require 'csv' # Gone -> If "Yes", set 'gone' to true, then create a Log entry like the following: # id | loggable_id | loggable_type | logger_id | logger_type | context | start_date | end_date | description | log_action_id | log_action_type | created_at | updated_at # 18 | 1 | Bike | 4 | User | | 2017-02-03 23:27:00 | 2017-02-03 23:27:00 | Gone | 5 | ActsAsLoggable::BikeAction | 2017-02-03 23:27:36.8387 | 2017-02-03 23:27:36.8387 # See for example. Use user_id 1 for current_user_id (1 should be the admin ID I think). Use "Date Out" column for start_date & end_date. Set action_id to "COMPLETED". # # Date In -> Create a bike log entry with start_date & end_date with same value as "Date In". Set action_id to "AQUIRED" # Date Out -> Should be the start_date & end_date value for "Gone" column mentioned above. # Comment -> Create a bike log entry with action_id "NOTE". The log 'description' should be the value of 'Comment'. class BikeCsvImporter include BikeCsvImporter::Cache include BikeCsvImporter::Cleaner include BikeCsvImporter::BikeAttrs attr_reader :file def initialize(file) @file = file end def run(dry_run) result = {imported: {}, skipped: {}} fetch do |bike_hash| bike = new_bike bike_hash check_method = dry_run ? :valid? : :save if bike.try check_method result[:imported][bike.shop_id] = bike.inspect else result[:skipped][bike.try(:shop_id) || bike_hash.values.first] = bike.try(:errors).try(:messages) end end result end def analyze(fields = []) fields = &:downcase grouped = {} fetch do |bike_hash| bike_hash.each do |key, value| next if fields.any? && !fields.include?(key) grouped[key] ||= {} grouped[key][value] ||= 0 grouped[key][value] += 1 end end grouped end private def fetch CSV.foreach(file).each_with_index do |row, i| if parse_header row else yield parse_bike(row) end end end def parse_header(row) @header = end def parse_bike(row) end def new_bike(bike_hash) bike_attrs(bike_hash) end end