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- if @registration.complete
%h3=_'registration.already_registered.complete.title','You Have Already Registered'
=_'','There\'s nothing more to do, you have already registered so we\'ll see you in '
- elsif @registration.is_confirmed
%h3=_'registration.already_registered.confirmed.title','You\'re Already Registered but we are missing some Information'
.columns.medium-10.medium-offset-1.end'','You\'re already set to go but we had a few more questions for you. If you need us to resed your confirmation, just click the button below.'
- else
%h3=_'registration.already_registered.not_confirmed.title','We\'re awaiting your Confirmation'
.columns.medium-10.medium-offset-1.end'','You already sent us the information we need but we need you to confirm. If you don\'t have the email anymore, we can resend it to you.'