@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ INSERT INTO transaction_types
-- - added check_number (Check#)
-- - added change_fund to keep track of changes in the fund
-- - added anonymous to store whether set or not for a transaction
-- - added history to store transaction history
-- - modified description from varchar(200) to text to reflect GnuCash, and possible use of
-- a GUI editor in the future.
-- transaction_id, date_startstorage, date,transaction_type, amount,
-- description, sold_to, sold_by, quantity, shop_id, paid
@ -184,3 +187,5 @@ ALTER TABLE transaction_log ADD payment_type varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE transaction_log ADD check_number int ( 10 ) unsigned DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE transaction_log ADD change_fund float DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE transaction_log ADD anonymous tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' 0 ' ;
ALTER TABLE transaction_log ADD history longblob NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE transaction_log MODIFY description text ( 2048 ) DEFAULT NULL ;