require 'csv' # Imports data from CSV file into the bikes database. class BikeCsvImporter include BikeCsvImporter::Cache include BikeCsvImporter::Cleaner include BikeCsvImporter::BikeAttrs include BikeCsvImporter::Logs attr_reader :file # Default constructor # # @param [String] file Path to the CSV file def initialize(file) @file = file end # Runs the import. Will print out progress to stdout # # @param [Boolean] dry_run If true, does not save data, only shows the progress of validation def run(dry_run) imported_count, skipped_count = 0, 0 puts "Performing a #{dry_run ? 'DRY RUN' : 'LIVE RUN'} of import" fetch do |bike_hash| bike = new_bike bike_hash check_method = dry_run ? :valid? : :save if bike.try check_method puts "Imported #{bike.shop_id}: #{bike}".green logs = new_logs_entries bike, bike_hash logs.each do |log| if log.send check_method puts "\tLog entry created: #{log.inspect}".green else puts "\tLog entry creation failed: #{log.errors.full_messages.join '; '}".red end end imported_count += 1 else puts "Skipped #{bike.try(:shop_id) || bike_hash.values.first}: #{bike.try(:errors).try(:full_messages).try :join, '; '}".red skipped_count += 1 end end puts "#{imported_count} bikes imported, #{skipped_count} bikes skipped, total of #{imported_count + skipped_count} rows in the CSV" end # Analyzes and prints out the input CSV file values # # @param [Array] fields If passed, analyze only the given fields (names are down cased) def analyze(fields = []) puts "Analyzing CSV values frequency for #{fields.any? ? fields.join(', ') + ' field' : 'all fields'}" fields = &:downcase grouped = {} fetch do |bike_hash| bike_hash.each do |key, value| next if fields.any? && !fields.include?(key) grouped[key] ||= {} grouped[key][value] ||= 0 grouped[key][value] += 1 end end grouped.each do |field, values| puts "#{field}:" values.each do |value, count| puts "\t#{value.inspect}: #{count}" end puts "\tTotal of #{values.count} distinct values" end end # Imports new brands from CSV file (field 'make'). Will print out progress to stdout # # @param [Boolean] dry_run If true, does not save data, only shows the progress of validation def brands(dry_run) created_count, skipped_count = 0, 0 puts "Performing a #{dry_run ? 'DRY RUN' : 'LIVE RUN'} of brands import" fetch do |bike_hash| make = clean_value bike_hash['make'] brand = bike_attr_bike_brand make, true check_method = dry_run ? :valid? : :save if brand.try :persisted? puts "Skipped already existing brand #{brand.brand}" skipped_count +=1 elsif brand.try check_method puts "Created brand #{brand.brand}".green created_count += 1 else puts "Skipped #{brand.try(:brand) || make}: #{brand.try(:errors).try(:full_messages).try(:join, '; ') || 'object not created'}".red skipped_count += 1 end end puts "#{created_count} brand created, #{skipped_count} brand skipped, total of #{created_count + skipped_count} rows in the CSV" end private # Parses the CSV header & rows, yielding a block for each row (except the header) # Header is down cased! # # @param [Proc] &block The block to yield to def fetch CSV.foreach(file).each_with_index do |row, i| if parse_header row else yield parse_bike(row) end end end # Parses & stores the input header, down casing by the way # # @param [Array] row def parse_header(row) @header = end # Parses the input row into a hash with keys from the header, @see #parse_header # # @param [Array] row # # @return [Hash] def parse_bike(row) end # Constructs a new Bike instance from the given hash from a CSV row # # @param [Hash] bike_hash # # @return [Bike] def new_bike(bike_hash) bike_attrs(bike_hash) end # Constructs new Bike Log Entries instances from the given hash from a CSV row # # @param [Bike] bike The Bike instance to construct log entries for # @param [Hash] bike_hash The input hash from a CSV row # # @return [Array] def new_logs_entries(bike, bike_hash) %i{ acquired comment gone }.map { |x| send :"log_entry_#{x}", bike, bike_hash }.compact end end