class Tasks < Netzke::Basepack::Grid def configure(c) super task_list_id = nil if session[:selected_bike_id] task_list_id = Bike.find_by_id(session[:selected_bike_id]) end c.header = false c.model = "Task" c.force_fit = true c.scope = lambda{ |rel| if session[:selected_bike_id] rel.where(:task_list_id => Bike.find_by_id(session[:selected_bike_id]) else #show nothing, whatever this works rel.where(:task_list_id => 0) end } c.strong_default_attrs = { :task_list_id => task_list_id } c.columns = [ :done, :task, :notes ] end def default_fields_for_forms bike = Bike.find_by_id(session[:selected_bike_id]) bike = "Select a Bike First!" if bike.nil? [ { :no_binding => true, :xtype => 'displayfield', :fieldLabel => "Bike Selected", :value => "#{bike.to_s}"}, :done, :task, :notes, ] end #override with nil to remove actions def default_bbar [ :apply, :add_in_form] end end