@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ define("CHANGE_FUND", 20);
// shop will be current shop for the 24hr day yyyy-mm-dd (currently no check for hrs, only date)
define("SHOP_HOURS_LENGTH", 10);
// What minute interval should be displayed for list_time()? Anotherwards, the time_in and time_out pulldown lists.
// choose an interval that is divisible by 60 minutes, 1, 5, 15, 30 etc.
/* If you elect to keep records for non-shop hours, decide which shop should be used for that purpose.
The first shop created, 1, makes sense. A link will show in start_shop.php.
@ -568,13 +571,48 @@ function list_15min($start_time, $start_offset_min, $form_name, $hours, $display
echo "< / select > ";
// replacement for the hardwired list_min15()
function list_min($start_time, $start_offset_min, $form_name, $hours, $display_elapsed_hours, $default_value, $min=15){
list($date, $time) = split('[ ]', $start_time);
list($Y, $m, $d) = split('[-]', $date);
list($H, $i, $s) = split('[:]', $time);
//$min_inc is used to round round to nearest 15min
$min_inc = $min - intval($i) % $min;
$start_time = mktime($H, $i, 0, $m,$d,$Y) + $min_inc * 60 + $start_offset_min*60 ;
//$start_time_am = date("H:i a", mktime($H, $i, $s, 1,1,2000));
echo "< select name = \"$form_name\" > ";
if($default_value < > "none" & & $default_value < > "0000-00-00 00:00:00"){
//if a default value is requested it is displayed at the top of the list
echo '< option value = "' . $default_value . '" > ' . date_to_time($default_value) . '< / option > ';
if (current_date() == $date) {
// if current date does not match shop date current date will no be an option
echo '< option value = "current_time" > Current Time< / option > ';
echo '< option value = "current_time" > --------------------< / option > ';
for ($j = 0; $j < = $hours* (60 / $min); $j++) {
$list_time = $start_time + $j*$min*60;
if ($display_elapsed_hours == 1) {
$elapsed_hours = " [" . date("G:i",mktime(0, 0, 0, 1,1,2000) + ($j+1)*$min*60). " hrs]";
} else {
$elapsed_hours = "";
$list_time_return = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $list_time);
$list_time_display = date("g:i a", $list_time). $elapsed_hours;
echo "< option value = \"". $ list_time_return . " \ " > " . $list_time_display . "< / option > ";
echo "< / select > ";
function list_time($time_list_start, $time, $form_name = "none", $start_offset_min = 0 , $display_elapsed_hours = 0, $default_value = "none", $hours_listed = 8, $et = ""){
if($time == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || $default_value < > "none"){
//create drop down
//echo list_15min("0000-00-00 01:20:00", 4, "frm_time_out" );
echo list_15min($time_list_start,$start_offset_min, $form_name, $hours_listed, $display_elapsed_hours, $default_value );
echo list_min($time_list_start,$start_offset_min, $form_name, $hours_listed, $display_elapsed_hours, $default_value, LIST_MINUTE_INTERVAL );
} else {
//list time out
echo date_to_time($time) . " [{$et} hrs]";