/* jQuery fun with transactions - Jonathan Rosenbaum */ // currently css is just hardwired, but that reflects the coding style of YBDB :) $(function() { $.ajaxSetup({async:false}); // best to do this in $.ajax, // but all ajax needs to be synchronous in this program because of the use of mysql $("select[name='transaction_type']").attr("tabindex",1); $("select[name='transaction_type']").focus(); $("input[value='Create Transaction']").attr("tabindex",2); $("#trans_date").mask("0000-00-00", {placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" }); // If page has not been reloaded after a shop period ends, prevent edit from working. // Note: create transaction covered via a mysql_error()), but with a reload. $('[href*="trans_id="]').click(function(e){ var remember_me; $.post("json/transaction.php", {shop_exist: 1}, function(data) { if (data == "no_shop") { var start_new_shop = "Start New Shop"; $("#current_shop").html(" " + start_new_shop + ""); } else { remember_me = "unbind"; } }); if (remember_me == "unbind") { $('[href*="trans_id="]').on('click'); } else { e.preventDefault(); } } ); // Do the same thing as previously, but for editing a transaction (could make a function :) $('#save_transaction').click(function(e){ var remember_me; $.post("json/transaction.php", {shop_exist: 1}, function(data) { if (data == "no_shop") { var start_new_shop = "Start New Shop"; $("#transaction_start_error").html(" " + start_new_shop + ""); } else { remember_me = "unbind"; } }); if (remember_me == "unbind") { $('#save_transaction').on('click'); } else { e.preventDefault(); } } ); // Does a current shop exist? var open_shop; $.post("json/transaction.php", {shop_exist: 1}, function(data) { if (data == "no_shop") { open_shop = data; var start_new_shop = "Start New Shop"; $("input[name='Submit43']").click(function(){ $("#current_shop").html(" " + start_new_shop + ""); event.preventDefault(); }); $('[href*="trans_id="]').click(function(){ $("#current_shop").html(" " + start_new_shop + ""); event.preventDefault(); }); $(".paid").click(function() { $("#current_shop").html(" " + start_new_shop + ""); return false; }); $('.editable_change').mouseover(function() { $("#current_shop").html(" " + start_new_shop + ""); $('.editable_change').editable("disable"); }); } } ); // paid or not? $(":checked").parent("td").prev().children().hide(); $(".paid").click(function() { if (open_shop == "no_shop") { return false; } if ($(this).prop("checked")) { $(this).closest("tr").css("background-color","#E6E7E6"); $('[href*="trans_id=' + this.name + '"]').hide(); $.post("json/transaction.php",{ paid: 1, transaction_id: this.name } ); } else { $(this).closest("tr").css("background-color","transparent"); $('[href*="trans_id=' + this.name + '"]').show(); $.post("json/transaction.php",{ paid: 0, transaction_id: this.name } ); } // Deposit Calculator for clicks deposit_calculator(); }); // paid or not? // Deposit Calculator on page reload if ( $(".paid").length ) { // any transactions? deposit_calculator(); } // Make Change Fund editable $('.editable_change input').mask("#0.00",{reverse: true, placeholder: "000"}); $('.editable_change').editable("json/transaction.php", { tooltip: "edit", event: "mouseover", onblur: "submit", name: "editable_change", height: "auto", callback : function(value, settings) { var obj = $.parseJSON(value) $("#" + this.id).text(obj.changed_change); var diff = Number(obj.changed_change) - Number(obj.change); var str = this.id; var id = str.match(/\d+/); if (diff != 0) { /* if(!$("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").length) { $("#" + this.id).after("") } else { $("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").show(); } */ $("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").show(); $("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").text("(" + diff.toFixed(2) + ")"); } else { $("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").hide(); } } }); // null or real number function payment_result(result) { if (result == null) { return 0; } else { return Number(result).toFixed(2); } }; // Deposit Calculator function function deposit_calculator() { var deposit = {}; $(".deposit input").each(function(count){ deposit[count] = this.name; }); $.post("json/transaction.php",{"deposit": deposit}, function(data) { var obj = $.parseJSON(data); $.each(obj,function(k,v){ // Cash / Check / Credit $("#" + k + "_cash span").text("$" + payment_result(v.cash)); $("#" + k + "_check span").text("$" + payment_result(v.check)); $("#" + k + "_credit span").text("$" + payment_result(v.credit)); // Sum var sum = Number(v.check) + Number(v.cash); $("#" + k + "_sum span").text("$" + sum.toFixed(2)); // Difference (regexp - good up to 6 places and 2 digits) var deposit_amount = $('input[name="' + k + '"]').parent().prev().prev().text().replace(/\$(\d*(?:,\d{3})*\.\d*)\s+/, "$1" ); deposit_amount = deposit_amount.replace(/,/, ""); if (deposit_amount != 0) { var diff = deposit_amount - sum; $("#" + k + "_difference span").text("$"+ diff.toFixed(2)); if ( diff == 0 ) { $("#" + k + "_difference").css("color","green"); } else { $("#" + k + "_difference").css("color","red"); } } else { $("#" + k + "_difference span").text("n/a"); } }); }); } // Deposit Calculator // editing a transaction if ( $("input[name='shop_id']").length ) { // make tabbing more predictable $("input[name='shop_id']").attr("tabindex",1); $("select[name='transaction_type']").attr("tabindex",2); $("input[name='date_startstorage']").attr("tabindex",3); $("input[name='date']").attr("tabindex",4); $("input[name='quantity']").attr("tabindex",5); $("textarea[name='description']").attr("tabindex",6); $("input[name='amount']").attr("tabindex",7); $("input[name='payment_type']").attr("tabindex",8); $("#check_number").attr("tabindex",9); $("select[name='sold_to']").attr("tabindex",10); $("select[name='sold_by']").attr("tabindex",11); $("input[value='Save']").attr("tabindex",12); $("input[value='Close']").attr("tabindex",13); // require that values be filled in a particular fashion $("#date").mask("0000-00-00", {placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" }); $("#amount").mask("#0.00", {reverse: true, placeholder: "000.00"}); $("#check_number").mask("#0", {reverse: true, placeholder: "check number"}); $transaction_id = $("input[name='transaction_id']").val(); //var check_number = $("#check_number").on("input"); // Anonymous Transaction? if ($("#anonymous").prop("checked")) { // on reload $("select[name='sold_to']").hide(); } else { $("select[name='sold_to']").show(); } $("#anonymous").click(function() { // on click if ($(this).prop("checked")) { $("select[name='sold_to']").hide(); $.post("json/transaction.php",{ anonymous: 1, transaction_id: $transaction_id } ); } else { $("select[name='sold_to']").show(); $.post("json/transaction.php",{ anonymous: 0, transaction_id: $transaction_id } ); } }); // what type of payment? cash, credit or check? $("input[name='payment_type']").click(function() { if ($(this).prop("checked")) { $.post("json/transaction.php",{ payment_type: this.value, transaction_id: $transaction_id } ); // check number? if (this.value == "check") { if ($("#check_number").length == 0) { $("#check").after('  '); $("#check_number").attr("tabindex",9); } else { $("#check_number").show(); } // return check # $.post("json/transaction.php",{ check_number: true, transaction_id: $transaction_id }, function(data) { var obj = $.parseJSON(data); if (obj.check_number) { $("#check_number").val(obj.check_number); } }); } else{ $("#check_number").hide(); } } }); // what type of payment? /* When the transaction is storage based, only show price and payment_type when a full date (yyyy-mm-dd) is entered. */ if ( $("#date_startstorage").length ) { // require that values be filled in a particular fashion $("#date_startstorage").mask("0000-00-00", {placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" }); var date_value = $("#date").val(); var date_test = /^\d{4}-((0\d)|(1[012]))-(([012]\d)|3[01])$/.test(date_value); if ( date_test && date_value != "0000-00-00" ) { $("#price").show(); $("#payment_type").show(); } else { $("#price").hide(); $("#payment_type").hide(); } $("#date_fill").click(function(){ $("#price").show(); $("#payment_type").show(); }) $("#date").on("input", function(){ date_test = /^\d{4}-((0\d)|(1[012]))-(([012]\d)|3[01])$/.test(this.value); if ( date_test && this.value != "0000-00-00" ) { $("#price").show(); $("#payment_type").show(); } else { $("#amount").val(""); $("#price").hide(); $('input[type=radio]').prop('checked',false).trigger('updateState'); $("#payment_type").hide(); // reset payment_type && amount $.post("json/transaction.php",{storage_payment_reset: 1, transaction_id: $transaction_id}); } }); // If storage date is NULL, update to 0000-00-00 on save $("#save_transaction").click(function() { if ( !$("#date").val().length ) { $("#date").val("0000-00-00"); } }); } // end testing for storage presentation } // editing a transaction });