class Users < Netzke::Basepack::Grid include Netzke::Basepack::ActionColumn column :reset do |c| c.type = :action c.actions = [{name: :reset_password, icon: :lock_break}] c.header = "" c.width = 20 end def configure(c) super c.header = false c.model = "User" c.columns = [ :username, :first_name, :last_name, :nickname, :email, :bike__shop_id ] c.columns << :reset if can? :manage, User end #override with nil to remove actions def default_bbar [ :apply, :add_in_form, :search ] end #needed for transactions customer selection js_configure do |c| c.mixin :init_component end #needed for transactions customer selection endpoint :select_customer do |params, this| session[:selected_customer_id] = params[:customer_id] session[:selected_customer_type] = params[:customer_type] end end