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= columns(medium: 12) do
%p=_'articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.Contact_Info', :s, 2
= columns(medium: 12) do
= form_tag register_path(@this_conference.slug) do
= textfield :name, @name, required: true, heading: ''
= textfield :location, ( || location(lookup_ip_location)), required: true, heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.location'
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.languages','Which languages do you speak?'
- puts @errors.to_json.to_s
.check-box-field.input-field{class: @errors[:languages].present? ? 'has-error' : nil}
- [:en, :es, :fr].each do |language|
= check_box_tag "languages[#{language}]", 1, (@registration.languages || [I18n.locale.to_s]).include?(language.to_s)
= label_tag "languages_#{language}" do
= _"languages.#{language}"
= show_errors :languages
= button_tag (params[:step] == :save ? :save : :next), value: :contact_info
= button_tag :previous, value: :prev_contact_info, class: :subdued, formnovalidate: true