@ -89,6 +89,19 @@ if($_GET['contact_id_search']=='everyone'){ |
$contact_id_state = 'everyone'; |
} |
if($_GET['search']==''){ |
$search = ''; |
$search_state = ''; |
} elseif(isset($_GET['search'])) { |
$search = "AND description REGEXP" . "'" . $_GET['search'] . "'"; |
//$search = "AND description LIKE" . "'%" . $_GET['search'] . "%'"; |
$search_state = $_GET['search']; |
} else { |
$search = ''; |
$search_state = ''; |
} |
//record_count (SQL or state) |
if($_GET['record_count']>0){ |
$record_count = $_GET['record_count']; |
@ -99,6 +112,7 @@ if($_GET['record_count']>0){ |
// create a string to remember state |
$search_state_array = array( |
"search" => $search_state, |
"contact_id_search" => $contact_id_state, |
"trans_date" => $trans_date_state, |
"trans_type" => $trans_type_state, |
@ -132,7 +146,7 @@ LEFT(IF(show_startdate, CONCAT(' [', |
FROM transaction_log |
LEFT JOIN contacts ON transaction_log.sold_to=contacts.contact_id |
LEFT JOIN transaction_types ON transaction_log.transaction_type=transaction_types.transaction_type_id |
WHERE 1=1 {$trans_date} {$shop_dayname} {$trans_type} {$contact_id} ORDER BY transaction_id DESC LIMIT 0, $record_count;"; |
WHERE 1=1 {$trans_date} {$shop_dayname} {$trans_type} {$contact_id} {$search} ORDER BY transaction_id DESC LIMIT 0, $record_count;"; |
$Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $YBDB) or die(mysql_error()); |
$totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1); |
@ -330,9 +344,9 @@ if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "ConfirmDelete") && |
header(sprintf("Location: %s", PAGE_SALE_LOG . "?trans_id={$delete_trans_id}&" . $search_state )); //$editFormAction |
} |
//Change Date & Search isset($_POST["MM_update"]) ========================================================= |
//Change Date & Transaction Search isset($_POST["MM_update"]) ========================================================= |
if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "ChangeDate")) { |
$editFormAction = "?trans_date={$_POST['trans_date']}&trans_type={$_POST['trans_type']}&shop_dayname={$_POST['dayname']}&record_count={$_POST['record_count']}&contact_id_search={$_POST['contact_id_search']}"; |
$editFormAction = "?trans_date={$_POST['trans_date']}&trans_type={$_POST['trans_type']}&shop_dayname={$_POST['dayname']}&record_count={$_POST['record_count']}&contact_id_search={$_POST['contact_id_search']}&search={$_POST['search']}"; |
header(sprintf("Location: %s",$editFormAction )); //$editFormAction |
} |
@ -702,8 +716,17 @@ if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "ChangeDate")) { |
$row_Recordset1['full_name'] . "</a>"; |
} |
?> </td> |
<?php |
// Highlight search results in Description |
$description = $row_Recordset1['description_with_locations']; |
if(!empty($_GET["search"])) { |
$description = highlightKeywords($row_Recordset1['description_with_locations'],$_GET["search"]); |
} |
?> |
<td <?php echo "title='Description: " . htmlspecialchars($row_Recordset1['description_with_locations'], ENT_QUOTES) . "'"; ?> ><?php echo $row_Recordset1['description_with_locations']; ?> </td> |
<td <?php echo "title='Description: " . htmlspecialchars($row_Recordset1['description_with_locations'], ENT_QUOTES) . "'"; ?> ><?php echo $description; ?> </td> |
<td><?php echo $row_Recordset1['payment_type']; ?> </td> |
<td <?php |
$history = json_decode($row_Recordset1['history']); |
@ -860,9 +883,11 @@ if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "ChangeDate")) { |
<option value="Sunday">Sunday</option> |
</select> |
transaction type <?php list_transaction_types_withheader('trans_type', 'all_types'); ?> by |
transaction type <?php list_transaction_types_withheader('trans_type', 'all_types'); ?> by |
<?php list_contacts_select_contact(contact_id_search, $_GET['contact_id_search']);?> <br \> with these words |
<?php list_contacts_select_contact(contact_id_search, $_GET['contact_id_search']);?> |
<input type="text" name="search" value="<?php echo $_GET[search]; ?>" /> |
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> |