var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), https = require('https'); var localeDir = path.join('src', 'locale'); var args = process.argv.slice(2); function help() { console.log(process.argv[1], '[list|mention|find-commenters] ARGS'); console.log(); console.log(' list show all authors in all locales'); console.log(' mention show all authors in all locales, ready to copy-paste in github issue'); console.log(' find-commenters #ID finds all people that participated in a github conversation'); } function extract() { var authors = {}; fs.readdirSync(localeDir).forEach(function (locale) { var content = fs.readFileSync(path.join(localeDir, locale), {encoding: 'utf-8'}), localeCode = locale.split('.')[0], localeAuthors = []; content.split('\n').forEach(function (line) { var match = line.match(/^\/\/! author.*github[.]com\/(.*)$/); if (match !== null) { // console.log(" ", line); localeAuthors.push(match[1]); } }); if (localeAuthors.length === 0) { // use to debug content.split('\n').forEach(function (line) { var match = line.match(/^\/\/! author(.*)$/); if (match !== null) { localeAuthors.push('---' + match[1]); } }); console.log(localeCode, localeAuthors); } else { authors[localeCode] = localeAuthors; } }); return authors; } function list() { var authors = extract(); Object.keys(authors).forEach(function (localeCode) { console.log(localeCode, authors[localeCode]); }); } function mention() { var authors = extract(); Object.keys(authors).forEach(function (localeCode) { console.log('- [ ]', localeCode, authors[localeCode].map(function (author) { return '@' + author; }).join(' ')); }); } function findCommenters(postId) { function fetchComments(page, callback) { var options = { hostname: '', port: 443, path: '/repos/moment/moment/issues/' + postId + '/comments?page=' + page, method: 'GET', headers: { 'User-Agent': 'node script' } }, links = {}; console.log('fetching', options.path); https.get(options, function (res) { if ('link' in res.headers) {', ').forEach(function(linkStr) { var pieces = linkStr.split('; '); var key = pieces[1].split('=')[1]; var link = pieces[0]; key = key.substr(1, key.length - 2); link = link.substr(1, link.length - 2); links[key] = link; }); } var bodyChunks = [], body; res.on('data', function (chunk) { bodyChunks.push(chunk); }); res.on('end', function () { body = bodyChunks.join(''); callback(page, JSON.parse(body), links); }); }); } var commenters = {}; var maxPage = 1; fetchComments(1, function (page, body, links) { handleBody(body, page); if ('last' in links) { maxPage = parseInt(links.last.split('=')[1], 10); } var pagesLeft = maxPage - 1; for (var p = 2; p <= maxPage; p += 1) { fetchComments(p, function (page, body, links) { handleBody(body, page); pagesLeft -= 1; if (pagesLeft === 0) { handleCommenters(Object.keys(commenters)); } }); } }); function handleBody(body, page) { body.forEach(function (comment) { console.log(page, comment.user.login); commenters[comment.user.login] = 1; }); } function handleCommenters(commenters) { console.log('len of commenters', commenters.length); console.log(commenters); } } if (args.length === 0) { help(); process.exit(0); } switch (args[0]) { case 'list': list(); break; case 'mention': mention(); break; case 'find-commenters': findCommenters(args[1]); break; default: console.log('unknown argument', args[0]); break; }