require 'spec_helper' describe Team do it 'should have a size of 16 by default' do subject.max_members.should == 16 end describe 'validations' do it { should have(2).error_on(:name) } context 'name' do it 'should require atleast 3 characters' do = 'hi' subject.should have(1).error_on(:name) end it 'should not allow blank' do = '' subject.should have(2).error_on(:name) end it 'should not allow duplicated' do team = FactoryGirl.create(:team) = subject.should have(1).error_on(:name) end end context 'max_members' do it 'should not let it be 0' do subject.max_members = 0 subject.should have(1).error_on(:max_members) end it 'should not let it be left empty' do subject.max_members = '' subject.should have(2).error_on(:max_members) end end context 'captain' do it 'should require a captain' do subject.should have(1).error_on(:captain) end end end end