class TransactionsBorder < Netzke::Base # Remember regions collapse state and size include Netzke::Basepack::ItemPersistence component :transactions component :transaction_logs #users and customers components are required for the transactions form component :users_and_customers_lower_tabs def configure(c) super c.header = false c.title = "Transactions" c.items = [ { netzke_component: :transactions, region: :center, height: 300, split: true }, { netzke_component: :transaction_logs, region: :east, width: 300, split: true }, { netzke_component: :users_and_customers_lower_tabs, region: :south, height: 300, split: true } ] end js_configure do |c| c.layout = :border c.border = false c.mixin :init_component end endpoint :select_transaction do |params, this| session[:selected_transaction_id] = params[:transaction_id] end end