DOCKER Assuming you have installed docker on a server, it is much easier to setup YBDB with the docker image at or build a customized version from the source code at . As part of Positive Spin's project to determine which software would best fit our needs, docker demos were created from all known existing F/OSS community bike shop software at . CUSTOMIZE If you want to build your own image to use at a Community Bike Shop, you will most likely want to setup ssl for the http server, create self-signed certificates and a htpasswd file (see secure-terminals.txt), and edit populate.sql and database_functions.php. These changes will need to be reflected in the Dockerfile. Never forget, if you make changes to any Community Bike Shop code, merge your changes back into the main project so that all collectives may benefit from the awesomeness of Free Software. WHAT NEXT? You will want to keep regular backups, have scripts that start/stop the container, and monitor the main docker process. BACKUPS Redundancy is great. Save backups to at least two locations. Obviously, the "YB" Database is the most important thing to backup, and Docker makes backing up a container easy. START/STOP SCRIPTS Example of the standard upstart script used to start/stop bikebike docker containers: description "Positive O Spin's container" author "Jonathan Rosenbaum " start on started docker stop on runlevel [016] respawn exec start-stop-daemon --start --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/ --exec /usr/bin/docker start pos MONITOR DOCKER PROCESS Because docker container processes are children processes that change, only the main docker pidfile is monitored by monit. check process docker with pidfile /var/run/ start = "/sbin/start docker" stop = "/sbin/stop docker"