ? 'Bike!Bike! '+@conference.start_date.year.to_s : @conference.title
-# %div
-# %h1
-# - if params['controller'] == 'conferences' && params['action'] == 'show'
-# = title
-# - else
-# %a{href: @conference.url}=title
-# %em
-# - if params['controller'] != 'conferences'
-# - info = nil
-# - if @conference.registration_open
-# - if @conference.registration_info
-# - info = @conference.registration_info
-# - elsif @conference.end_date <
-# - if @conference.preregistration_info
-# - info = @conference.postregistration_info
-# - elsif @conference.preregistration_info
-# - info = @conference.preregistration_info
-# - if info
-# = info.html_safe
-# - else
-# %p= ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(^(.{300,350}\.)(.*)$/m, '\1...')
=#columns({medium: 5}) do
-# %div
-# - if params['controller'] != 'conferences'
-# %a.button.more{href: @conference.url}
-# =_'conference.More_Info'
-# - if @conference.registration_open && !small_banner
-# %a.button#register-now.register-now{href: @conference.url(:register)}
-# =_'conference.Register_Now'
-# #register-dlg
-# = form_tag (@conference.url + '/register/').gsub(/\/\/+/, '/'), :method => :post do
-# = hidden_field_tag :step, 'register'
-# = email_field_tag :email
-# = form_actions :register
-# - if !small_banner && @conference.registration_open
-# - content_for :dom_ready do
-# :plain
-# $('a.register-now').click(function(e) {
-# e.preventDefault();
-# if ($('#register-dlg').hasClass('open')) {
-# $('#register-dlg form').submit();
-# }
-# $('#register-dlg').toggleClass('open');
-# });
-# $('#register-dlg').click(function(e) {
-# if ($('id') == 'register-dlg') {
-# $('#register-dlg').toggleClass('open');
-# }
-# });