{ initComponent: function(){ // calling superclass's initComponent this.callParent(); //due to Netzke bug, :min_chars attribute doesn't work var min_char_columns = [ "bike_brand__brand", "bike_model__model", "bike_style__style", "bike_condition__condition", "bike_status__status"] Ext.each(min_char_columns, function(column, index) { Ext.ComponentManager.get(column).editor.minChars = 1; }); // setting the 'rowclick' event var view = this.getView(); view.on('itemclick', function(view, record){ // The beauty of using Ext.Direct: calling 3 endpoints in a row, which results in a single call to the server! this.selectBikeBrand({bike_brand_id: record.get('bike_brand__brand')}); }, this); }, colorBlock: function(value){ return Ext.String.format('
', value, value); } }