class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_loggable # Include default devise modules. Others available are: # :token_authenticatable, :encryptable, :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :lockable #TODO ,:confirmable # Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :first_name, :last_name, :bike_id, :user_profiles_attributes, :username has_many :transactions, as: :customer has_many :transaction_logs, through: :transactions, source: :logs has_many :user_profiles accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_profiles, allow_destroy: false has_many :user_role_joins, :conditions => ["ends IS NULL OR ends > ?",] has_many :roles, through: :user_role_joins belongs_to :bike default_scope order('username ASC') validates :first_name, :presence => true validates :last_name, :presence => true def to_s "#{first_name} #{last_name}" end def email_required? false end def full_name to_s end def role?(role) if role.kind_of?(String) or role.kind_of?(Symbol) role = Role.find_by_role(role.to_s) end roles.include?(role) end ### TODO methods below probably belong somewhere else def completed_build_bikes purpose_id = BikePurpose.find_by_purpose("BUILDBIKE").id Bike.find_by_sql(" SELECT * FROM bikes INNER JOIN( SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE customer_id = #{} ) AS transactions ON = transactions.bike_id WHERE bike_purpose_id = #{purpose_id}") end def total_credits total_earned_credits - total_credits_spent end def total_credits_spent log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::TransactionAction.find_by_action("TIME") transaction_logs. where( "log_action_id = ? AND log_action_type = ?",, log_action.class.to_s). sum{ |r| r.description.to_i }.round(2) end def total_earned_credits log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::UserAction.find_by_action("CHECKIN") # Find the first credit conversion which has a created_at date before the # log's created_at date and join it to the log's row so we can calculate # the credits earned from that log entry (each log could have a different # conversion rate) # # The DISTINCT ON, and ORDER BY are important to getting the # single conversion rate that applies to the respective log. ::ActsAsLoggable::Log.find_by_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT ON (logs.created_at) start_date, end_date, conversion.conversion, conversion.created_at FROM logs INNER JOIN( SELECT conversion, created_at FROM credit_conversions ) AS conversion ON logs.created_at > conversion.created_at WHERE logs.loggable_id = #{} AND logs.loggable_type = 'User' AND (log_action_id != #{} AND log_action_type = '#{log_action.class.to_s}') ORDER BY logs.created_at, conversion.created_at DESC"). sum{ |l| ((l.end_date - l.start_date)/3600) * l.conversion.to_i}.round(2) end def total_hours log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::UserAction.find_by_action("CHECKIN") logs.where("log_action_id != ? AND log_action_type = ?",, log_action.class.to_s).sum { |l| (l.end_date - l.start_date)/3600 }.round(2) end def current_month_hours log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::UserAction.find_by_action("CHECKIN") #TODO need to prevent users from saving logs across months, force to create a new log if crossing month current_month_range = ( logs.where("log_action_id != ? AND log_action_type = ?",, log_action.class.to_s) .where( :start_date => current_month_range) .where( :end_date => current_month_range) .sum { |l| (l.end_date - l.start_date)/3600 } .round(2) end def checked_in? log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::UserAction.find_by_action("CHECKIN") checked = logs.where( log_action_id: where("start_date >= ?", where("start_date = end_date") !checked.empty? end def checkin log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::UserAction.find_by_action("CHECKIN") time = logs.create( logger_id:, logger_type: self.class.to_s, start_date: time, end_date: time, log_action_id:, log_action_type: log_action.class.to_s) save end def checkout log_action = ::ActsAsLoggable::UserAction.find_by_action("CHECKIN") checked = logs.where( log_action_id: where("start_date >= ?", where("start_date = end_date").first checked.end_date = end end