require 'securerandom' class Api::V1::UsersController < Api::V1::BaseController def password_reset if can? :manage, User user = User.find_by_id(params[:user_id]) render :json => { "error" => "User not found"}, :status => 404 and return if user.nil? render :json => { "error" => "Not allowed to reset your own password in this fashion."}, :status => 403 and return if == new_pass = SecureRandom.hex[0,8] user.password = new_pass render :json => { "password" => new_pass}, :status => 200 and return else render :json => { "error" => "You do not have the permission"}, :status => 403 and return end end =begin Is this here by accident? Commenting out for now (1/30/14) def checkout #must use @current_user since user may not have signed in if !@current_user.checked_in? render :json => { "error" => "You were not even checked in."}, :status => 404 and return else @current_user.checkout render :nothing => true, :status => 204 and return end end =end end