# Just a document to keep track about what all the included header files do, and why there are so many. include_header.html is in: contact_add_edit_select.php individual_history_log.php individual_hours_log.php location_add_edit.php location_add_edit.php location_add_edit_select.php shop_welcome.php stats.php transaction_log.php [Identical to include_header_shop with the exception of jquery-ui .. no big advantage] include_header_shop.html is in: shop_log.php start_shop.php [Because it has different body layout, namely the inclusion of About/Help] include_header_contacts.html is in: contact_add_edit.php [Identical to include_header_shop with the exception of transactions.css, transactions.js and shop.js, if these files are included the slider gets slightly messed up in appearance.] include_header_stats.html is in: stats/* [important because it defines correct path] REMOVED: include_header_start_shop.html is in: start_shop.php [identical to include_header_shop.html]