class Bikes < Netzke::Basepack::Grid def configure(c) super c.model = "Bike" c.columns = [ :serial_number, { :name => :bike_brand__brand, :text => 'Brand' }, { :name => :bike_model__model, :text => 'Model', :scope => lambda { |rel| if session[:selected_bike_brand_id] rel.where(:bike_brand_id => session[:selected_bike_brand_id]) else rel.all end } }, :color, { :name => :bike_style__style, :text => 'Style' }, :seat_tube_height, :top_tube_length, :wheel_size, :value, { :name => :bike_condition__condition, :text => 'Condition'}, { :name => :bike_status__status, :text => 'Status'} ] end #override with nil to remove actions def default_bbar [ :apply, :add_in_form ] end js_configure do |c| c.init_component = <<-JS function(){ // calling superclass's initComponent this.callParent(); // setting the 'rowclick' event var view = this.getView(); view.on('itemclick', function(view, record){ console.log(view); console.log(record); // The beauty of using Ext.Direct: calling 3 endpoints in a row, which results in a single call to the server! this.selectBikeBrand({bike_brand_id: record.get('bike_brand__brand')}); }, this); } JS end endpoint :select_bike_brand do |params, this| # store selected boss id in the session for this component's instance session[:selected_bike_brand_id] = params[:bike_brand_id] puts "BikeID-----------------------------" #puts params[:bike_brand_id] puts session.inspect end end