diff --git a/app/views/layouts/application.html.haml b/app/views/layouts/application.html.haml
index 5fa4ba6..736f034 100644
--- a/app/views/layouts/application.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/layouts/application.html.haml
@@ -22,27 +22,28 @@
%a{class:"navbar-brand", href:"/"}
= image_tag 'velo_logo.png'
- /[Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling]
- %div{class: "collapse navbar-collapse", id:"bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"}
- %ul{class: "nav navbar-nav"}
- %li
- %a{href: new_time_entry_path} Add Time Entry
- %li
- %a{href: time_entries_path} View Timesheet
- %li
- %a{href: new_bike_path} Add Bike
- %li
- %a{href: bike_path(@bike)} View Your Bike
- %ul{class: "nav navbar-nav navbar-right"}
- - if user_signed_in?
- %li
- %input{id: "index_logout", value: "Logout", "data-url" => destroy_user_session_path }
+ - if user_signed_in?
+ /[Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling]
+ %div{class: "collapse navbar-collapse", id:"bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"}
+ %ul{class: "nav navbar-nav"}
+ %li
+ %a{href: new_time_entry_path} Add Time Entry
+ %li
+ %a{href: time_entries_path} View Timesheet
+ %li
+ %a{href: new_bike_path} Add Bike
+ %li
+ %a{href: bike_path(@bike)} View Your Bike
+ %ul{class: "nav navbar-nav navbar-right"}
+ %li
+ %input{id: "index_logout", value: "Logout", "data-url" => destroy_user_session_path }
- if flash[:notice]
%p{:class => 'notice'}= flash[:notice]
- if flash[:alert]
%p{:class => 'alert'}= flash[:alert]
+ = yield
%p © BikeShed #{Time.now.year}