step "I go to create a new team" do visit new_team_path end step 'I go to the team list' do visit teams_path end step "I should see the create a team form" do page.should have_field 'Name' page.should have_field 'Max members', :with => '16' end step "I submit the new team form" do page.find('form#new_team').find('input[type=submit]').click end step "I fill out the team form with team name :team_name" do |team_name| page.fill_in 'Name', :with => team_name end step "I check the box to make my team private" do page.check "Private team?" end step 'I should see an error message about the team name' do within 'form#new_team' do page.should have_content "can't be blank" end end step 'I should see :team_name in the team list' do |team_name| within '.teams' do page.should have_content(team_name) end end step 'I should see :count teams in the team list' do |count| within '.teams' do page.all('').count.should == count.to_i end end step 'the team list should be:' do |table| within '.teams' do actual = page.all('').collect { |h3| [h3.text] } table.raw.should == actual end end step 'I should have the option of joining the team' do page.should have_button 'Join team' end step 'I should not have the option of joining the team' do page.should have_no_button 'Join team' end step ':user_email should be in the team member list' do |user_email| user = User.find_by_email(user_email) assert user, "Could not find user by email: #{user_email}" within '.members' do page.should have_content user.to_s end end step ':user_email captains the team :team_name' do |user_email, team_name| user = User.find_by_email(user_email) assert user, "Could not find user by email: #{user_email}" FactoryGirl.create(:team, :name => team_name, :captain => user) end