Commit Graph

  • 6bd1742c54 Improves the code be expanding the scope of the volunteer benefits object, and providing correct calculations in Stand Time so that the stand time transaction is properly rendered on select change. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 22:42:55 +0000
  • 609078a60d Removes an uncessary function call and callback return that was used to Stand Time which was replaced by accurate code in transactions.js. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 22:41:48 +0000
  • c814e49031 Adds Stand Time to membership benefits definition. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 22:40:44 +0000
  • 945428b0c9 didn't hack it, back to amount.on. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 20:17:43 +0000
  • 6f3fc83a0b Adds a few additional transactions to the membership benefits definition. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 20:08:36 +0000
  • de853b5da0 Adds membership discount span. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 20:08:02 +0000
  • dd6a77f1d8 Adds membership discount to volunteer benefits css. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 20:07:17 +0000
  • eaa1d18788 Assigns a value if transaction tests true for membership discount. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 20:06:08 +0000
  • f040988854 This changes on to one which is a better strategy when it is only necessary for the handler to fire once and empty the results for the membership discount. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 18:00:34 +0000
  • 137cc27ca1 Properly displays discounted price in #membership_discount. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 17:33:47 +0000
  • a0f3e74165 This improves the math for membership discount and shows it in the original price element. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 03:40:15 +0000
  • 20741bd9d6 Provides membership discount value on callback. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 01:29:53 +0000
  • f69c4d49c9 Defines Membership discount. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-07 01:22:06 +0000
  • 1f73ed2a2e Changed to allow unlimited hour-to-hour Stand Time. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-06 19:03:39 +0000
  • 2d264773ed This properly records orginal price when redeeming volunteer hours for Stand Time when input is already pre-filled. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-06 08:22:55 +0000
  • 09cc2893a4 Improves the output feedback. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-06 07:16:55 +0000
  • a084161d03 Free stand time for bike purchases is now working. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-06 07:00:52 +0000
  • ff0bb290e2 Tests the free stand time callback. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-06 05:18:53 +0000
  • fc694c4a87 Adds new stand time definition for free stand time period. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-06 05:17:58 +0000
  • aab521eb6b Improves the max bike earned logic. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 22:01:02 +0000
  • e852af5e5f Max Bike Earned logic now working. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 21:15:20 +0000
  • fb0e9cfbfb Corrects some human introduced bugs by returned code to earlier state. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 19:22:02 +0000
  • 3e18f89e65 Discount works properly when redeemable value is not greater than sweat equity limit. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 19:05:16 +0000
  • 27ff8f87d2 Corrects an introduced bug where max is assigned a value, but obj.volunteer does not have a value assigned, yet. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 18:28:16 +0000
  • 165b81adc5 Gives a 0 value when there is no vhr & vhr Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 18:13:57 +0000
  • 2f33f8eef8 If volunteer hours remaining is 0, spinner is disabled on spin or zeroed on input. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 06:44:59 +0000
  • 17573c20e4 Adds new value to redeemable function, and comments unneccesary code in function. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 06:13:59 +0000
  • 5e80aedca7 Fills in the blanks for volunteer hours remaining and redeemed in mouseover. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 05:49:25 +0000
  • bc747c90a2 Creates new object when year changes. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 04:41:55 +0000
  • 9e8ea84a0e Assigns 0.00 if redeemable_hours are NaN, and runs a test so info isn't shown esessentially for a non-volunteer. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 03:42:21 +0000
  • 5047f59996 This uses tradition declaration notation rather than emacscript 6 notation, just for compatibility with older browsers. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-05 03:08:18 +0000
  • b7f128feca Creates the object, and adds redeemed hours together. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-04 06:25:27 +0000
  • aeb6b23889 Adds volunteer history update. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-04 06:24:54 +0000
  • a48fb518f7 Saves redeemed hour value properly if previous edited transaction is saved again. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 21:39:08 +0000
  • f95f2d2b2c This gets volunteer history select working correctly. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 21:23:13 +0000
  • e6b05b4eab Callback to query Volunteer benefits history. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 21:10:25 +0000
  • 086a87900a Adds delete_transaction id so that delete can be turned off for completed / saved transactions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 21:09:33 +0000
  • 8ed0677750 Now a previous saved transaction cannot be deleted. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 21:08:28 +0000
  • 34e91b07bd Adds original_price span. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 20:28:34 +0000
  • c1bde007b4 Minor text edit. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 20:27:53 +0000
  • 63cecfc678 Fixes a minor bug introduced on first transaction for benefit transactions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 20:26:47 +0000
  • daf885cc4a Shows original price and redeemed volunteer hours for saved transaction when edit button is pressed. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 20:03:27 +0000
  • 7147ea6213 Adds to new values (original_price and redeemed_hours) to the history for benefit transactions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 19:44:38 +0000
  • 04846ae362 Uses a new type for the volunteer column. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 03:29:35 +0000
  • d0e88bac58 Turns off/on spinner for membership based on choices in functions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-03 00:15:38 +0000
  • d4cb86b3c0 Adds transactions_with_volunteer_benefits and transactions_with_membership_benefits. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 22:27:39 +0000
  • c214c48a3d Adds an additional check for Stand Time or nothing else works. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 22:07:03 +0000
  • 2508653fef Shows amount if expired membership & status is stand time. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 21:27:34 +0000
  • 23d8bcf60e Adds the correct conversion for Stand Time transactions, still limited like normal transactions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 21:15:11 +0000
  • bd00d498f1 Corrects a bug, by returning a deleted value. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 20:27:13 +0000
  • 1c6508abd0 This corrects the math for all situations. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 20:16:17 +0000
  • a225aacda4 Adds the discount math. One unimportant bug created which will be fixed. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 09:15:11 +0000
  • 76b73352dc Adds VOLUNTEER_DISCOUNT. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 06:18:46 +0000
  • cf7bcd5103 Function redeemable added to handle duplicate logic for volunteer hours spinner. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-02 05:13:43 +0000
  • 35c3a69f73 This doesn't allow a value > current_year_volunteer_values on input. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-01 05:57:34 +0000
  • 38286d280a Now uses stand_time_value for "Stand Time" transactions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-01 05:34:49 +0000
  • 6a89e5d675 Adds a new definition, stand_time_value. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-08-01 05:15:20 +0000
  • 0ef4138aa4 Changes the logic so that price is read for stand time transactions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-31 21:58:58 +0000
  • 6b8cdbe0af Adds logic to keyboard input, and makes incremental true. Nice stuff. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-31 21:27:12 +0000
  • 52ba58d805 Changes the model suggestion for volunteer table. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-31 21:07:51 +0000
  • 157cb8474d This gets some of the basic logic working for redeeming volunteer hours. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-31 21:06:40 +0000
  • 7fb848f7d4 The corrects a hereunto unknown very minor bug where data is not being check for value in the deposit calculator function. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-30 20:02:25 +0000
  • a557e2b8f5 This sets up some of the math framework to redeem volunteer hours from amount. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-29 20:56:45 +0000
  • 4feb5022eb Puts all volunteer data into one column called "volunteer". Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-29 20:29:18 +0000
  • 81e261bc6a Finally have the values rendering properly. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-28 01:26:54 +0000
  • 793fcb42e1 Adds a better regexp thanks to this: Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-27 19:27:19 +0000
  • 21125249ea Makes it even nicer thanks to this good read: Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-27 19:12:19 +0000
  • 1202c4909a This cleans up things a bit for spinner. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-27 18:47:16 +0000
  • e663006698 Some experimentation making sure the spinner is working. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-27 18:01:53 +0000
  • 960296c856 Adds the spinner libraries to the code, and adds some css values. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-27 17:58:53 +0000
  • 9f263a68d6 Adds the jQuery UI spinner. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-27 17:44:35 +0000
  • 670d27432b Add MAX_BIKE_EARNED definition. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-26 19:19:28 +0000
  • c6f68ff19b Fixes a presentation bug for paid member in Stand Time. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-24 05:30:36 +0000
  • 7a09ccfead Won't charge stand time if a member. Simplified callback reusing funtion. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-24 05:02:21 +0000
  • f1daa79213 Fixes a bug, and adds membership_benefits function for easier querying. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-24 04:45:51 +0000
  • ff0142aa30 Improves logic for multiple logins and real sign out. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-24 01:26:50 +0000
  • 55620576dd Adds styling for stand time info. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-24 01:25:57 +0000
  • a05575999c Improves the presentation. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-23 19:57:43 +0000
  • eaefff480c Figures out stand time amount with optional grace period. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-23 19:06:52 +0000
  • 7969da316c Adds a missing ; in new definition. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-23 17:13:48 +0000
  • e724e8d9cb The beginnings of Stand Time logic. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-23 16:57:23 +0000
  • 3087e5d21f Adds Stand Time transaction type. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-23 16:56:12 +0000
  • ea3390354c Adds Stand Time definitions. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-23 16:55:08 +0000
  • 40a2a6abab Tests if volunteer_hours exists. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-20 22:47:37 +0000
  • 1805449b50 Changes Personal to Stand Time and many other things: Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-20 22:29:33 +0000
  • df15b6933f Adds some improvements: Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-20 20:29:47 +0000
  • c70bac75f7 The corrects a logic error for show_description. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-20 20:12:36 +0000
  • 3c734a60e2 Fixes active flag for transation_type pulldowns. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-20 19:09:18 +0000
  • 79e246246d Now carries over the current year volunteer hours data. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-18 05:02:44 +0000
  • e9da500848 This adds SQL logic for current year volunteer hours and visits. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-18 04:42:34 +0000
  • f782cb90fc This adds the current year to the title for volunteer hours. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-18 04:40:01 +0000
  • 9d07e9a740 Improves the presentation logic. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 20:50:12 +0000
  • 787fff74d6 Adds initial Volunteer Hour logic and displays in transactions with title. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 20:38:23 +0000
  • 3a0a83cd37 Adds same SQL logic as with paid_membership stats. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 19:16:21 +0000
  • be7155de5d Improves the text in the headers. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 19:12:16 +0000
  • 8a8009c1f1 Removes an unintentional copy/paste bug. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 19:10:31 +0000
  • 7ce6389cd6 Adds another MAX so newest expiration date is reflected. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 19:06:48 +0000
  • 8089b40f19 Changed to show only the most recent membership. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 18:45:20 +0000
  • afb64b7420 Adds title in span with email, phone, exp. date for membership. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 09:16:46 +0000
  • fb422fcc3b This returns the latest expiration date for membership. Jonathan Rosenbaum 2017-07-17 07:11:21 +0000