class UsersAndProfilesBorder < Netzke::Base # Remember regions collapse state and size include Netzke::Basepack::ItemPersistence component :users component :user_profiles component :user_logs def configure(c) super c.title = "Users/Profiles" c.items = [ { netzke_component: :users, region: :center, width: 300, split: true }, { netzke_component: :user_profiles, region: :south, height: 150, split: true}, { netzke_component: :user_logs, region: :east, split: true} ] end js_configure do |c| c.layout = :border c.border = false # Overriding initComponent c.init_component = <<-JS function(){ // calling superclass's initComponent this.callParent(); this.getComponent('user_stats').updateStats(); // setting the 'rowclick' event var view = this.getComponent('users').getView(); view.on('itemclick', function(view, record){ // The beauty of using Ext.Direct: calling 3 endpoints in a row, which results in a single call to the server! this.selectUser({user_id: record.get('id')}); this.getComponent('user_profiles').getStore().load(); this.getComponent('user_logs').getStore().load(); }, this); } JS end endpoint :select_user do |params, this| # store selected boss id in the session for this component's instance session[:selected_user_id] = params[:user_id] end end