Feature: Create a team
  In order to gather my friends to participate in a hunt
  As a user
  I want to create a team

    Given a user "test@example.com" with password "password"
    When  I login with email "test@example.com" and password "password"
    And   I go to create a new team

  Scenario: View the create a team form
    Then  I should see the create a team form

  Scenario: Errors on form are displayed
    When  I submit the new team form
    Then  I should see an error message about the team name

  Scenario: Created team is in list
    When  I fill out the team form with team name "Happy Trackers"
    And   I submit the new team form
    And   I go to the team list
    Then  I should see "Happy Trackers" in the team list

  Scenario: Create a private team
    When  I fill out the team form with team name "Happy Trackers"
    And   I check the box to make my team private
    And   I submit the new team form
    And   I go to the team list
    Then  the team list should be:
      | Happy Trackers* |