2014-12-15 04:18:50 +00:00
< ? php
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
require_once ( 'YBDB.php' );
define ( " PAGE_START_SHOP " , " start_shop.php " );
define ( " PAGE_SHOP_LOG " , " shop_log.php " );
define ( " PAGE_EDIT_CONTACT " , " contact_add_edit.php " );
define ( " PAGE_SELECT_CONTACT " , " contact_add_edit_select.php " );
define ( " PAGE_SHOP_LOG_DELETE_VISIT " , " shop_log_delete_shopvisitid.php " );
2014-12-19 20:16:52 +00:00
define ( " INDIVIDUAL_HOURS_LOG " , " /stats/individual_hours_log.php " );
define ( " INDIVIDUAL_HISTORY_LOG " , " /stats/individual_history_log.php " );
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
define ( " PAGE_SALE_LOG " , " transaction_log.php " );
define ( " PAGE_EDIT_LOCATION " , " location_add_edit.php " );
define ( " PAGE_SELECT_LOCATION " , " location_add_edit_select.php " );
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
//This is a general function to generate the contents of a list box based on a MySQL query. All necessary parameters for the query are passed
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
function generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value )
global $database_YBDB , $YBDB ;
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$recordset = mysql_query ( $querySQL , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $recordset );
$totalRows_recordset = mysql_num_rows ( $recordset );
$default_delimiter = '' ;
// if a form name is supplied HTML listbox code is inserted
if ( $form_name <> " none " ){ echo " <select name= \" $form_name\ " > " ;}
echo " \n " ;
do {
if ( $default_value == $row_recordset [ $list_value ]){
$default_delimiter = 'selected="selected"' ;
} else { $default_delimiter = '' ;}
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
echo '<option value="' . $row_recordset [ $list_value ] . '"' . $default_delimiter . '>' . $row_recordset [ $list_text ] . '</option>\n' ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
} while ( $row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $recordset ));
$rows = mysql_num_rows ( $recordset );
if ( $rows > 0 ) {
mysql_data_seek ( $recordset , 0 );
$row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $recordset );
mysql_free_result ( $recordset );
// if a form name is supplied HTML listbox code is inserted
if ( $form_name <> " none " ){ echo " </select> " ;}
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_contacts ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " , $max_name_length = 20 ){
$querySQL = " SELECT LEFT(CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name, ' ',middle_initial), $max_name_length ) AS full_name, contact_id, hidden FROM contacts WHERE (first_name <> '' OR last_name <> '') AND hidden <> 1 ORDER BY last_name, first_name, middle_initial " ;
$list_value = " contact_id " ;
$list_text = " full_name " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
function list_CurrentShopUsers ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " , $max_name_length = 20 ){
$current_shop = current_shop_by_ip ();
$querySQL = " SELECT full_name, shop_hours.contact_id ,hidden FROM shop_hours
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT LEFT ( CONCAT ( last_name , ', ' , first_name , ' ' , middle_initial ), $max_name_length ) AS full_name , contact_id , hidden FROM contacts ) as contacts ON shop_hours . contact_id = contacts . contact_id
WHERE shop_hours . shop_id = $current_shop
ORDER BY full_name ; " ;
$list_value = " contact_id " ;
$list_text = " full_name " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
function list_coordinators ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " , $max_name_length = 20 ){
$querySQL = " SELECT LEFT(CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name, ' ',middle_initial),40) AS full_name, contacts.contact_id, hidden, shop_user_role FROM contacts
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT contact_id , shop_user_role , sales FROM shop_hours
LEFT JOIN shop_user_roles ON shop_user_roles . shop_user_role_id = shop_hours . shop_user_role
WHERE shop_user_roles . sales = 1 GROUP BY contact_id ) as shop_hours ON shop_hours . contact_id = contacts . contact_id
WHERE ( first_name <> '' OR last_name <> '' ) AND hidden <> 1 AND shop_hours . sales = 1
GROUP BY contacts . contact_id
ORDER BY last_name , first_name , middle_initial ; " ;
$list_value = " contact_id " ;
$list_text = " full_name " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
function list_current_coordinators ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " , $max_name_length = 20 ){
$current_shop = current_shop_by_ip ();
$querySQL = " SELECT LEFT(CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name, ' ',middle_initial),40) AS full_name, contacts.contact_id, hidden, shop_user_role FROM contacts
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT contact_id , shop_user_role , sales FROM shop_hours LEFT JOIN shop_user_roles ON shop_user_roles . shop_user_role_id = shop_hours . shop_user_role WHERE shop_user_roles . sales = 1 AND shop_id = $current_shop GROUP BY contact_id ) as shop_hours ON shop_hours . contact_id = contacts . contact_id
WHERE ( first_name <> '' OR last_name <> '' ) AND hidden <> 1 AND shop_hours . sales = 1
GROUP BY contacts . contact_id
ORDER BY last_name , first_name , middle_initial ; " ;
$list_value = " contact_id " ;
$list_text = " full_name " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_projects ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
$querySQL = " SELECT project_id FROM projects WHERE active = 1 AND public = 1 ORDER BY project_id " ;
$list_value = " project_id " ;
$list_text = " project_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_projects_collective ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
$querySQL = " SELECT project_id FROM projects WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY public DESC, project_id " ;
$list_value = " project_id " ;
$list_text = " project_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_shop_types ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
$querySQL = " SELECT shop_type_id FROM shop_types ORDER BY list_order; " ;
$list_value = " shop_type_id " ;
$list_text = " shop_type_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_shop_user_roles ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
$querySQL = " SELECT shop_user_role_id FROM shop_user_roles ORDER BY shop_user_role_id; " ;
$list_value = " shop_user_role_id " ;
$list_text = " shop_user_role_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_shop_locations ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
$querySQL = " SELECT shop_location_id FROM shop_locations WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY shop_location_id; " ;
$list_value = " shop_location_id " ;
$list_text = " shop_location_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
// Function provides specific MySQL parameters to the function that generates the list box code
function list_transaction_types ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
2014-12-15 17:25:05 +00:00
$querySQL = " SELECT transaction_type_id FROM transaction_types ORDER BY rank + 0; " ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
$list_value = " transaction_type_id " ;
$list_text = " transaction_type_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
function list_donation_types ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " ){
$querySQL = " SELECT transaction_type_id FROM transaction_types WHERE community_bike = 1; " ;
$list_value = " transaction_type_id " ;
$list_text = " transaction_type_id " ;
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
function list_donation_locations ( $form_name = " none " , $default_value = " " , $max_name_length = 20 ){
$querySQL = " SELECT LEFT(CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name, ' ',middle_initial), $max_name_length ) AS full_name,
location_name , contact_id FROM contacts WHERE location_type IS NULL ORDER BY location_name " ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
$list_value = " contact_id " ;
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
$list_text = " full_name " ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
generate_list ( $querySQL , $list_value , $list_text , $form_name , $default_value );
function currency_format ( $value , $places = 2 ){
echo " $ " ;
if ( is_null ( $value )) echo number_format ( 0 , $places );
else echo number_format ( $value , $places );
//function to convert server time to local time. To be used by all other current date / time requests.
function local_datetime (){
$hours_offset = 2 ;
$min_offset = 0 ;
return time () + ( $hours_offset * 60 * 60 + $min_offset * 60 );
//offset hours; 60 mins; 60secs offset
//function converts the current date/time into h:m am format
function current_datetime (){
return date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , local_datetime ());
//function converts the current date/time into YYYY-MM-DD am format
function current_date (){
return date ( " Y-m-d " , local_datetime ());
//function converts the current date/time into h:m am format
function date_to_time ( $date_in ){
list ( $date , $time ) = split ( '[ ]' , $date_in );
list ( $H , $i , $s ) = split ( '[:]' , $time );
$time_out = date ( " g:i a " , mktime ( $H , $i , $s , 1 , 1 , 2000 ));
return $time_out ;
//takes a date in and adds current time if date has changed
function date_update_wo_timestamp ( $date_in , $database_date ){
list ( $date , $time ) = split ( '[ ]' , $database_date );
$timestamp_out = (( $date == $date_in ) ? $database_date : $date_in );
return $timestamp_out ;
function date_to_timestamp ( $date_in ){
list ( $date , $time ) = split ( '[ ]' , $start_time );
list ( $Y , $m , $d ) = split ( '[-]' , $date );
list ( $H , $i , $s ) = split ( '[:]' , $time );
$time_out = mktime ( $H , $i , $s , $m , $d , $Y );
return $time_out ;
function datetime_to_time ( $date_in ){
list ( $date , $time ) = split ( '[ ]' , $date_in );
list ( $H , $i , $s ) = split ( '[:]' , $time );
$time_out = date ( " H:i:s " , mktime ( $H , $i , $s , 1 , 1 , 2000 ));
return $time_out ;
function datetime_to_date ( $date_in ){
list ( $date , $time ) = split ( '[ ]' , $date_in );
list ( $Y , $m , $d ) = split ( '[-]' , $date );
$date_out = date ( " Y-m-d " , mktime ( $H , $i , $s , $m , $d , $Y ));
return $date_out ;
//Function creates list box with times every 15 minutes for the specified number of hours
function list_15min ( $start_time , $start_offset_min , $form_name , $hours , $display_elapsed_hours , $default_value ){
list ( $date , $time ) = split ( '[ ]' , $start_time );
list ( $Y , $m , $d ) = split ( '[-]' , $date );
list ( $H , $i , $s ) = split ( '[:]' , $time );
//$min_inc is used to round round to nearest 15min
$min_inc = 15 - intval ( $i ) % 15 ;
$start_tim15 = mktime ( $H , $i , 0 , $m , $d , $Y ) + $min_inc * 60 + $start_offset_min * 60 ;
//$start_time_am = date("H:i a", mktime($H, $i, $s, 1,1,2000));
echo " <select name= \" $form_name\ " > " ;
if ( $default_value <> " none " && $default_value <> " 0000-00-00 00:00:00 " ){
//if a default value is requested it is displayed at the top of the list
echo '<option value="' . $default_value . '">' . date_to_time ( $default_value ) . '</option>' ;
if ( current_date () == $date ) {
// if current date does not match shop date current date will no be an option
echo '<option value="current_time">Current Time</option>' ;
echo '<option value="current_time">--------------------</option>' ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j <= $hours * 4 ; $j ++ ) {
$list_time_15 = $start_tim15 + $j * 15 * 60 ;
if ( $display_elapsed_hours == 1 ) {
$elapsed_hours = " [ " . date ( " G:i " , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2000 ) + ( $j + 1 ) * 15 * 60 ) . " hrs] " ;
} else {
$elapsed_hours = " " ;
$list_time_15_return = date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , $list_time_15 );
$list_time_15_display = date ( " g:i a " , $list_time_15 ) . $elapsed_hours ;
echo " <option value= \" " . $list_time_15_return . " \" > " . $list_time_15_display . " </option> " ;
echo " </select> " ;
function list_time ( $time_list_start , $time , $form_name = " none " , $start_offset_min = 0 , $display_elapsed_hours = 0 , $default_value = " none " , $hours_listed = 8 , $et = " " ){
if ( $time == " 0000-00-00 00:00:00 " || $default_value <> " none " ){
//create drop down
//echo list_15min("0000-00-00 01:20:00", 4, "frm_time_out" );
echo list_15min ( $time_list_start , $start_offset_min , $form_name , $hours_listed , $display_elapsed_hours , $default_value );
} else {
//list time out
echo date_to_time ( $time ) . " [ { $et } hrs] " ;
function sign_out ( $time_out , $first_name ){
if ( $time_out == " 0000-00-00 00:00:00 " ){
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sign Out: ' . $first_name . '" />' ;
//This function corrects the datatype for form submitted variables
function GetSQLValueString ( $theValue , $theType , $theDefinedValue = " " , $theNotDefinedValue = " " )
$theValue = ( ! get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) ? addslashes ( $theValue ) : $theValue ;
switch ( $theType ) {
case " text " :
$theValue = ( $theValue != " " ) ? " ' " . $theValue . " ' " : " NULL " ;
break ;
case " long " :
case " int " :
$theValue = ( $theValue != " " ) ? intval ( $theValue ) : " NULL " ;
break ;
case " double " :
$theValue = ( $theValue != " " ) ? " ' " . doubleval ( $theValue ) . " ' " : " NULL " ;
break ;
case " date " :
if (( $theValue == 'current_time' ) || ( $theValue == 'Current Date' )){
$theValue = current_datetime ();
$theValue = ( $theValue != " " ) ? " ' " . $theValue . " ' " : " NULL " ;
break ;
case " defined " :
$theValue = ( $theValue != " " ) ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue ;
break ;
return $theValue ;
function dateandtimein ( $date , $time ){
if ( $time <> 'current_time' ){
$time = $date . ' ' . datetime_to_time ( $time );
return $time ;
function list_contacts_edit_add ( $form_name = " contact_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='new_contact'>Add New Contact</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='new_contact'>--------------</option> " ;
list_contacts ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_contacts_select_user ( $form_name = " contact_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>Select User</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>--------------</option> " ;
list_contacts ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_CurrentShopUsers_select ( $form_name = " contact_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>Select User</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>--------------</option> " ;
list_CurrentShopUsers ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_contacts_YBP_project ( $form_name = " contact_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='1269'>Yellow Bike Project</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>--------------</option> " ;
list_contacts ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_contacts_coordinators ( $form_name = " coordinator_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>Select Coordinator</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>--------------</option> " ;
list_coordinators ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_current_coordinators_select ( $form_name = " coordinator_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>Select Coordinator</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='no_selection'>--------------</option> " ;
list_current_coordinators ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_donation_locations_withheader ( $form_name = " coordinator_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
echo " <option value='no_selection'>Select Patron</option> \n " ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
echo " <option value='no_selection'>--------------</option> " ;
list_donation_locations ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_donation_locations_edit_add ( $form_name = " contact_id " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='new_contact'>Add New Location</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='new_contact'>--------------</option> " ;
list_donation_locations ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_transaction_types_withheader ( $form_name = " transaction_types " , $default_value = " " )
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='all_types'>All Types</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='all_types'>--------------</option> " ;
list_transaction_types ( " none " , $default_value );
echo " </select> \n " ;
function list_yes_no ( $form_name = " list_yes_no " , $default_value = 0 )
if ( $default_value == 1 ){
$select_yes = 'selected="selected"' ;
$select_no = '' ;
} else {
$select_yes = '' ;
$select_no = 'selected="selected"' ;
echo " <select name= { $form_name } class='yb_standard'> \n " ;
echo " <option value='1' " . $select_yes . " >Yes</option> \n " ;
echo " <option value='0' " . $select_no . " >No</option> " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
function max_shop_id (){
global $database_YBDB , $YBDB ;
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset1 = " SELECT max(shop_id) as shop_id FROM shops; " ;
$Recordset1 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset1 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset1 );
$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset1 );
return $row_Recordset1 [ 'shop_id' ];
function current_shop_by_ip (){
global $database_YBDB , $YBDB ;
$current_date = current_date ();
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset1 = " SELECT shop_id FROM shops WHERE ip_address = ' { $IP } ' AND date = ' { $current_date } ' ORDER BY shop_id DESC; " ;
$Recordset1 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset1 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset1 );
$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset1 );
return $row_Recordset1 [ 'shop_id' ];
2014-12-15 17:25:05 +00:00