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- if @this_conference.event_locations.present?
- if @this_conference.meals.present?
- @meals.each do | time, meal |
=_!(meal['title'] || '')
%td=_!(meal['info'] || '')
%td=date(meal['day'], :weekday)
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, :meals) do
= hidden_field_tag :meal, time
= button_tag :delete, value: :delete, class: [:small, :delete]
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, :meals) do
%h4=_'articles.admin.locations.headings.add_meal', :t
= location_select nil, small: true, stretch: true
= day_select nil, small: true, format: :weekday
= time_select nil, small: true
= textfield :title, nil, required: true, big: true, help: 'articles.admin.locations.paragraphs.meal_title'
= textfield :info, nil, help: 'articles.admin.locations.paragraphs.meal_info'
= button_tag :add_meal, value: :add_meal
- else