class BikeLogs < Netzke::Basepack::Grid def configure(c) super c.model = "ActsAsLoggable::Log" c.title = "Bike History" c.data_store = {auto_load: false} c.scope = lambda { |rel| rel.where(:loggable_type => 'Bike',:loggable_id => session[:selected_bike_id]);} c.strong_default_attrs = { :loggable_type => 'Bike', :loggable_id => session[:selected_bike_id], :log_action_type => 'ActsAsLoggable::BikeAction', :logger_type => 'User', :logger_id => } c.columns = [ { :name => :start_date, :format => "g:ia - D, M j - Y", :width => 165, :default_value => }, { :name => :end_date, :hidden => true, :default_value => }, { :name => :hours, :getter => lambda { |rec| (rec.end_date - rec.start_date)/3600 }, :sorting_scope => :sort_by_duration}, :description, { :name => :bike_action__action, :text => 'Action'}, { :name => :created_at, :read_only => true}, { :name => :updated_at, :read_only => true}, { :name => :logged_by, :getter => lambda{ |rec| user = User.find_by_id(rec.logger_id) user.nil? ? "" : "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}" } } ] #TODO: fix GUI so it actually respects this current_bike = Bike.find_by_id(session[:selected_bike_id]) if cannot? :update, current_bike # if you can't update the bike, you can't do anything to the log c.prohibit_update = c.prohibit_create = c.prohibit_delete = true end end def default_fields_for_forms [ { :name => :start_date}, { :name => :end_date}, { :name => :description}, #had to hack acts_as_loggable/log.rb to get this to work { :name => :bike_action__action, :field_label => 'Action'} ] end =begin #override with nil to remove actions def default_bbar bbar = [ :search ] bbar.concat [ :apply ] if can? :update, ::ActsAsLoggable::Log bbar.concat [ :add_in_form ] if can? :create, ::ActsAsLoggable::Log bbar end =end end