module.exports = function (grunt) { // var esperanto = require('esperanto'); var rollup = require('rollup').rollup; // var babel = require('rollup-plugin-babel'); var path = require('path'); var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; var TMP_DIR = 'build/tmp'; function moveComments(code, moveType) { var comments = [], rest = [], skipId = -1; code.split('\n').forEach(function (line, i) { var isComment = false; if (line.trim().slice(0, 3) === '//!') { isComment = true; } if (isComment && moveType === 'main-only') { if (i === skipId + 1 || line.trim() === '//! moment.js locale configuration') { skipId = i; // continue to next line return; } } if (isComment) { comments.push(line.trim()); } else { rest.push(line); } }); return comments.concat([''], rest).join('\n'); } var headerCache = {}; function getHeaderByFile(headerFile) { if (headerFile === 'none') { return ''; } if (!(headerFile in headerCache)) { headerCache[headerFile] =; } return headerCache[headerFile]; } function rollupBundle(opts) { // entry, umdName, skipMoment var rollupOpts = { entry: opts.entry, plugins: [ // babel({}) ] }, bundleOpts = { format: 'umd', moduleName: opts.umdName != null ? opts.umdName : 'not_used' }; if (opts.skipMoment) { // And this is what people call progress? rollupOpts.external = [ './moment', '../moment', '../../moment', path.resolve('src/moment'), path.resolve('build/tmp/moment') ]; bundleOpts.globals = {}; bundleOpts.globals[path.resolve('src/moment')] = 'moment'; bundleOpts.globals[path.resolve('build/tmp/moment')] = 'moment'; } return rollup(rollupOpts).then(function (bundle) { return bundle.generate(bundleOpts); }).then(function (result) { return result.code; }); } function transpile(opts) { // base, entry, skipMoment, headerFile, skipLines, target var umdName = opts.headerFile != null && opts.headerFile !== 'none' ? 'not_used' : opts.umdName, headerFile = opts.headerFile ? opts.headerFile : 'templates/default.js', header = getHeaderByFile(headerFile), skipLines = opts.skipLines != null ? opts.skipLines : 5; return rollupBundle({ entry: path.join(opts.base, opts.entry), skipMoment: opts.skipMoment != null ? opts.skipMoment : false, umdName: umdName }).then(function (code) { var fixed = header + code.split('\n').slice(skipLines).join('\n'); if (opts.moveComments) { fixed = moveComments(fixed, opts.moveComments); } grunt.file.write(, fixed); }); } function transpileMany(opts) { var batchSize = 50, promise = Promise.resolve(null), files = grunt.file.expand({cwd: opts.base}, opts.pattern), i, transpileOne = function (i) { promise = promise.then(function () { return Promise.all(files.slice(i, i + batchSize).map(function (file) { return transpile({ base: opts.base, entry: file, headerFile: opts.headerFile, skipMoment: opts.skipMoment, skipLines: opts.skipLines, moveComments: opts.moveComments, target: path.join(opts.targetDir, file) }); })); }); }; for (i = 0; i < files.length; i += batchSize) { transpileOne(i); } return promise; } function prepareTemp(base) { var files = grunt.file.expand({cwd: base}, '**/*.js'), tmpDir = TMP_DIR; if (grunt.file.exists(tmpDir)) { return; } files.forEach(function (file) { grunt.file.copy(path.join(base, file), path.join(tmpDir, file)); }); } function transpileCode(opts) { var entry = opts.entry || path.basename(; prepareTemp(opts.base); grunt.file.write(path.join(TMP_DIR, entry), opts.code); return transpile({ base: TMP_DIR, entry: entry, umdName: opts.umdName || 'not_used', headerFile: opts.headerFile, skipLines: opts.skipLines, moveComments: opts.moveComments, target:, skipMoment: opts.skipMoment }); } function generateLocales(target, localeFiles, opts) { var files = localeFiles, code = [ 'import moment from "./moment";', 'export default moment;' ].concat( (file) { var identifier = path.basename(file, '.js').replace('-', '_'); return 'import ' + identifier + ' from "./' + file + '";'; })).concat([ // Reset the language back to 'en', because every defineLocale // also sets it. 'moment.locale(\'en\');' ]).join('\n'); return transpileCode({ base: 'src', code: code, target: target, skipMoment: opts.skipMoment, headerFile: opts.skipMoment === true ? 'templates/locale-header.js' : 'templates/default.js', skipLines: opts.skipMoment === true ? 7 : 5 }); } grunt.task.registerTask('transpile-raw', 'convert es6 to umd', function () { var done = this.async(); transpile({ base: 'src', entry: 'moment.js', umdName: 'moment', target: 'build/umd/moment.js', skipLines: 5, moveComments: true }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/moment.js'); }).then(function () { return transpileMany({ base: 'src', pattern: 'locale/*.js', headerFile: 'templates/locale-header.js', skipLines: 7, moveComments: true, targetDir: 'build/umd', skipMoment: true }); }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/locale/*.js'); }).then(function () { return transpileMany({ base: 'src', pattern: 'test/moment/*.js', headerFile: 'templates/test-header.js', skipLines: 7, moveComments: true, targetDir: 'build/umd', skipMoment: true }); }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/test/moment/*.js'); }).then(function () { return transpileMany({ base: 'src', pattern: 'test/locale/*.js', headerFile: 'templates/test-header.js', skipLines: 7, moveComments: true, targetDir: 'build/umd', skipMoment: true }); }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/test/locale/*.js'); }).then(function () { return generateLocales( 'build/umd/min/locales.js', grunt.file.expand({cwd: 'src'}, 'locale/*.js'), {skipMoment: true} ); }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/min/locales.js'); }).then(function () { return generateLocales( 'build/umd/min/moment-with-locales.js', grunt.file.expand({cwd: 'src'}, 'locale/*.js'), {skipMoment: false} ); }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/min/moment-with-locales.js'); }).then(done, function (e) { grunt.log.error('error transpiling', e); done(e); }); }); grunt.task.registerTask('transpile-custom-raw', 'build just custom language bundles', function (locales) { var done = this.async(); var localeFiles = locales.split(',').map(function (locale) { var file = grunt.file.expand({cwd: 'src'}, 'locale/' + locale + '.js'); if (file.length !== 1) { // we failed to find a locale done(new Error('could not find locale: ' + locale)); done = null; } else { return file[0]; } }); // There was an issue with a locale if (done == null) { return; } return generateLocales( 'build/umd/min/locales.custom.js', localeFiles, {skipMoment: true} ).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/min/locales.custom.js'); }).then(function () { return generateLocales( 'build/umd/min/moment-with-locales.custom.js', localeFiles, {skipMoment: false}); }).then(function () { grunt.log.ok('build/umd/min/moment-with-locales.custom.js'); }).then(function () { var moment = require('../build/umd/min/moment-with-locales.custom.js'); if (moment.locales().filter(function (locale) { return locale !== 'en'; }).length !== localeFiles.length) { throw new Error( 'You probably specified locales requiring ' + 'parent locale, but didn\'t specify parent'); } }).then(done, function (e) { grunt.log.error('error transpiling-custom', e); done(e); }); }); grunt.config('', [ 'build' ]); grunt.config('concat.tests', { src: 'build/umd/test/**/*.js', dest: 'build/umd/min/tests.js' }); grunt.task.registerTask('transpile', 'builds all es5 files, optinally creating custom locales', function (locales) { var tasks = [ 'clean:build', 'transpile-raw', 'concat:tests' ]; if (locales) { tasks.push('transpile-custom-raw:' + locales); }; }); };