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17 lines
985 B

- @workshop_blocks.each_with_index do | info, block |
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule), class: 'table-tr' do + 1)
.table-td=time_select info['time'], small: true, label: false
.table-td=length_select info['length'], {small: true, label: false}, 0.5, 2
.table-td=checkboxes :days, @block_days, info['days'].map(&:to_i), 'date.day_names', vertical: true, small: true
= hidden_field_tag :workshop_block, block
= button_tag :delete_block, value: :delete_block, class: [:small, :delete] if block == @workshop_blocks.length - 2
= button_tag (info['time'].present? ? :update_block : :add_block), value: :save_block, class: [:small, :add]