Feature: List teams
  In order to see the teams
  As a user
  I want to see them sorted by name and paginated

    Given a user "test@example.com" with password "password"
    When  I login with email "test@example.com" and password "password"

  Scenario: Team list paginated to 15
    Given 20 teams exist
    And   I go to the team list
    Then  I should see 15 teams in the team list
    When  I go to the next page
    Then  I should see 5 teams in the team list

  Scenario: Team list should be alphabetical by name
    Given the following teams exist:
      | name  |
      | Bad   |
      | Car   |
      | Art   |
      | Door  |
      | ear   |
      | apple |
    And   I go to the team list
    Then  the team list should be:
      | apple |
      | Art   |
      | Bad   |
      | Car   |
      | Door  |
      | ear   |