2014-12-15 04:18:50 +00:00
< ? php
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
require_once ( 'Connections/YBDB.php' );
require_once ( 'Connections/database_functions.php' );
$page_edit_contact = PAGE_EDIT_CONTACT ;
$page_individual_history_log = INDIVIDUAL_HISTORY_LOG ;
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
$storage_period = STORAGE_PERIOD ;
$default_transaction_type = DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TYPE ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
//transaction ID
if ( $_GET [ 'trans_id' ] > 0 ){
$trans_id = $_GET [ 'trans_id' ];
} else {
$trans_id =- 1 ;}
switch ( $_GET [ 'error' ]) {
case 'transactioncomplete' :
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
$error_message = 'Paypal transaction was successful' ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
break ;
case 'transactioncanceled' : //this is a sample error message. insert error case here
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
$error_message = 'Paypal transaction was cancelled' ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
break ;
default :
$error_message = '' ;
break ;
//delete transaction ID
if ( $_GET [ 'delete_trans_id' ] > 0 ){
$delete_trans_id = $_GET [ 'delete_trans_id' ];
} else {
$delete_trans_id =- 1 ;}
if ( $_GET [ 'trans_date' ] > 0 ){
$trans_date = " AND date <= ADDDATE(' { $_GET [ 'trans_date' ] } ',1) " ;
} else {
$datetoday = current_date ();
$trans_date = " AND date <= ADDDATE(' { $datetoday } ',1) " ;
$trans_date = " " ; }
if ( $_GET [ 'shop_dayname' ] == 'alldays' ){
$shop_dayname = '' ;
} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'shop_dayname' ])) {
$shop_dayname = " AND DAYNAME(date) = ' " . $_GET [ 'shop_dayname' ] . " ' " ;
} else {
$shop_dayname = '' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'trans_type' ] == 'all_types' ){
$trans_type = '' ;
} elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ 'trans_type' ])) {
$trans_type = " AND transaction_log.transaction_type = ' " . $_GET [ 'trans_type' ] . " ' " ;
} else {
$trans_type = '' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'record_count' ] > 0 ){
$record_count = $_GET [ 'record_count' ];
} else {
$record_count = 30 ;}
// This is the recordset for the list of logged transactions
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset1 = " SELECT *,
DATE_FORMAT ( date , '%m/%d (%a)' ) as date_wday ,
CONCAT ( '$' , FORMAT ( amount , 2 )) as format_amount ,
CONCAT ( contacts . last_name , ', ' , contacts . first_name , ' ' , contacts . middle_initial ) AS full_name ,
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
LEFT ( IF ( show_startdate , CONCAT ( ' [' ,
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
DATE_FORMAT ( DATE_ADD ( date_startstorage , INTERVAL $storage_period DAY ), '%W, %M %D' ), '] ' , transaction_log . description ),
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
IF ( community_bike , CONCAT ( 'Quantity(' , quantity , ') ' , transaction_log . description ), description )), 100 ) as description_with_locations
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
FROM transaction_log
LEFT JOIN contacts ON transaction_log . sold_to = contacts . contact_id
LEFT JOIN transaction_types ON transaction_log . transaction_type = transaction_types . transaction_type_id
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
WHERE 1 = 1 { $trans_date } { $shop_dayname } { $trans_type } ORDER BY transaction_id DESC LIMIT 0 , $record_count ; " ;
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
$Recordset1 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset1 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset1 );
//Action on form update
$editFormAction = $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ];
//Form Submit New Transaction===================================================================
if (( isset ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ])) && ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ] == " FormNew " )) {
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
$trans_type = $_POST [ 'transaction_type' ];
$shop_id = current_shop_by_ip ();
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset5 = " SELECT show_startdate FROM transaction_types WHERE transaction_type_id = \" $trans_type\ " ; " ;
//echo $query_Recordset5;
$Recordset5 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset5 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_Recordset5 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset5 );
$totalRows_Recordset5 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset5 );
$initial_date_startstorage = $row_Recordset5 [ 'show_startdate' ];
if ( $initial_date_startstorage ) {
$date_startstorage = current_datetime ();
$date = " NULL " ;
} else {
$date_startstorage = " NULL " ;
$date = current_datetime ();
} //end if
$insertSQL = sprintf ( " INSERT INTO transaction_log (transaction_type,shop_id, date_startstorage, date, quantity) VALUES (%s,%s, %s ,%s,%s) " ,
GetSQLValueString ( $_POST [ 'transaction_type' ], " text " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $shop_id , " text " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $date_startstorage , " date " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $date , " date " ),
GetSQLValueString ( 1 , " int " ));
//echo $insertSQL;
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$Result1 = mysql_query ( $insertSQL , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
// gets newest transaction ID
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset4 = " SELECT MAX(transaction_id) as newtrans FROM transaction_log; " ;
$Recordset4 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset4 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_Recordset4 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset4 );
$totalRows_Recordset4 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset4 );
$newtrans = $row_Recordset4 [ 'newtrans' ]; //This field is used to set edit box preferences
$LoadPage = $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . " ?trans_id= { $newtrans } " ;
header ( sprintf ( " Location: %s " , $LoadPage ));
} // end Form Submit New Transaction
//Form Edit Record ===============================================================================
2014-12-23 06:15:46 +00:00
if (( isset ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ])) && ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ] == " FormEdit " ) && ( $_POST [ " EditSubmit " ] == " Save " )) {
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
2014-12-23 04:56:36 +00:00
//Error Correction & good place for jquery
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
$sold_to = (( $_POST [ 'sold_to' ] == 'no_selection' ) ? 1268 : $_POST [ 'sold_to' ] );
$sold_by = (( $_POST [ 'sold_by' ] == 'no_selection' ) ? 1268 : $_POST [ 'sold_by' ] );
$date_startstorage = date_update_wo_timestamp ( $_POST [ 'date_startstorage' ], $_POST [ 'db_date_startstorage' ]);
$date = date_update_wo_timestamp ( $_POST [ 'date' ], $_POST [ 'db_date' ]);
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
$description = (( $_POST [ 'description' ] == " " ) ? " No Description " : $_POST [ 'description' ] );
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
$updateSQL = sprintf ( " UPDATE transaction_log SET transaction_type=%s, date_startstorage=%s, date=%s, amount=%s, quantity=%s, description=%s, sold_to=%s, sold_by=%s, shop_id=%s WHERE transaction_id=%s " ,
GetSQLValueString ( $_POST [ 'transaction_type' ], " text " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $date_startstorage , " date " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $date , " date " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $_POST [ 'amount' ], " double " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $_POST [ 'quantity' ], " int " ),
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
GetSQLValueString ( $description , " text " ),
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
GetSQLValueString ( $sold_to , " int " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $sold_by , " int " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $_POST [ 'shop_id' ], " int " ),
GetSQLValueString ( $_POST [ 'transaction_id' ], " int " ));
//"2006-10-12 18:15:00"
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$Result1 = mysql_query ( $updateSQL , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$trans_id = $_POST [ 'transaction_id' ];
header ( sprintf ( " Location: %s " , $editFormAction . " ?trans_id= { $trans_id } " )); //$editFormAction
//Form Edit Record Delete ===============================================================================
if (( isset ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ])) && ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ] == " FormEdit " ) && ( $_POST [ " EditSubmit " ] == " Delete " )) {
$trans_id = $_POST [ 'transaction_id' ];
header ( sprintf ( " Location: %s " , $editFormAction . " ?delete_trans_id= { $trans_id } " )); //$editFormAction
//Form Confirm Delete ===============================================================================
if (( isset ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ])) && ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ] == " ConfirmDelete " ) && ( $_POST [ " DeleteConfirm " ] == " Confirm Delete " )) {
$delete_trans_id = $_POST [ 'delete_trans_id' ];
$insertSQL = " DELETE FROM transaction_log WHERE transaction_id = { $delete_trans_id } " ;
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$Result1 = mysql_query ( $insertSQL , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
header ( sprintf ( " Location: %s " , PAGE_SALE_LOG )); //$editFormAction
//Cancel and go back to transaction ================================================================
} elseif (( isset ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ])) && ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ] == " ConfirmDelete " ) && ( $_POST [ " DeleteConfirm " ] == " Cancel " )) {
$delete_trans_id = $_POST [ 'delete_trans_id' ];
header ( sprintf ( " Location: %s " , PAGE_SALE_LOG . " ?trans_id= { $delete_trans_id } " )); //$editFormAction
//Change Date isset($_POST["MM_update"]) =========================================================
if (( isset ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ])) && ( $_POST [ " MM_insert " ] == " ChangeDate " )) {
$editFormAction = $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . " ?trans_date= { $_POST [ 'trans_date' ] } &trans_type= { $_POST [ 'trans_type' ] } &shop_dayname= { $_POST [ 'dayname' ] } &record_count= { $_POST [ 'record_count' ] } " ;
header ( sprintf ( " Location: %s " , $editFormAction )); //$editFormAction
< ? php include ( " include_header.html " ); ?>
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " cancel_return " value = " http://positivespin.org/ybdb/transaction_log.php?error=transactioncanceled " />
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< table border = " 0 " cellpadding = " 1 " cellspacing = " 0 " >
< tr >
< td align = " left " valign = " bottom " >< ? php echo $error_message ?> </td>
</ tr >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
<!-- All elements of edit transaction contained in this row -->
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< tr >
< td >
< table border = " 1 " cellpadding = " 1 " cellspacing = " 0 " bordercolor = " #CCCCCC " >
< tr bordercolor = " #CCCCCC " bgcolor = " #99CC33 " >
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td colspan = " 8 " bgcolor = " #99CC33 " >< div align = " center " >< strong > Bike and Sale Log </ strong ></ div ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
< ? php // show delete tranaction confirmation =========================================
if ( $delete_trans_id <> - 1 ) { ?>
< form method = " post " name = " FormConfirmDelete " action = " <?php echo $editFormAction ; ?> " >
< tr bordercolor = " #CCCCCC " bgcolor = " #CCCC33 " >
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td colspan = " 8 " >< p >< strong > Edit Transaction :
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " submit " name = " DeleteConfirm " value = " Confirm Delete " />
< input type = " submit " name = " DeleteConfirm " value = " Cancel " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " delete_trans_id " value = " <?php echo $delete_trans_id ; ?> " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " MM_insert " value = " ConfirmDelete " >
</ strong ></ p > </ td >
</ tr >
</ form >
< ? php //Form to edit preexisting records ================================================
} elseif ( $trans_id <> - 1 ) {
// Gets data for the transaction being edited
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset2 = " SELECT *,
DATE_FORMAT ( date_startstorage , '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date_startstorage_day ,
DATE_FORMAT ( date , '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date_day ,
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
DATE_FORMAT ( DATE_ADD ( date_startstorage , INTERVAL $storage_period DAY ), '%W, %M %D' ) as storage_deadline ,
DATEDIFF ( DATE_ADD ( date_startstorage , INTERVAL $storage_period DAY ), CURRENT_DATE ()) as storage_days_left ,
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
FORMAT ( amount , 2 ) as format_amount
FROM transaction_log WHERE transaction_id = $trans_id ; " ;
$Recordset2 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset2 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_Recordset2 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset2 );
$totalRows_Recordset2 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset2 );
$trans_type = $row_Recordset2 [ 'transaction_type' ]; //This field is used to set edit box preferences
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
// gets preferences of edit based on Transaction Type
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
mysql_select_db ( $database_YBDB , $YBDB );
$query_Recordset3 = " SELECT * FROM transaction_types WHERE transaction_type_id = \" $trans_type\ " ; " ;
$Recordset3 = mysql_query ( $query_Recordset3 , $YBDB ) or die ( mysql_error ());
$row_Recordset3 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset3 );
$totalRows_Recordset3 = mysql_num_rows ( $Recordset3 );
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
<!-- The actual row for edit transactions -->
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< tr bgcolor = " #CCCC33 " >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
<!-- the column for the edit transactions form -->
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td colspan = " 7 " >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< form method = " post " name = " FormEdit " action = " <?php echo $editFormAction ; ?> " >
< table border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 1 " >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td ></ td >< td ></ td >
< td >
< input type = " submit " name = " EditSubmit " value = " Save " align = " right " >
< input type = " submit " name = " EditSubmit " value = " Close " >
< input type = " submit " name = " EditSubmit " value = " Delete " >
<!-- Save before using paypal ->> -->
</ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
< td >< label > Transaction ID :</ label ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset2 [ 'transaction_id' ]; ?> <em><?php echo $row_Recordset3['message_transaction_id']; ?></em></em></td>
</ tr >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
< td >< label > ShopID :</ label > </ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< input name = " shop_id " type = " text " id = " amount " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['shop_id'] ; ?> " size = " 6 " /></ td >
</ tr >
< ? php ?>
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >< td >< label > Select Type :</ label ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< ? php list_transaction_types ( 'transaction_type' , $row_Recordset2 [ 'transaction_type' ] ); ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ? php //date_startstorage ==============================================================
if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'show_startdate' ]){ ?>
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td >< label > Storage Start Date :</ label ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< input name = " date_startstorage " type = " text " id = " date_startstorage " value = " <?php
echo $row_Recordset2 [ 'date_startstorage_day' ]; ?> " size="10" maxlength="10" />
2014-12-29 01:18:02 +00:00
( yyyy - mm - dd ) </ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
< ? php } //end if storage | start of date ================================================
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td >< label >< ? php echo $row_Recordset3 [ 'fieldname_date' ]; ?> :</label></td>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< input name = " date " type = " text " id = " date " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['date_day'] ; ?> " size = " 10 " maxlength = " 10 " />
2014-12-29 01:18:02 +00:00
( yyyy - mm - dd )
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
function FillDate () {
document . FormEdit . date . value = '<?php echo current_date(); ?>' }
< input type = " button " name = " date_fill " value = " Fill Current Date " onclick = " FillDate() " />
< br />< ? php
if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'show_startdate' ]) { // If there is a start date show storage expiration message.
echo ( $row_Recordset2 [ 'date_day' ] == " 0000-00-00 " ) ? $row_Recordset2 [ 'storage_days_left' ] . " days of storage remaining. Bike must be finished by " . $row_Recordset2 [ 'storage_deadline' ] . " . " : " Bike is marked as complete and should no longer be stored in the shop. " ;
2014-12-29 01:18:02 +00:00
} ?> </td>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
< ? php if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'show_amount' ]){ ?>
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td >< label > Price :</ label ></ td >
< td >< input name = " amount " type = " text " id = " amount " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['format_amount'] ; ?> " size = " 6 " /></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
< ? php } // end if show amount
if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'community_bike' ]){ //community bike will allow a quantity to be selected for Yellow Bikes and Kids Bikes?>
< tr >
< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td valign = " top " >< label > Quantity :</ label ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< input name = " quantity " type = " text " id = " quantity " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['quantity'] ; ?> " size = " 3 " maxlength = " 3 " /></ td >
</ tr >
< ? php } // end if show quanitiy for community bikes
if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'show_description' ]){ ?>
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td valign = " top " >< label >< ? php echo $row_Recordset3 [ 'fieldname_description' ]; ?> :</label></td>
2014-12-29 07:53:41 +00:00
< td >< textarea name = " description " cols = " 45 " rows = " 3 " >< ? php echo $row_Recordset2 [ 'description' ]; ?> </textarea></td>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< tr >
< td ></ td >
< td >< label > Payment Type :</ label ></ td >
< td >
2014-12-29 07:53:41 +00:00
< input type = " radio " name = " payment_type " value = " cash "
< ? php if ( $row_Recordset2 [ 'payment_type' ] == " cash " ) { echo " checked " ; } ?> >Cash
< input type = " radio " name = " payment_type " value = " credit "
< ? php if ( $row_Recordset2 [ 'payment_type' ] == " credit " ) { echo " checked " ; } ?> >Credit Card
< input type = " radio " name = " payment_type " value = " check "
< ? php if ( $row_Recordset2 [ 'payment_type' ] == " check " ) { echo " checked " ; } ?> >Check
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
</ td >
</ tr >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< ? php } // end if show_description
if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'show_soldto_location' ]){ // if location show row?>
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td >< label >< ? php echo $row_Recordset3 [ 'fieldname_soldto' ]; ?> :</label></td>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< ? php
if ( $row_Recordset3 [ 'show_soldto_location' ]){
list_donation_locations_withheader ( 'sold_to' , $row_Recordset2 [ 'sold_to' ]);
$record_trans_id = $row_Recordset2 [ 'transaction_id' ];
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
// echo " <a href=\"location_add_edit.php?trans_id={$record_trans_id}&contact_id=new_contact\">Create New Location</a> | <a href=\"location_add_edit_select.php?trans_id={$record_trans_id}&contact_id=new_contact\">Edit Existing Location</a>";
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
} else {
//list_CurrentShopUsers_select('sold_to', $row_Recordset2['sold_to']);
} ?> </td>
</ tr > < ? php } //end if show location row ?>
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
< td >< label >< ? php echo $row_Recordset3 [ 'fieldname_soldby' ]; ?> :</label></td>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< ? php if ( current_shop_by_ip () > 0 ) list_current_coordinators_select ( 'sold_by' , $row_Recordset2 [ 'sold_by' ]); else list_contacts_coordinators ( 'sold_by' , $row_Recordset2 [ 'sold_by' ]);
//list_contacts_coordinators('sold_by', $row_Recordset2['sold_by']);
//list_current_coordinators_select('sold_by', $row_Recordset2['sold_by']);
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< input type = " hidden " name = " MM_insert " value = " FormEdit " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " transaction_id " value = " <?php echo $trans_id ; ?> " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " db_date_startstorage " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['date_startstorage'] ; ?> " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " db_date " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['date'] ; ?> " >
</ form ></ td >
2014-12-29 00:14:26 +00:00
<!-- PayPal column for edit transactions -->
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td colspan = " 1 " align = " right " valign = " top " >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< form action = " https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr " method = " post " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " cmd " value = " _xclick " />
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " business " value = " donate@positivespin.org " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " item_name " value = " PS Transaction <?php echo $row_Recordset2['transaction_id'] ; ?>: <?php echo $row_Recordset2['transaction_type'] ; ?> - <?php echo $row_Recordset2['description'] ; ?> " />
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " amount " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset2['format_amount'] ; ?> " />
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
<!-- < input type = " hidden " name = " item_number " value = " " /> -->
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " no_shipping " value = " 1 " />
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " return " value = " http://fsbomorgantown.com:84/transaction_log.php?error=transactioncomplete " />
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " hidden " name = " no_note " value = " 1 " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " currency_code " value = " USD " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " tax " value = " 0 " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " bn " value = " PP-DonationsBF " />
< input type = " image " src = " https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif " border = " 0 " name = " submit " alt = " Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! " />
< img alt = " Donate " border = " 0 " src = " https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif " width = " 1 " height = " 1 " />
</ form > </ td >
</ tr >
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
< ? php // Form to create a transaction
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
} else { //This section executes if it is not the transaction_id selected NOT FOR EDIT ?>
< form method = " post " name = " FormNew " action = " <?php echo $editFormAction ; ?> " >
< tr bordercolor = " #CCCCCC " bgcolor = " #CCCC33 " >
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
< td colspan = " 8 " >< p >< strong > Start New Transaction :</ strong >< br />& nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; & nbsp ; Select Type : < ? php list_transaction_types ( 'transaction_type' , $default_transaction_type ); ?>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< input type = " submit " name = " Submit43 " value = " Create Transaction " />
</ p > </ td >
</ tr >
< input type = " hidden " name = " MM_insert " value = " FormNew " >
</ form >
< ? php } // if ?>
< tr bordercolor = " #CCCCCC " bgcolor = " #99CC33 " >
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td width = " 50 " >< strong > Shop </ strong ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td width = " 100 " >< strong > Date </ strong ></ td >
< td width = " 200 " bgcolor = " #99CC33 " >< strong > Sale Type </ strong ></ td >
< td width = " 70 " >< strong > Amount </ strong ></ td >
< td width = " 300 " >< strong > Description </ strong ></ td >
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td >< strong > Patron </ strong ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td width = " 50 " >< strong > Edit </ strong ></ td >
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
< td >< strong > Paid </ strong ></ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
2014-12-20 02:27:44 +00:00
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< ? php while ( $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $Recordset1 )) { //do { ?>
< form method = " post " name = " FormView_<?php echo $row_Recordset1['transaction_id'] ; ?> " action = " <?php echo $editFormAction ; ?> " >
2014-12-26 06:26:26 +00:00
< tr bordercolor = '#CCCCCC' < ? php
echo (( intval ( $row_Recordset1 [ 'transaction_id' ]) == intval ( $trans_id )) ? " bgcolor='#CCCC33' " : " " );
if ( $row_Recordset1 [ 'paid' ] == 1 ) { echo " bgcolor='#99CC33' " ; }
?> >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset1 [ 'shop_id' ]; ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset1 [ 'date_wday' ]; ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset1 [ 'transaction_type' ]; ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset1 [ 'format_amount' ]; ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset1 [ 'description_with_locations' ]; ?> </td>
2014-12-17 23:03:32 +00:00
< td >< ? php echo $row_Recordset1 [ 'full_name' ]; ?> </td>
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
< td >< ? php $record_trans_id = $row_Recordset1 [ 'transaction_id' ]; echo " <a href= \" { $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] } ?trans_id= { $record_trans_id } \" >edit</a> " ; ?> </td>
2014-12-26 06:26:26 +00:00
< td >< input class = " paid " type = " checkbox " name = " <?php echo $row_Recordset1['transaction_id'] ; ?> "
value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset1['paid'] ;?> "
< ? php if ( $row_Recordset1 [ 'paid' ] == 1 ) { echo " checked " ; } ?>
2014-12-27 07:59:59 +00:00
2014-12-26 06:26:26 +00:00
</ td >
2014-11-04 06:39:31 +00:00
</ tr >
< input type = " hidden " name = " MM_insert " value = " FormUpdate " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " shop_visit_id " value = " <?php echo $row_Recordset1['transaction_id'] ; ?> " >
</ form >
< ? php } //while ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1)); // while Recordset1 ?>
</ table > </ tr >
< tr >
< td height = " 40 " valign = " bottom " >< form id = " form1 " name = " form1 " method = " post " action = " " >
< p >< br />
< input name = " record_count " type = " text " value = " 30 " size = " 3 " maxlength = " 3 " />
transactions on or before :
< input name = " trans_date " type = " text " id = " trans_date " value = " <?php echo current_date(); ?> " size = " 10 " maxlength = " 10 " />
( date format YYYY - MM - DD ) Day of week :
< select name = " dayname " >
< option value = " alldays " selected = " selected " > All Days </ option >
< option value = " Monday " > Monday </ option >
< option value = " Tuesday " > Tuesday </ option >
< option value = " Wednesday " > Wednesday </ option >
< option value = " Thursday " > Thursday </ option >
< option value = " Friday " > Friday </ option >
< option value = " Saturday " > Saturday </ option >
< option value = " Sunday " > Sunday </ option >
</ select >
</ p >
< p > Type of transaction < ? php list_transaction_types_withheader ( 'trans_type' , 'all_types' ); ?>
< input type = " submit " name = " Submit " value = " Add Filter " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " MM_insert " value = " ChangeDate " />
</ p >
</ form >
< ? php if ( current_shop_by_ip () > 1 ) echo " current shop " ; else echo " no shop " ; ?>
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< p >& nbsp ; </ p >
< ? php include ( " include_footer.html " ); ?>
< ? php
mysql_free_result ( $Recordset1 );